The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 321 Snape’s Reflection

After learning from George's mistakes, the remaining three applicants all chose Hermione as their opponent. This made Shanna very unhappy.

And Hermione was equally unhappy about this.

Although she can barely cast the Iron Armor Curse now. But her armor spell is not only slow to form, but also has weak defense. So at most it can only resist a curse.

For this, she still had to concentrate all her energy and seize the opportunity.

Otherwise, the curse will be cast on the body, and the iron armor curse will not be formed yet.

After a hard struggle, Hermione managed to achieve a glorious record of 0 wins and 3 losses.

"Okay, Hermione, don't be angry. Don't you think that after these three battles, you have become much more proficient in the Iron Armor Charm?"

On the way back to the castle, Bell tried hard to comfort his girlfriend who was having a tantrum.

There is no other way, I have to accept the death I caused by gritting my teeth.

"I don't think so! I just feel that my legs are weak when I walk now!"

Bell, this hateful guy, not only decided to let her fight those graduates without consulting her beforehand.

Before the battle started, she was asked to take off the defensive accessories on the pretext of improving the effect of actual combat training.

For this reason, she had been hit by a total of 1 disarming spell, 2 sleeping spells, 2 petrifying spells, and other spells such as binding spells, upside down golden bells, etc.

Although Bell said that the effects of the spell on her body had disappeared, she still felt a little sore and stiff... in short, she felt uncomfortable all over!

"Then let me carry you, okay?"

"not good!"

"Okay, then I'll hug you."

With that said, Bell didn't give Hermione another chance to refuse, and bent down to hug her sideways.

"Put me down! Put me down quickly!"

Hermione blushed with embarrassment and slapped Bell dissatisfied.

But judging from the strength of her hand, she didn't feel dissatisfied at all.

"Brother~Brother~! They are still here, can't you care about their feelings?"

Watching the interaction between her brother and Hermione, little Zannah said that she was jealous and needed to be coaxed for a long time.

Bell put down Hermione awkwardly...

As soon as she landed, Hermione kicked Bell angrily.

Judging from the strength of this kick, she was really a little angry.

In the afternoon, Bell and Penello returned to the recruitment venue again.

The other women said that the interview was too boring, so they didn't follow me again. Only Penello, a wage earner, was too embarrassed to just take money and do nothing, so he could only follow him hard.

Of course, the hardest one is Bell.

So what was the wrong connection in his mind that made him take the initiative to come and work?

At this time, there were already 4 people waiting in the venue.

Three of them were applicants. They were like little chickens, standing tremblingly not far from the other person.

"Professor Snape, you are so early!"

Bell showed a cheerful smile and greeted Snape.

"Humph! It's too late for you! Didn't your parents teach you to keep time?"

Snape snorted dissatisfiedly.

He has been standing here for 10 minutes. Doesn't the other party know that his time is very precious?

"I'm not late, Professor. The time we agreed on was 2 p.m., and it's just 1:59 now. I'm a full minute early!"

Bell paid no attention to Snape's attitude. After all, everyone in Hogwarts knew about Snape's character.

But he couldn't pretend he didn't hear Snape's slander.

Just kidding, he has never seen anyone more punctual than himself! If you say you will arrive at 2 o'clock, you will definitely not arrive at 1:59...58!

"Hmph! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, let's start now!"

After saying that, Snape walked aside and stared at Bell and the others coldly.

Shrugging, Bell ignored Snape's cold gaze and turned his attention to the three applicants in the field.

"Hello everyone, don't be nervous, Professor Snape will not eat you."

‘He won’t eat us, but he might kill us! ’

The three young wizards complained in their hearts in tacit agreement.

"Without further ado, let's start the afternoon interview immediately.

I have prepared the ingredients for three types of magic potion: healing potion, detoxification potion, and concentration potion. In the following time, you can choose one of them for refining.

The time limit is 2 hours, and Professor Snape will comment throughout the entire process. Do you have any questions? "

Seeing that the three people shook their heads, Bell took out the materials he had prepared in advance from his pocket and placed them on the table.

"Then, the test begins, please."

While the three of them were selecting materials, Bell walked to Snape's side.

"Professor, you should know these three people, right? What are their levels?"

"It's just so-so, just a little better than those idiots in Gryffindor."

Snape said.

By the way, of these three people, two are from Slytherin House and one is from Ravenclaw House.

With Snape in charge, there had not been a Gryffindor student in the Advanced Potions class at Hogwarts for many years.

After all, no one would enjoy brewing a potion with the venom of an old bat, right?

"Isn't your sister here?"

After looking towards the direction of the castle, Snape asked coldly.

As far as he knew, except for class time, basically wherever Bell was, there would also be Zannah.

"No, she went to play with her friends."

"Hmph! You should really learn from your sister. Her level of potions is much higher than yours."

Snape was very satisfied with Zannah who entered Slytherin House this school year.

Not only did the little girl have outstanding magical talents, her achievements in potions even surprised him.

An 11-year-old freshman who has just entered school has already caught up with seventh-grade graduates in potion science. At least the three people currently refining the potion are not necessarily much better than Shanna.

"Hammond, how many times have I told you, don't use so much force when squeezing the juice from 'Tashigen'! That will increase the impurities in the juice!"

Snape roared at one of them, which made Hammond tremble with fright and almost overturned the cauldron.

Ever since he learned about Zannah's Potions skills, Snape had deeply reflected on his years of teaching.

He found that he was still too kind to these little brats! As a result, among these 7th graders, there is not necessarily a girl who is in first grade who is as good as one of them!

Therefore, this school year, when the students at Hogwarts were taking potions class, they clearly felt that Snape's mouth was becoming more and more poisonous.

One of the little saviors, who did not want to be named, felt this most deeply.

As the saying goes, deep love brings deep responsibility. Now, even in his dreams, Snape was thinking about how he could raise Harry's potions skills to Zannah's level.

Fortunately, no one knew that the reason why Snape became more and more severe was actually due to Zannah. Otherwise, I believe there will be many people who can't help but find fault with Shanna.

That would cause big trouble.

If too many people died, even Bell would feel a little embarrassed.

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