The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 315 The Keeper of Magical Animals

‘Bah~! ’

The wizard who was knocked away by the 'sneak attack' struggled to get up from the ground.

Even with the protection of the Iron Armor Curse, he still felt dizzy and sore all over his body.

"Damn you brats, you pissed me off so much!"

Looking at the dense cracks on the armor spell, he decided to take care of these brats today so that they would know how long Merlin's stockings were!

And just as the wizard was yelling crazily, Zannah pointed the wand at the ground, and then raised it sharply.

A large hand made of rock and earth quickly rose from the wizard's feet and grasped it in his hand before he had time to react.

Shanna immediately raised her left hand and shook it hard. The giant hand transformed by Shanna in the distance followed Shanna's movements and clenched tightly.


Seeing more and more cracks on the iron armor spell, the wizard finally felt fear.

He waved his wand like crazy, casting spell after spell, trying to break the shackles of the giant hand.

However, the power of his curse was already limited. Coupled with the panic and confused thoughts, the power of the curse was further reduced. Therefore, in the end, it only eliminated some of the soil on the surface of the giant hand, which was hard on the inside. The rocks did not cause any damage.

‘Click~! ’

Along with the crisp sound of eggshells breaking, the iron armor curse dissipated.

"Okay Shanna, that's almost done."

Seeing that the other party started to vomit blood, in order to prevent his sister from accidentally killing him, Bell quickly stopped him.

"All right……"

Zannah reluctantly lowered her wand. She hasn't had enough.

Although the opponent is a bit weak, even weaker than the magic stone statue used in normal training. But hitting people and hitting stone statues feels different.

‘This is probably what my brother said, the difference between pvp and pve, right? ’

Shanna tilted her little head and thought curiously.

"Ahem, okay, Ms. Cassidy, we can continue."

After dealing with the idiot who was looking for trouble, Bell once again focused his attention on the interview.


Upon hearing his name, Cassidy immediately felt excited.

After witnessing everything that had just happened at close range, she now dared not move at all, for fear that she might accidentally provoke these terrifying 'devils' in front of her.

In that case, she might have to be with the guy who was arrogant, domineering and arrogant before.

‘It’s terrible in the city! I want to go back to the countryside! ’

"Don't be nervous, Ms. Cassidy, we were just maintaining order."

Bell calmed down the candidate he was very pleased with.


You are strong and you are right, everything you say is right!


Seeing the other party like this, Bell gave up the plan of continuing to comfort him.

Fortunately, although Cassidy was nervous, he still successfully answered all the questions raised by Bell, and finally received an 'A' rating from Bell.

After learning from the past, several wizards who were still ready to take action have become more honest. This also made the subsequent interviews without any twists and turns.

Soon, the interviews of all 10 wizards who came to apply for the job of magical plant breeder were over. Except for the second-placed one, Acewide, who treats the novel as a textbook, everyone else has performed well.

By the way, these 10 wizards are all from Hufflepuff House. It seems that Professor Sprout has set a good example for the young wizards in his college.

"Next, Mr. Dolbis Warner of Gryffindor House."

Penello's voice echoed over the venue again, and what was about to happen next was the interview as a breeder of magical animals.

"Mr. Warner, you said in your resume that you wanted to be a fire dragon breeder?"


Warner nodded firmly. As a brave Gryffindor, only powerful magical animals like fire dragons can bring him a little bit of challenge.

"Raising a fire dragon is very dangerous, so I need to test your strength to a certain extent, at least to ensure that you have the ability to withstand the fire dragon's breath."

"Okay, okay."

Warner swallowed nervously. He was a little panicked.

The troublemaker before was still held up in the air by the giant hand transformed by the cruel little girl. That miserable look was simply unbearable to look at.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a test to see if you can block the fire dragon's breath. Now, please be prepared."

Hearing Bell's comfort, Warner felt relieved. He took a deep breath and nodded to Bell, signaling that he was ready.


"Okay, brother!"

Bell's gold medal little thug, little Sanna, is online again.

The little girl happily took out her wand, raised it above her head, and then waved it down hard.

‘Boom~! ’


Shanna looked at this stupid guy named 'Warner' speechlessly.

So this guy just nodded, didn't he mean that he was ready? Why did he just fall down without even a single defensive spell being activated on him?

The little girl looked at her brother guiltily.

After rubbing his sister's little head, Bell told Zannah not to worry.

To be honest, he was speechless at the moment.

Is this what you call ready?

This is a hammer prepared!

Although many years ago, Bell had often heard that the graduates of Hogwarts were inferior to each other, and not many could even master the Iron Armor Curse.

However, it was not until today that he experienced for the first time how talented these guys were.

The person who was making trouble before, the power of the spell was extremely weak, and there was something wrong with his brain...

"By the way, Shanna, put that guy down and tell him to get out of here."

Bell then remembered that the one who was looking for trouble before was still being held by Shanna's transformed giant hand.

After all, this is Hogwarts, and it is Lao Deng's territory. If you go too far, it will have a bad impact.

"Okay, brother!"

Shanna waved her hand, and the giant hand in the distance collapsed.

The rocks and soil blended into the ground, and the grass quickly repaired. Within a few seconds, everything was restored to its original appearance.

Except there is an extra wizard on the ground.

"Mr. Warner, with all due respect, at present, you are not suitable for raising fire dragons."

Looking at Warner who struggled to get up from the ground, Bell said regretfully.

My sister is very measured in what she does, so despite the big noise just now, the other party did not actually suffer any substantial harm.

At most, there will be a few bruises on the body, and it will be fine if he goes back to Madam Pomfrey to apply some medicine and lie down for a day.

After enduring the pain and getting up, Warner glanced at Shanna fearfully.

When Shanna waved her wand, he felt as if the sky was falling. An overwhelming force pressed down on him, and he fell down without any resistance.

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