The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Fina’s First Battle

"No, no, absolutely not!"

George shook his head hurriedly.

Just kidding, he would be crazy to choose that little girl as his opponent. The tragic situation of the previous 'warrior' was still vivid in his mind, and he did not intend to seek death.

His eyes swept across Hermione's body. This one was only a few years older than that one. He might also be a little monster, so he couldn't choose.

Using the elimination method, after eliminating the two trap options, the remaining one must be the optimal solution!

"I choose it!"

George pointed at little Fina jumping up and down on the table and said impassionedly.

Just kidding, anyone who is not blind can definitely tell that this kitten is the best to deal with!

Although he didn't know why the other party listed such a kitten as an optional opponent, that was not his concern.

How to deal with his opponent neatly, coolly and handsomely is what he needs to consider now.


Hearing that this male human had chosen her, little Fina let out an excited 'wolf howl' sound.

It wants to eliminate the opponent neatly, coolly and handsomely in order to reduce the punishment!

Jumping off the table, Xiao Fina took elegant steps and walked to a position 10 meters away from the other party.

After seeing that both sides were ready, Bell took out snacks and drinks and filled the table.


Following Bell's order, George quickly raised his wand.


A red light flashed, and Bell couldn't help but cover his face with his hands.

Just when he wanted to praise the other party's shooting speed, he almost choked to death from the spell cast by the other party.

Please, the disarming spell is used to disarm a wizard's wand, but the question is, where did Fina get the wand to disarm him?

Sure enough, after the disarming spell hit Fina on the forehead, it only made the little guy lean back slightly, and nothing happened.

Little Fina stood there in confusion, unable to figure out what was happening.

In fact, it's not to blame. The little guy hasn't experienced any battle since he was born. Although it usually observes the training of the Bell brothers and sisters, it can be regarded as understanding a lot of knowledge related to magic spells. However, there is still a big gap between theory and practice.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this was Fina's first battle, and it was understandable that her reaction was half a beat too slow.

Feeling the pain coming from her forehead, Fina realized belatedly that this male human had actually made a sneak attack!

Although strictly speaking, George did not make a sneak attack, but Fina didn't care about that much.

It's still a baby. If you don't stand still and wait for it to strike first, it will be a sneak attack!

The angry Fina's eyes immediately turned red. The predator instinct in his blood was activated.

Fina pursed her lips tightly and turned into afterimages without saying a word, like a ghost, crossing the enemy's side.

"Ah——! It hurts, it hurts!"

The wand fell from his hand, and blood quickly soaked his clothes. George covered his right arm and fell to the ground rolling in pain.

'Snapped! ’

Bell couldn't help but put his other hand on his face.

Although Fina's claws are indeed very sharp, the little guy is still young after all. Looking at Fina's petite body, you can know that its claws are only about 2 centimeters long.

In addition, even though the little guy was extremely angry, he did not forget that this was a competition, not a life and death fight, so its attacks deliberately avoided the arteries.

To sum up, George's injury was not serious at all.

Of course, it hurts.

But no matter what, it won't make me howl like a pig, right?

Moreover, doesn't he know that as a wizard, especially an ordinary wizard, losing his wand is equivalent to losing half of his life?

Little Fina, who had barely vented her anger, returned to the table with elegant steps.

By the way, when the little guy passed by George rolling on the ground, he wiped the remaining blood on his paws on his robe.

Shanna loves to be clean. If she dares to go home with her paws covered in blood and dirt, she might be punished.

"Fina, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

After hugging Fina, regardless of the fact that the dirt on the little one's paws might stain her precious clothes, Shanna nervously inspected Fina's body.

Although the little girl always scolds Fina, in fact, she is very precious to Fina. Not inferior to his brother at all.

When Fina was hit by the curse before, Shanna almost took action. Fortunately, it was later discovered that Fina was unharmed, so she reluctantly restrained herself.

Now that Fina has returned victorious, Shanna doesn't even bother to praise her, and gives the little guy a full body check first.

Ignoring the loving interaction between the two children around him, and looking at George on the ground, who was like howling until the end of the world, Bell had no choice but to stand up and walk to the other person's side.

"Mr. George, please don't move. I can't help you treat your wound like this."

After hearing Bell's words, George barely held back the pain and lay motionless.

Bell first gave the other party a small bottle of healing potion, and then lightly pressed the wand against the wound.

‘Heal quickly! ’

The green light lit up, and combined with the effect of the potion, the wound on George's arm healed in just a short while.

"Okay, Mr. George, stand up."

"Are you really okay? Why do I still feel a little pain in my arm?"

Snot, tears, and dirt mixed together and covered George's face, making him look like a poor beggar.

Lying on the ground, George carefully groped his right arm with his left hand, as if to confirm whether his arm was still there.

"Don't worry, it's just some residual phantom pain. If you are still worried, you can go to Madam Pomfrey later."

Bell reached out and pulled the other person up from the ground, and gave him a cleaning spell for free, making George no longer look so embarrassed.

"Mr. George, we have understood your level. You can go back. Someone will contact you within a week."

To be honest, Bell really doesn't want to recruit him if he has a choice. This level is really overwhelming.

But now there is really a huge shortage of people.

So after comprehensive consideration, Bell decided that he didn't care!

He is only responsible for recording and then sending the information back. As for whether to recruit the other party, let the professionals at home consider it. You can't give them free wages.

However, looking at George's expression now, Bell was very suspicious. Even if they were willing to admit the other party, they probably wouldn't be willing to do it.

I hope George won't have any psychological shadow because of today's events, otherwise Bell will feel guilty...for one minute.

After hearing Bell say it was time to leave, George immediately turned around and ran towards the castle without even saying goodbye.

Looking at his frightened look, someone who didn't know it might have thought that a group of dementors were chasing him.

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