The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 311 Campus Job Fair

Under Hermione's threat, Bell finally gave in shamefully.

Moreover, under Hermione's surveillance, Bell also dissuaded Zannah from her plan to secretly cut off two tentacles at night.

This also made Zannah not look good on Hermione for several days.

Fortunately, the arrival of the Easter holiday soon made the little girl forget her previous unhappiness.

The little girl has been looking forward to this Easter holiday for a long time.

As mentioned before, Bell plans to hold a campus job fair within Hogwarts. The first job fair is scheduled for the Easter holiday.

Morning of April 15th.

Two main interviewers: Bell and Shanna

Three deputy interviewers: Penello, Hermione, and Fina o(=ω=)m

Two melon-eaters watching the excitement: Phyllis and Reina

Since this was the first time for a campus job fair like this, William didn't know how effective it would be. Therefore, after Bell proposed that he host this job fair, William agreed without hesitation.

Also, don’t underestimate Fina. Although the little guy is cute, he has already mastered the two talents of 'Dragon Flame' and 'Flying'. Most seventh-grade graduates may not be his opponents.

Therefore, at least when recruiting armed personnel, the little guy is fully qualified to serve as an interviewer.

At least more qualified than Hermione.

"Bell, can I really be the interviewer?"

Hermione asked nervously.

She is only in the third grade now. Although she has always been number one in her grade, there should still be a big gap between her and her 7th grade seniors, right?

"Don't worry, I didn't expect you to do anything. You just need to ask a few useful or useless questions."

Bell waved his hand casually, indicating that Hermione didn't need to be nervous.


After hearing Bell's answer, Hermione really felt less nervous. But why couldn't she be happy at all?

As early as the beginning of this semester, Bell posted the recruitment information on the bulletin board at the entrance of the auditorium.

Coupled with Penelo's hard promotion during this period, there are already many people waiting on the grass before Bell and others have arrived.

"Penello, where is the job fair held?"

Several 7th grade seniors who were familiar with Penello couldn't wait to come over and ask as soon as they saw Bell and the others.

Hearing this, Penello turned to look at his boss.

To be honest, she was a little doubtful whether Bell was really planning to recruit people. Because the vacation had already passed for several days, she didn't see Bell making any preparations for this job fair.

At least prepare a venue or something.

Bell waved his hand, signaling Penello to calm down.

"Sanna, do you remember what I told you last night?"

Bell looked at his sister.

Bell will now leave things to Shanna unless necessary.

This is not because Bell wants to be lazy or anything, he just wants to give his sister more opportunities to exercise.


Shanna clearly remembers every word of what her brother said.

Even if you forget, you only need to use Legilimency to search the memory, so that is not forgotten.

The wand slipped from the cuff of the combat uniform. In order to appear more solemn, the little girl specially put on the Christmas gift that her brother had given her today.

Similarly, Bell also put on the battle suit made of Acromantula silk as the main material at the request of his sister.

This morning, when Hermione saw the costumes of the Bell brothers and sisters for the first time, her eyes were full of resentment. Seeing this, Bell almost thought that he was an absolute scumbag.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

After Zannah took out her wand, she lifted it up vigorously.

‘Boom~! ’

The ground was shaken.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone nearby (except Bell), earth walls rose from the ground...

"Ahem, Shanna, there's no need to make it so grand."

Bell was a little embarrassed and stopped his sister's behavior.

His sister is good at everything, and she will obediently do whatever he asks her to do. But that is, occasionally I overdo it and do it too well.

"Huh? Brother, didn't you say you wanted to make a venue?"

Shanna tilted her little head in confusion.

You know, the several venues she has seen before are much bigger than this.

"I'm talking about an open-air venue, not a dance venue."

Seeing Shanna's puzzled look, Bell realized that he hadn't made it clear.

Shanna has never seen any open-air job fairs. In the little girl's impression, the so-called venue was the luxurious venue she had seen during the few banquets she attended with her mother.

Bell took out his wand. After signaling Zannah to stop, he waved the wand in front of him, and the stone wall that Zannah had just transformed quickly disintegrated.

Then, the soil quickly deformed, forming a long table and several chairs in front of several people.

Four fences rise from all sides, enclosing a 30-meter square area. Some complex magic words appeared on the fence, forming a protective barrier.

Because when recruiting armed personnel later, some combat tests would inevitably be conducted, so in order not to spread outside, Bell set up this barrier.

Looking at the interview venue he had casually arranged, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

"Brother, is this good? Isn't it too simple?"

Shanna looked at her brother in confusion. She always felt that what she saw in front of her was somewhat different from what she had imagined.

"Ahem, after all, it's the first time, so it's understandable that it's a bit simple.

And not everything is shabby either. Look at this chair. My brother observed and studied various chairs and had a long period of personal experience before finally finalizing it. It's so comfortable to sit up. "

Bell wouldn't say that he didn't prepare in advance because he thought it was troublesome.

In addition, the chair was indeed made by Bell with great painstaking efforts.


Shanna looked at the beautiful chairs in front of her with a vague understanding. She didn't expect that a few simple-looking chairs could have so many details?

As expected of a brother!

Penello and Hermione looked at Bell speechlessly, who was talking about trains. Now they finally know how Shanna developed her off-kilter character.

It's all Bell's fault!

Bell, who felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by the two women, quickly took out a stack of papers from his pocket.

‘The voice is loud! ’

"Hey hey~!

Hello everyone, welcome to this Menethil Family Business Job Fair. On behalf of the Menethil family, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your love.

Without further ado, the job fair is about to begin.

As mentioned in the previous announcement, the first thing that will be conducted is the graduate school interview. Everyone who heard your name, please enter the venue.

In addition, please observe order. If anyone interferes with the job fair, we are sorry, but we will cancel your qualifications! "

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