The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 303 Enthusiastic, kind-hearted, greedy Bell

Walking in the corridors of Hogwarts, you can hear the excited chatter of young wizards everywhere.

Even though half a month has passed since the incident, it is still not enough to make people's gossips diminish at all.

Harry caught Sirius Black and it made the front page of the Daily Prophet on Christmas morning.

By the way, the second article is, 'Is Fudge incompetent when he allowed Black to escape again? Or is there another secret? ’.

It is said that when Fudge saw this issue of the newspaper, he smashed everything in the office that could and could not be smashed.

Of course, no one actually cares about Fudge. People are more amazed that the boy who survived the disaster, who was only in the third grade, was able to defeat the mysterious man's capable subordinate.

For this reason, the three Harrys not only received the Hogwarts Special Contribution Award, but some people even suggested that Harry should be awarded the Level 2 Order of Merlin.

However, the awarding of the Order of Merlin cannot be decided simply, so it is still under discussion.

‘Dong dong~’

Bell knocked on the door. After the 'please come in' permission came from inside, he opened the door and walked into the room.

"Hello, Professor Lupin."

Bell bowed and saluted.

"Mr. Menethil? What do you want from me?"

Sitting behind the desk, Lupine looked at Bell in surprise.

This is really a rare visitor.

"Yes, Professor. I would like to ask you some questions, some questions about...Sirius Black."

Bell clearly saw that Lupine stiffened when he said Black's name, and then relaxed quickly.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Bell's face.

Really hammered!

"Sorry, Mr. Menethil, I don't know much about Black either."

Lupine said casually.

However, he was already wary of Bell in his heart. He planned to be more careful next time and try to have as little contact with the other party as possible.

"Don't say that, Professor. Also, just call me Bell."

Bell pulled up a chair and sat down in front of Lupine, completely ignoring the other person's look that wanted to see him off.

"I don't think anyone would risk their life to save a stranger. What do you think? Werewolf Professor Lupine?"

Lupine was startled. He's exposed!

However, before Lupine could take action, Bell continued to say:

"I don't recommend that you take action here. I'm not boasting, I think I can still resist you for a while.

By then, if the sound of fighting attracts other people, you will probably have to spend the rest of your life in Azkaban. "


The hand holding the wand froze at his waist, and Lupine realized that this was not a good place to do anything.

If it were other little wizards, that would be fine. Lu Ping was confident that he could subdue them instantly.

But for Bell, even if he only had a rough understanding of him, Lupine would not naively think that he was on the same level as other little wizards.

"What's your purpose?"

Lupine, who calmed down, also realized the abnormality in Bell's behavior.

Normally, if a young wizard discovers his identity, he should notify the Ministry of Magic as soon as possible.

But since Bell didn't do that, and even came to him openly and made this clear, it meant that the other party must have other intentions.

"Relax, Professor Luping, you don't need to be so vigilant. I'm here today to help you."

Yes, Bell is here to help Sirius.

But, these days, good people also need their time. He took huge risks and enthusiastically provided help to Blake, so it is reasonable for Blake to repay him a little bit, right?

You know, the Black family is one of the oldest wizarding families in the British magical world. The wealth of his family is far beyond what the Menethil family can match.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Bell almost drooled.

"Help? We appreciate your kindness, but we don't need help."

Lupine decisively rejected Bell's 'kindness'.

Although he had never heard of the saying 'a weasel greets a rooster in the New Year', he didn't think pie in the sky would fall.

He was a fool to believe that the other party would be kind enough to help a wanted criminal and a werewolf.

"Don't say that, professor. You should know that our Menethil family still has some power in the magical world. With the help of our family, your life will be much more comfortable."

Bell stared into Lupine's eyes with a half-smile. This gave Lupine an awkward feeling of being seen through.

"Can you represent the Menethil family? And why are you helping us? Black is a wanted criminal and a Death Eater.

Could it be that you, the Menethil family, are also supporters of the mysterious man? ? "

At this point, Lu Ping suddenly felt a shudder.

Even he knew that the power of the Menethil family had grown very rapidly in recent years.

If such a family is a secret supporter of the mysterious man, then the British wizarding world will be in danger!

no! Professor Dumbledore must be told about this matter immediately!

"Of course I can represent the Menethil family, you can rest assured of that. Besides, that lunatic Voldemort is not qualified to receive the support of our family."

Lupine couldn't help but shudder when he heard that Bell actually called the mysterious man by his first name.

He looked at Bell in disbelief. Bell was the third person he had ever seen who dared to call the mysterious man by his name. Lupine didn't know whether to praise Bell for his bravery? Or a tiger?

"Ahem, as you know, I am a student of Ravenclaw Academy. I have an extraordinary love for magical knowledge. Therefore, if possible, I hope to borrow some of the Black family's collections."

Really, Bell didn't intend to say it so openly. It's all because Lupine is too stupid to understand his subtlety.

Bell is determined to get the Black family's collection. Of course, as a peace-loving person, Bell has always convinced people with virtue... maybe?

"I can't make the final decision regarding the Black family's collection."

Lupine said honestly.

Hearing this, Bell rolled his eyes speechlessly. Of course he knew Lupine couldn't make the decision.

Lupine is just a tool. The reason why Bell talks so much to Lupine is actually just because he finds it troublesome.

To get the Black family's treasures, Bell must talk to Black directly.

Although it is not impossible to search for Blake's whereabouts through magic satellites, God knows which country Blake is hiding in. This approach requires too much time and energy. With a current shortage of manpower, Bell would not do such a thankless job.

Then the remaining way, which is also the easiest way, is to contact Black through Lupine.

Standing up, Bell took out a personal terminal from his pocket and placed it on Lupin's desk.

"My contact information has been stored here, and I hope you can help me give it to Mr. Black so that I can communicate with him directly.

Also, don’t worry, there are no tracking programs installed. "

After saying that, Bell turned and walked out of Lupin's office.

He was a little tired after having so many useless conversations with Lu Ping before, and didn't want to say anything more to him.

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