The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 305 Negotiations with Black

10 minutes later.

"So, it is very wrong for you to doubt Professor Lupin for no reason... Bell? Bell!"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Bell, who almost fell asleep, was woken up by his girlfriend's roar.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

Putting her hands on her hips, Hermione glared angrily at her incompetent boyfriend.

Bell licked his lips and chirped again.


Honesty is Bell's only selling point.


(╬ ̄俣)

Hermione was so angry that she didn't know what to say.

Take a deep breath.

"I just said..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bell quickly stopped his girlfriend's intention of repeating herself.

If Hermione continued talking, it would be dark.

Bell put his arm around Hermione's shoulders and held her in a hug, taking some of Hermione's anger bar away.

"Hermione, the werewolf who rescued Black is indeed Professor Lupin. This is admitted by the professor himself, and I am not lying."

"What!? How is that possible?"

Hermione immediately forgot about her shyness.

"Then, what should we do? How about telling Professor McGonagall!"

With that said, Hermione was about to take Bell and run away.

This is not far from Professor, Lupine's office. If the other party suddenly rushes out, they will be in danger.

At this moment, Hermione felt a little regretful. If she had known better, she should have informed Professor McGonagall of Lupine's werewolf identity.

Bell quickly grabbed his girlfriend.

By the way, has Hermione become more and more mobile recently?

"I don't know the specifics. But you can't tell others about this. I still have some use for keeping Lupin."

Before Lupine gave Black his personal terminal, he was Bell's valuable tool. Bell would not allow anything to happen to Lupine.

"What? No! Bell, this is too dangerous!"

Hermione looked at her boyfriend anxiously.

How long has it been since then, and what plans are there that are useful? Bell, does he know the seriousness of the matter?

"What's dangerous?"

Bell still had the same lazy tone, which was in sharp contrast to Hermione's anxious face, which was red.

"If Lupine dares to attack you, you can bite him with red scales without giving me face."

With a big wave of his hand, Bell said proudly.

I don’t know, I might think that Bell and Lupine have a close relationship.

As everyone knows, because of Bell's words, every time Hermione saw Lupine, she would raise her right hand and point it at him with a wary expression. It made Lupine think Hermione wanted to give him an arrow (sleeve arrow).

After much talk, Hermione finally agreed not to report Lupin for the time being, but to instead place him on probation.

I have to say that as a tool man, Lu Ping is still very dedicated.

At 11 o'clock that night, Bell received a video call from Black.

"Mr. Black, staying up late will cause baldness, so if there's nothing else, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Bell, who was wearing pajamas, let out a long sigh and looked at Blake on the screen speechlessly.

By the way, do these Gryffindors all like to stay up at night? Have you never heard that lions are nocturnal animals?

Bell's sudden flirtatious words almost broke Blake's waist.

He looked at the sleepy little wizard on the screen in confusion, wondering if he had made a typo?

That’s not right! This personal terminal only has this number stored in it!

"That's it for now, good night, Mr. Black."

Seeing that Blake on the opposite side was silent, Bell decided to hang up the video and lie down to sleep.

Only by sleeping more can you grow taller. He is now 1.85 meters away from his goal, which is still several centimeters away.

"Are you kidding me!?"

Blake was angry.

Originally, when he learned from Lupine that the other person was a third-grade brat, Black didn't really want to talk to him.

However, his current situation is indeed not ideal. At the very least, he doesn't even have a wand now. It takes a long time to cast a spell, and the power is still terrible.

So, hoping for a chance, Blake finally made the video call.

Facts have proved that there is no chance of taking chances! If you have no hair on your lips, your work will be unreliable!

"Please, Mr. Black, don't you know what time it is?"

Bell complained weakly.

"Unlike you, I am still just a baby...well, I am indeed no longer a 2 or 3-year-old baby, but I am still just a child! Children have to go to bed early and get up early, do you know ah!"

Bell righteously condemned Blake's behavior.

It's okay to use child labor, after all, it's his own business. However, child labor must not be tolerated late at night!


Black was left speechless by Bell.

There was nothing he could do. He had been in Azkaban for more than 10 years and had barely spoken to him. Not to mention, he has never met such a mean guy!

"Oh~! Okay, okay, this is a special case. Let's keep the story short."

Looking helplessly at Blake on the screen, Bell finally gave in.

There was no way, the other party just refused to hang up the video screen. As Party B, he couldn't be too rude.

Being in the company of dementors for a long time caused Blake's brain to spin a little slowly. Just before he could figure out why the other party looked so disgusted now when he was the one who found him, he heard Bell continue:

"I want all the Black family's treasured magical knowledge."

Staring at Black with sharp eyes, Bell directly stated his bottom line.

Bell is not a good bargainer, and he even dislikes bargaining.

In contrast, he prefers to show the bottom line directly.

If it works, just trade; if it doesn’t work, just hit the other party!

There is no way, he is such a person who convinces people with 'reason'.

Physics is also true!

Although he uses magic...

Faced with Bell's eyes, Blake actually had a stinging illusion. It was difficult for him to connect the inconspicuous kid before with the guy now who could make him feel a sense of oppression even across the screen.

‘Speaking of which, does this kid have a split personality? ’

In any case, Black now does believe that the other party can negotiate with him on behalf of the Menethil family.

"What can I get?"

Blake didn't care much about the magic books at home. Being a deviant, he didn't think the books collected at home were valuable at all.

In contrast, for him now, living is the most important thing. Because only by living and living well can he protect Harry.

Not to mention, as the last heir of the Black family, although he does not want to inherit the family at all, the fact is that if he dies, everything in the Black family will be completely buried in the family's old house, and eventually in the long In the course of time, it was completely corroded.

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