The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 34 I heard that tall boys are popular with girls

Bell looked at the hat in front of him that even a homeless man might not be willing to wear. He gritted his teeth and placed it on his head while running the Occlumency in his mind.

As soon as Belle's hair touched the Sorting Hat, she heard the Sorting Hat yell.


Breathing a sigh of relief, Bell put the Sorting Hat back on the chair and walked towards the Ravenclaw table.

After shaking hands with several seniors, Bell sat quietly waiting for the meal to begin. It is worth mentioning that Hermione still went to Gryffindor House. It seems that Bell's mouth evasion ability is still not up to standard.

Bell said that he was also helpless. After all, his sister was so good, and everything his brother said was right, so he had no chance to practice mouth dodge.

After the sorting ceremony, Principal Dumbledore stood up, cast a 'loud voice curse' on himself, and spoke.

"Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: Idiot! Cry! Residue! Screw it!"

"thank you all!"

After Dumbledore finished his brief speech, dinner finally began.

Bell has been hungry for a long time. Many years ago, he began to use magic to help the body digest and absorb food, in order to promote the evolution of the body.

Today, this behavior has become his instinct, and he no longer needs to deliberately operate it.

So although he had a full lunch, and even Bell ate much more than Hermione and Neville combined, he was already feeling hungry now.

The dinner was very sumptuous. I don’t know if it’s because today is the opening ceremony or if it’s like this every day.

The table is filled with steaks, fried chicken, potato chips and other delicacies. The taste is not bad, but it is far from the Chinese cuisine made by Bell's Lim.

But I should really be grateful to the house elves for being able to eat delicious food in the UK.

The atmosphere at the table was lively. Although it was not as noisy as the Gryffindor table, everyone was chatting happily while eating.

Bell once again felt that his decision to enter Ravenclaw was correct. He hated noisy environments. If he were in Gryffindor, he would probably want to flip the table by now. Because the little lions are excited about the addition of 'Savior Potter'.

The atmosphere in Ravenclaw was barely within Bell's tolerance.

Seeing Bell sweeping away the food on the table at a speed far faster than anyone else, the little wizards around him were stunned.

"Hi, hello, my name is Michael Corner, you can call me Michael. You are really good at eating." A little wizard sitting next to Bell exclaimed.

After swallowing the food in his mouth, Bell also greeted politely: "Hello, my name is Bell Menethil, please call me Bell. We are now growing in age, and we need to eat more to grow taller."

Michael looked at Bell, who was sitting half a head taller than him.

"So that's the secret to why you're so tall?"

"Of course." Bell affirmed, "By the way, I'll tell you a secret, taller boys are usually more popular with girls."


Several little wizards around him immediately imitated Bell's example, lowered their heads and began to eat crazily.

Soon, the main meal was finished and the table was filled with desserts.

All kinds of ice cream, puddings, pies, everything. It goes without saying that British desserts are pretty good, so why can’t they channel some of their passion for desserts into main meals? This is incredible.

The first-year students, who finally had some time to interact, introduced themselves to each other.

There are a total of 8 freshmen entering Ravenclaw this year, 5 boys and 3 girls. So if nothing else goes wrong, the other four little wizards should be Bell's roommates.

"What a pity. Why didn't you think Harry Potter was assigned to Ravenclaw? After all, the wizard who can defeat the mysterious man must be a very knowledgeable wizard, even though this wizard is a little younger. Morag McDougal said with a sigh.

Obviously he feels very unwilling to not be sorted into the same house as Harry, but because he is now sitting at the long table in Ravenclaw, I believe that unless there is a brain problem, he will not say, "Why was he not sorted into the same house?" Gryffindor's words.

"Maybe it's because Professor Dumbledore is Gryffindor," Bell replied casually.

"What does this have to do with Professor Dumbledore?" Lisa Dupin looked at Bell curiously.

"It's just a feeling. When I was on the train, I heard some freshmen say that because Professor Dumbledore was born in Gryffindor House, they also wanted to enter Gryffindor House."

Bell couldn't say that Dumbledore was operating behind the scenes, could he? And he really didn't know whether Dumbledore had given any instructions to the Sorting Hat before the sorting ceremony.

Several other freshmen heard Bell's words and nodded in agreement. Apparently, Hermione was not the only one who had similar thoughts.

After dinner, Professor Dumbledore stood up again and said: "Now that everyone has eaten and drank enough, I would like to remind everyone of a few things to pay attention to. First, it is prohibited to enter the Forbidden Forest; second, the administrator Mr. Filch must I would like to remind everyone that it is forbidden to cast spells in the corridor between classes; thirdly, the Quidditch player review will be held in the second week; finally, anyone who does not want to encounter an accident and die in pain, please do not go near the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor."

"Now, at the end of the dinner, let us all sing the school song together!"

Dumbledore waved his wand, and a golden ribbon flew out from the tip of the wand, floating in the air and twisting and coiling out the lyrics of the school song.

Bell stood up with the others, looked at the lyrics in the air, and started singing:

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Please give us knowledge

We will study hard until we turn to dust. "

Maybe it's because of the difference in cultural environment? In short, Bell felt that the content of the lyrics was very awkward. And everyone sings their own way, and the various tones are mixed together, and its power far exceeds the noise attack of the Sorting Hat. Seeing Dumbledore's eyes filled with excitement, Bell really didn't know how to complain.

After singing the school song, the young wizards of each college returned to the common room of their own college under the leadership of their prefects. In front of the Ravenclaw common room, the prefect introduced the new students how to enter the room.

"To enter the Ravenclaw Common Room, you must answer the knocker's question. Just knock the knocker lightly like this."

The prefect said, gently knocking on the hawk-beak knocker in the middle of the lounge door.

I saw the knocker opening his mouth.

"There is a cobra in the forest, but it never bites anyone. Why is that?"

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