The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 309 ‘Moonlight Tribe’ Penello

"Hmph! Boss Bell is in a good mood today!"


Putting down the book in his hand, Bell looked at Penello who was sitting opposite him with a confused look on his face.

Is the other party taking some medicine? He didn't remember provoking the other party recently.

"Senior, who has offended you again?"

Looking around the Ravenclaw lounge, the few people there were also reading and studying seriously.

‘So it can’t really be me? ’

Bell thought with some guilt.

"Who else could it be? It's that big idiot Percy!"

Penello said indignantly.

‘Fortunately, it’s okay if it’s not me. ’

Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he didn't accidentally offend Penello, he could rest assured.

But to be honest, in view of some things that had happened in the past, Bell really didn't want to eat this melon from Penelo and Percy.

It’s easy to get angry!

However, under Penello's threatening gaze, the book in Bell's hand was so heavy that he could not lift it up.

"Um... Xue, senior, why did he make you unhappy, senior?"

In the end, Bell compromised. He bit the bullet and asked the question Penello wanted him to ask.

‘If I had known earlier, I would have gone to play with my sister. ’

Today is the weekend, and Shanna was invited to go to the Black Lake for a picnic and enjoy the snow with her two friends.

Of course, Zannah found Bell and wanted her brother to come with her.

Of course Bell also hopes to go on a trip with his sister. However, thinking that they are all little girls and he is the only boy, it will inevitably spoil the atmosphere.

Therefore, after much thought, Bell still did not go and recommended Hermione.

So what happened now was that he was alone in the Ravenclaw lounge reading a book.

When Bell finally asked the question, Penello showed an expression that said, "You know what I'm talking about."

She leaned forward and snatched Fina from Bell's arms.

While skillfully taking out food from his pocket and feeding it to Fina, Penelo complained:

"You don't know, I've been annoyed to death by Percy these past few days!"

Although Penello said so, Bell couldn't tell from her face that she was going to be annoyed to death.

This is clearly the expression of someone who is about to be pissed off!

"In the Quidditch match a few days ago, Ravenclaw played against Gryffindor. I was thinking that our college's Quidditch team is also quite strong. So, I made a bet with Percy. Vinclaw wins.”

Bell looked at Penelo in disbelief. So who gave her the courage, no, the confidence, to make her think Ravenclaw could win?

As we all know, Ravenclaw is a college rich in academics. And academic masters are often called "nerds" in the secular world.

Therefore, Ravenclaw's Quidditch team has always been at the top of the four major colleges!

Just from the back to the front.

Penelo was a little annoyed when Bell looked at him like he was looking at a fool. He kicked Bell hard and tried to defend himself:

"Our college's seeker this year - Qiu Zhang, is very good! If Harry didn't suddenly get the latest flying broom from nowhere - the Firebolt, Qiu Zhang would definitely be able to catch Live with the Golden Snitch!

How could Mrs. Hooch allow Harry to use a broomstick like the Firebolt? This is so unreasonable! How abominable! "

Bell always felt that Penello's lines were a bit familiar. Did he hear similar words from Hermione's mouth last year?

"So, how much did you lose to Percy-senpai?"

Bell asked curiously.

"Ten galleons."

"That's not bad. What? Senior sister, are you trying to default on your debt?"

To be honest, for young wizards who are still in school at Hogwarts, 10 gold galleons can indeed be regarded as a huge sum of money.

When Ron lost his beloved pet, he was so filled with grief and anger that he just gritted his teeth and demanded 10 galleons in compensation from Bell.

But Penello is different. She now gets a salary of 50 gold galleons every month. Therefore, 10 Galleons should still be within the tolerance range for her.

"I didn't mean to default on my debt!"

Penello glared at Bell dissatisfied.

This damn guy can't speak, so why not just shut up and listen? Is she the kind of person who is dishonest?

"I just don't have any money right now, so I told Percy to take it slow. I will give it to him as soon as I get this month's salary."

"No, senior sister. Is it possible that you are the legendary 'Moonlight Clan'? The kind who feels uncomfortable if you don't spend all your money every month?"

If it was because his income was low and he didn't have enough money to spend, Bell would understand. But now that Penelo can be considered a middle-income group, does he still have to spend all his money every month?

"How dare you say that!"

Penello looked at Bell with a look of resentment, which made Bell's scalp feel numb.

Luckily Hermione wasn't here now. Otherwise, if she heard Penelo's speech and paired it with the perfect expression on Penelo's face, she wouldn't have to fight Bell!

"No, why am I embarrassed? What should I be embarrassed about? Senior sister, you are legally responsible for what you say, you know? Be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

After hearing Bell's angrily speech, Penello realized that what she just said was indeed inappropriate?

Penello's face turned red and he hurriedly explained:

"I mean, the information usually sent is too profound and complicated. I can't understand most of it.

In desperation, I had no choice but to spend all my salary to buy those thick and expensive magic books.

Speaking of Bell, can you really understand that information? "

Penello looked at his boss suspiciously.

(As Bell's secretary, Penello's job is to sort out the magic materials sent from the research institute for Bell, select the more important parts from them, and annotate them.)

Although he bought a lot of cosmetics and clothes, Penello did spend most of his money on magic books as he said.

However, even so, she can only understand about 1/3 of the information. As for the rest, I can only rely on Meng.

This is the result of her spending all day and night over the past six months studying magic knowledge.

At the beginning, Penelo really felt like he was reading a book from heaven. She knew every word, but when they were put together, she had no idea what they meant.

Faced with Penello's doubts, Bell just smiled and did not explain. He knew that the other party was just complaining and not really asking him.

"Oops! I didn't expect you, senior, to be so dedicated. It makes me feel a little embarrassed."

Bell joked with a playful smile.

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