The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 306 The funniest joke and the least funny joke

"I can provide you with a safe hiding place and various living supplies."

"not enough!"

Blake said without hesitation.

Although he is now wanted by the British Ministry of Magic, the world is so big and there are so many Muggles that it will be difficult for the British Ministry of Magic to catch him as long as he goes abroad.

After all, the search for stowaways and the search for terrorists cannot be compared with the same intensity.

But that way, he would have to stay away from Harry, which would put the cart before the horse.

Of course, Black would not tell Bell about this.

Bell smiled slightly, not having any bad emotions because of Blake's rejection.

Originally, he had no intention of impressing the other party through this condition. This is just an appetizer, or in other words, it is given for free.

The next condition is his trump card.

"I can keep Harry safe at Hogwarts."

While it is a trump card, this condition is also another test for Black by Bell.

Even though Bell didn't care much about good and evil, he didn't want a madman to surround him all day long.

Therefore, if Black really cares about Harry's safety, it means that he is really not a Death Eater, and there is another hidden reason for what happened back then.

And if Black shows no concern for Harry's safety, then unfortunately, all Bell's previous speculations may be problematic.

But it doesn't matter, just catch Black.

In this way, not only can he get all the savings of the Black family, but he can also give his father a boost of reputation.

In short, you won’t suffer any loss.

It is true that Bell did not add tracking magic to the personal terminal given to Blake, but since the other party used that personal terminal, Bell was able to confirm the other party's location through the interaction of magic.

Therefore, tracking magic or something like that was unnecessary from the beginning.

Upon hearing the second condition proposed by Bell, Blake's pupils shrank undetectably.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Not just in Hogwarts, I want you to protect Harry's safety anytime and anywhere."

Although Black himself will work hard to protect Harry, he is only one person after all, and his power is limited, so there will inevitably be things he cannot take care of. If the Menethil family could be included, Harry would definitely be much safer.


Bell refused Black's additional request without hesitation. He was not interested in being Harry's full-time nanny.

"Mr. Black, you have to know that compared to the outside, Hogwarts is very dangerous. I am exhausted just ensuring Harry's safety within the confines of Hogwarts. Moreover, I have to give little Harry needs some personal space."

"Huh? Hogwarts is in danger? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard!"

Blake scoffed.

"Huh? Isn't Hogwarts dangerous? This is really the most unfunny joke I have ever heard!"

Bell fought back without showing any signs of weakness.

"Mr. Black, I know you have just come out of it and don't know much about the domestic news in recent years.

If you had a little understanding of what happened at Hogwarts in recent years, I think you wouldn't say such stupid things. "

Seeing Blake's confused look, Bell sighed helplessly.

‘Alas~! I'm so damn gentle~! ’

“Okay, let me give you a brief introduction.

During Harry's first year, he was attacked by a troll in Hogwarts Castle.

In the second grade, a dangerous basilisk appeared in Hogwarts. And I also heard that Harry also had close contact with the Acromantula colony.

In the third grade, that is, this year, uh...this year is you.

By the way, during the previous Quidditch match, the dementors rushed into the field in a frenzy. I heard that Harry, who was Gryffindor's seeker, almost fell to his death?

So, now you still dare to say that Hogwarts is not dangerous? Then you should find a place more dangerous than Hogwarts and talk about it. "

Bell looked distressed and heartbroken, making Black stunned for a moment.

By the way, Black really didn't know that Harry had encountered so many dangers in the past few years?

But he did know the last thing. He was on the Quidditch field at the time. If he didn't have a wand, he would have wanted to summon the Patronus and kill those dementors.

The premise is that he can summon it.

Thinking of this, Blake couldn't help but look at Bell with a strange look. Even now thinking about the scene where the other party fought against hundreds of dementors, he was still shocked.


"Oh! By the way! There are two more points I forgot to mention."

Seeing that Black was so unhappy, Bell decided to use more tactics.

"I forgot to include Dumbledore and Snape."


Blake was silent.

What should I say about these two people?

Blake didn't know what to say...

Logically speaking, Dumbledore should not harm Harry. But if what Bell said before is true, and if so many dangerous magical animals have really appeared in Hogwarts in the past few years, then Black does not believe that there is no connivance from Dumbledore.

And will Bell lie to him?

Blake didn't think so. After all, this is not confidential information. He can verify the authenticity with just a little investigation. It's impossible for the other party to tell such a lie.

It stands to reason that Snape would not harm Harry. Although Harry is James' son, he is also Lily's son. Based on Snape's feelings for Lily, Black felt that Snape would not hurt Harry...right?

However, he understands the truth, but it is impossible to say that he is not worried at all.

After all, these days, people who don't act according to common sense are gone.

"I have to make sure that you will protect Harry before I can hand over the Black family's collection to you."

After hearing Black's words, Bell knew that the deal was done.

However, Bell was not very happy that Black actually doubted his integrity.

The most basic trust between people! ?

The nickname given to him by the Bell people - 'The Honest and Reliable Young Master' - was he in vain?

"No! The items must be handed over in advance!"

Just kidding, is it possible that he has to wait until Harry graduates before he can get the things?

What if Blake doesn't give the 'money' and runs away?

Bei, I just have a double standard. I don’t want to have to work so hard to hunt for Black all over the world.

"Mr. Black, you have to know that although you traded the magic books collected by your family to me, I do not require that they be the original ones. In other words, you actually did not lose anything."

Bell tried to brainwash Blake with his own crooked ideas.

In short, although Bell now has too many books to finish. But, he wants it now!

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