The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Malfoy’s Journey to Hogwarts (Part 2)

Draco was shocked! He was stunned and speechless.

Harry Potter actually refused friendship from him, from the Malfoy family! ?

The most important thing is that Harry rejected him because of a little red guy from the Weasley family? Draco wondered if he hadn't woken up yet, or if his posture when getting into the car was wrong? Otherwise, why would he be hallucinating now?

Looking at the little red-haired guy, Draco became angrier and more aggrieved.

As the saying goes, there is no need to endure it anymore. Draco, who couldn't bear the grievance, decisively stepped forward.

Crabbe and Goyle, who had been following Draco to watch the excitement, saw that their boss was married, so what else could they think of (mostly because they couldn't think of anything with their own brains), and the two of them immediately Followed Gang up.

Harry saw that someone actually dared to bully the friend he had just made in front of him? Nothing to say, just fuck him!

A scuffle broke out, and the noise alerted the prefects who were patrolling the carriage. The two fifth-year prefects quickly separated.

When Draco saw that he couldn't get rid of the little red guy today, he could only leave angrily and prepare to go back and make plans. This matter is not over yet!

Draco returned to his carriage with his two followers, who were also bruised and swollen. He was now even more dissatisfied with Crabbe and Goyle.

There were obviously three people on my side, but only two on the opposite side. After they stopped Harry, shouldn't Crabbe and Goyle be able to deal with Weasley in just three strokes? The result was a deadlock, which was really embarrassing for him!

"Malfoy, aren't we going to find Menethil?" Crabbe asked cautiously.

He could tell that Malfoy was in a bad mood, so he didn't want to say anything. But thinking about his father's repeated warnings, and the fact that he had just lost the guessing game with Gower, he had no choice but to ask.

"What are you looking for Menethil! I'm not in the mood now, let's talk about it later! Anyway, I'm at Hogwarts and I won't run away. It doesn't make any difference if I do it sooner or later!"

Draco was not in the mood or had the time to look for the trash of the Menethil family now. He wanted to go back and think about how to get Harry back.

Because of what happened at noon, Draco never left his carriage until the train arrived at Hogwarts.

Standing outside the auditorium, Draco was a little nervous. Although he was 100% confident that he would be able to enter Slytherin House, he didn't know how Hogwarts would decide the house for each of them.

The freshmen around them were nervously discussing what they would face during the sorting ceremony. Draco listened carefully for a while and found that none of the people's words were reliable.

Some said they wanted to defeat a giant monster; some said they wanted a group of people to fight in a melee; and the most outrageous thing was that some people said that all they had to do was wear a shabby hat and they would be assigned to the academy that suited them best? How can this be! How unscrupulous a school must be to let a shabby hat decide where the students will go?

Then Draco discovered that Hogwarts actually let a broken hat decide which house students should be assigned to! ? It seemed that what his father said was indeed right. Dumbledore was a weirdo and he should stay away from him.

One by one, the new students stepped forward and were assigned to their own colleges. Soon it was Draco's turn. Looking at the dirty old hat in front of him, Draco touched his smooth and clean platinum-blonde hair.

‘I must tell my father to burn this old hat! ’

After gritting his teeth and putting on the sorting hat, Draco was sorted into Slytherin House as expected.

After hearing the name of the house called out by the Sorting Hat, Draco was so happy that he didn't even care about his hair that was stained by the hat. Under the cheers of his seniors, he strode to the Slytherin table and sat down with his head held high, where Crabbe and Goyle were already sitting here waiting for him.

After Malfoy, Menethil was next. Draco only remembered his second mission when he heard Professor McGonagall shouting out the name of Bel Menethil.

Now that he was in a good mood, he decided to devote a little energy to paying attention to Menethil. After all, it was his father who specifically warned him, so Draco was still very concerned about it.

As for what I forgot before? It was just a small accident, excusable.

Draco looked up and saw a... young man with short black hair? Heading towards the Sorting Hat. Is this person really a new student? Are we really both 11 years old like ourselves? So what did he eat growing up? How can it be so high?

Draco decided to wait until the other party was sorted into Slytherin, then he could spend more energy to welcome the other party, and then ask the other party for the secret of growing taller.

As for why you knew the other party would be sorted into Slytherin? Just kidding, Menethil is a respectable pure-blood wizarding family, and Draco heard his father say that the Menethil family are all Slytherins. So as the heir of the Menethil family, it is not certain that Bell will be assigned to Slytherin.

Then Draco was slapped in the face. He actually heard the Sorting Hat shouting 'Ravenclaw'? Fortunately, I didn't say what I was thinking, otherwise my face would be very painful now. It seems that his initial thought was indeed correct: 'Bell is just not good enough, so his father rarely takes him to banquets.'

After discovering the truth, Draco no longer thought of contacting Bell. He decided to tell his father what he had discovered.

Originally, my family was the first noble in the British wizarding world, and Menethil was just a nouveau riche who had only made some money in recent years. As the heir of the Malfoy family, how could he condescend and take the initiative to make friends with someone else?

So, instead of wasting time on Menethil, let’s consider ‘The Battle to Recapture Harry’. I just thought of a good idea, I can try it tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s arrival!

‘Hehehe~~! Hahahaha~~! ’

"Malfoy? What are you laughing at?"

A Slytherin senior looked at the new junior in confusion, wondering if this child was mentally ill?


Draco wiped the sweat from his forehead, and unexpectedly laughed out loud in excitement.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just sorted into Slytherin. I'm a little too happy."

The senior sister nodded, and just as she was about to say something, she heard Professor McGonagall call out the name 'Harry Potter'. Everyone's attention immediately moved to the sorting hat. Everyone was curious about which house Harry would be sorted into. It would be great if it was their own house.

Draco was nervous too, even more nervous than when he was sorted himself.

He silently prayed to Merlin in his heart, hoping that Harry could be sorted into Slytherin House. He swore that if Merlin really blessed Harry to enter Slytherin, then he would never tease Merlin's stockings again.

Maybe Merlin really likes wearing stockings? Harry was eventually sorted into Gryffindor House. Looking at the cheering and noisy Gryffindors not far away, especially the little red Weasley whose freckles were red with excitement, Draco clenched his fists jealously.

‘I must kill that little red guy! I swear on my father's name! ’ Draco roared inwardly.

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