The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 314 Idiots don’t deserve names

As for giving the other party another chance and asking another question?

Sorry, Bell never considered it.

Just kidding, this brother is a ruthless person who can memorize the content in that kind of novel as knowledge points. Still need to test?

After Acewide left with a hesitant look, the interview process returned to normal.

Bell took a fancy to this third applicant at a glance.

Of course, this is not because the applicant is a woman.

Hermione was sitting next to her, and Bell didn't dare to have any bad thoughts.

Besides, that’s not good for Shanna’s education!

The reason why Bell liked this person was because after he motioned for the other party to sit down, Ms. Biskie Cassidy took out her wand, used transfiguration to conjure a chair, and sat on it.

Oh my god, there is finally a normal wizard, isn't there? ?

What the hell are the first two sitting directly on the ground? Is what he means so difficult to understand?

"This is Ms. Cassidy, please..."

However, just halfway through speaking, the smile on Bell's face froze.

The defensive barrier has been activated! ?

Bell turned around and saw a wizard standing up from the ground while rubbing his butt. At the same time, the other party was still cursing.

"It's from me! What the hell is this? How dare you block my way?"

He had just planned to kick down the broken fence in front of him and then go in to teach those brats a lesson.

Looking at the looming barrier in front of him, the wizard became angry and took out his wand.

"Shattered to pieces!"

The light of the spell flashed, but the barrier didn't move at all.

"How can it be!?"

But the facts before him could not wake up the wizard. After a brief moment of surprise, he raised his wand again.

"Shattered to pieces! Shattered to pieces!...Powdered, shattered, shattered, shattered..."

The wizard suddenly covered his mouth and kept stamping his feet on the spot.

Judging from Bell's countless experience reading people over the years, this one has bitten his tongue.

With a wave of his hand, Bell separated the fence and barrier in front of the opponent, and temporarily opened a door.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

As the saying goes, be courteous before attacking, although judging from the other party's behavior, it is 100% that they are looking for trouble. But the kind-hearted Bell gave the other party a chance to save himself.

Seeing that the barrier in front of him suddenly disappeared, although the wizard didn't know what happened, he suppressed the pain on his tongue and strode into the venue.

Isn't it just that the road has been opened? What's there to make a fuss about? Maybe his spell was delayed in taking effect.

"You little brats are the interviewers?"

As soon as he entered the venue, the wizard stared at Bell and others, especially Bell, with his nose instead of his nose and his eyes instead of his eyes, and asked eloquently.

He knew Bell, and had even heard of him being called the 'Demon King'. But he was dismissive of this.

Who knows what happened?

Anyway, he didn't believe that everything that happened at that time was done by Bell, a kid who was only in the third grade. It's just spreading rumors!

It would be a little bit worse if it were him.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Hmph! Problem? Big problem! Are the Menethil family kidding themselves? They sent you brats for an interview? Stop looking down on people!

And the most important thing is, how dare you little brats keep me waiting for so long?

Say it! How much do you plan to give me a month? If it’s less, don’t blame me for being rude! "

This wizard actually had his own plans in mind.

Although I don’t know what the Menethil family thought, and they actually let two of their descendants be the interviewers, but no matter what, I believe these two little brats should still have some rights.

As long as he scares the other party here, forces the other party to promise him a high salary and an important position, and then signs the contract on the spot, then even after that, the person in charge of the Menethil family will learn about what happened today , but with the constraints of the contract, the other party can only bite the bullet and admit it.

As for whether he will be settled by his wife in the future?

ha! This is really the funniest joke of the century!

who is he? He’s ‘bad~ (masked sound)’!

With his powerful talents and abilities, in less than 3 or 5 years, the power and wealth of the Menethil family will be his!

That’s right! The reason why he came to participate in this ridiculous campus job fair today was to occupy the magpie's nest and take the first step towards the top of the magic world!

‘Hahaha~! ’


Bell looked at the wizard who was looking for trouble speechlessly. The other party didn't know what he was thinking of, and he started to enjoy himself inexplicably.

By the way, Bell didn't want to use Legilimency on the other party at all to understand the other party's thoughts. He was afraid of dirtying his brain.

It's true that idiots have it every year, and there is no shortage of it this year. Bell moved his chair back to get further away from the other party.

Idiots are contagious!


After coughing hard twice and making sure that the other party's attention was focused on him, Bell said:

"First of all, the order of interviews has been decided before. The order of interviews for different types of jobs has also been posted on the bulletin board.

Secondly, I'm not going to hire you, so I won't pay you a penny.

Shanna, clear the place.

Don't beat him to death. "

Hearing that Bell dared to refuse his request, the wizard was very angry. Just as he was about to show off to these brats, he saw Shanna, who had been sitting quietly next to Bell, jump up.

Little Shanna was actually tired of sitting there for a long time. Contrary to expectations, being an interviewer is not fun at all!

But because her brother was sitting next to her, Shanna tried her best to stay quiet.

And now, there is a big bad guy who dares to threaten my brother?

This is really... so interesting!

After getting permission from her brother, Shanna couldn't wait to jump directly onto the table.

‘Magic impact! ’

Raising the wand that appeared in her hand at some point, Zannah's magic power was compressed in the wand and then sprayed out.

I saw the wizard suddenly flying out through the gap he came in from just now.

‘Boom~! ’

A plume of smoke rose from the distance.

Bell looked into the distance in surprise. Unexpectedly, the other party was actually wearing defensive accessories? It seems that my family is well off.

After so many years of fermentation, the defensive jewelry made by Bell has become popular in the magic world. But even so, few wizards in Hogwarts wear them.

After all, not everyone has the last name 'Malfoy'. Relatively speaking, defensive jewelry is quite expensive. For the little wizards who live in the 'safe' Hogwarts, most parents are reluctant to spend the money to equip their children with magic props.

The corners of Shanna's mouth slowly raised.

Of course, she also sensed the magic power fluctuations on the other party's body. To this, the little girl just wanted to say...great!

Thanks to the big bad guy, she wasn't knocked down by a single blow, and it looks like she can have some more fun!

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