The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 310 Shanna is indeed a genius!

"Don't be embarrassed, just give me a salary increase."

Penello looked at his boss expectantly. Is it possible that Bell's conscience will be discovered today?

She said that, but in fact Penello was just teasing Bell, and she didn't really want a salary increase.

Even if Bell offered to give her a salary increase, she would refuse!


Her current salary is really high. Not to mention, this job also exposes you to a lot of advanced magical knowledge every day.

Based on this alone, Penello believed that even if they were not paid or even paid, there would definitely be a lot of wizards rushing to do this job.

Therefore, Penello is really grateful to Bell for being willing to help her in this way.

"It's impossible to raise wages. In this life... ahem, I mean, it's impossible to raise wages in the short term."

Just kidding, after he offered Penello a monthly salary of 50 gold galleons, his father came to ask him what was going on.

If he dared to increase Penello's salary in such a short period of time, if his father found out, he might think that he didn't learn well at a young age and had a lover outside.

"Senior, since you have already said that you will give the money to Senior Percy next month, why are you still bothering?"

At this point, Bell had to admire Percy's courage. He actually dared to take money he won from a bet with his girlfriend? Is he crazy about money?

"That's the problem!"

Penello scratched her hair frantically, messing up her carefully arranged hairstyle, which showed how much torture she had suffered recently.

"That guy Percy, he doesn't even believe me! He thinks I'm deliberately stalling for time and wants to get rid of the debt! So during this period, he's been chasing after me like a ghost every day, I can’t stop talking about it!”


Bell was speechless.

As expected of the Gryffindor family - born in the Weasley family, Percy is much more 'brave' than Belle imagined.

"Senior, how about I lend you some money first so that you can fill in your gambling capital?"

Bell suggested kindly.


Unexpectedly, Penello categorically rejected Bell's proposal.

"I owe you this for now! I want to see how long Percy can keep chasing the debt from me!"

Penello said through gritted teeth.

After Penello left, Bell could finally read a book leisurely again.

The afternoon passed in a blink of an eye. When it was close to 5 o'clock, Hermione sent a message to Bell, asking him to go to the auditorium to prepare for dinner.

As soon as Bell entered the auditorium, he saw his sister rushing over with excitement on her face.

"Brother! Brother! I want to eat squid! Let's go catch the big squid in the black lake and eat it!"



Bell looked at his sister in shock.

"Iron, iron...iron plate squid!!!"

Bell confirmed once again that his sister is indeed a genius!

He has been at Hogwarts for almost three years, and the big squid in the Black Lake... Is that a squid? Or an octopus?

It doesn’t matter, as long as they are all delicious!

Ahem... What Bell wanted to say was that he usually saw that big guy, but why did he never realize that it was edible?

This is so embarrassing!

‘Suck it~’

( ̄﹃ ̄)

"Okay! Let's have dinner tonight..."

"Shut up—!"

Hermione jumped up and slapped back what Bell was about to say.

Hermione felt so stupid. She had naively thought that Bell would help stop Zannah?

In the afternoon, a few people were drinking tea and chatting by the Black Lake, and had a lot of fun.

However, everything changed after the big squid came up to the lake to take a breath.

The moment she saw the big squid, Shanna's eyes lit up.

The little girl confirmed once again that Hogwarts is indeed a fun and interesting place.

Not only is there delicious spider meat here (although according to my brother, those delicious little spiders have moved);

Groups of dementors (although more than half of them have been wiped out by my brother);

A very vicious wanted criminal (although it does not match the rumors, he seems to be a coward);

Now, another giant squid that looks super delicious has popped up!

Shanna has never seen such a big squid in her entire life. This can already be called a rare animal, right?

"Let's take it back and eat it!"

With Hermione and the other girls looking at her in bewilderment, Zannah took out her wand and prepared to collect the ingredients.

Fortunately, after being in contact with Bell for a long time, Hermione had developed a toughness far beyond ordinary people. She quickly came to her senses and tried to stop Zannah's outrageous behavior.

"No! Bell won't allow it!"

The smart Hermione has already analyzed Zannah's weaknesses during this period of time together, and successfully mastered this 'Special Attack against Zannah' skill.

"Hey~? How come? Brother will definitely agree with me!"

I have to say that Shanna knows Bell better.


In short, after Hermione's persuasion, Zannah finally reluctantly agreed to go back and catch the big squid after getting Bell's permission.


"Wipe your saliva clean for me!"

Hermione looked at her boyfriend frantically. It didn't matter that he didn't stop Zannah, but he actually added fuel to the fire! ?

Bell reached out and held Shanna's little head, stopping his sister's movements.

Just after seeing Hermione dare to attack her brother, the little girl began to secretly take out her wand again.

"Hermione, you have to know that molluscs such as octopus and squid can regenerate their tentacles."

At this point, Bell suddenly paused.

Yes! It can be regenerated!

He only realized this. This was simply the great discovery of the century!

"Hermione, we can not kill the giant squid, but occasionally cut off a tentacle from its body. This will not cause harm to it, and we can obtain a continuous supply of food. This is called 'sustainable development' 'ah!"

The more he talked about it, the more excited he became, and the more he talked about it, the more...

( ̄﹃ ̄)I’m hungry

"No! Also, your saliva is dripping down again! Wipe it up quickly!"

Hermione was speechless.

Who did the big squid offend? Do you want to be treated inhumanely like you? What about sustainable development?

You are the devil!

If Hermione knew Huang Quan, then the two of them would have a lot in common now.

Seeing Bell's reluctant expression and his eyes rolling around, Hermione knew that he hadn't given up on his evil idea yet.

In order to maintain the peace of Hogwarts and protect the tentacles of the giant squid, the favorite of Hogwarts, Hermione had no choice but to resort to the ultimate move.

"If you dare to cut off the tentacles of the giant squid, I will tell Aunt Elena!"

During the previous Christmas party, Hermione had exchanged contact information with Bell's mother Elena.

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