The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 330 Everything is for the squid!

It was a dark and windy night.

Most areas of Hogwarts Castle have been plunged into darkness. Only scattered windows still revealed little lights.

The faint sound of play could be heard in the distance. There is no doubt that in this period when the final exam is approaching, if you still have the energy to laugh and play, you will definitely fail the exam at the end of the term.

And at this moment of complete silence, outside a dark window, a few grasses suddenly fell down.

"Rena! Your feet touch the ground!"

Shanna's suppressed voice suddenly sounded above the deserted grass.

"Yeah, sorry!"

Rena apologized with a slight cry.

Although she had used flying shoes several times under Shanna's strong recommendation, she still couldn't control them well.

No way, who told her to be afraid of heights?

"Really, I told you not to follow me here."

"How can that be done! I don't want to miss such a fun thing!"

Phyllis's voice also sounded.

Although she didn't know what Shanna planned to do, it must be something very fun!

As for what I said last time, you will never go out on adventures with Shanna again?

This... this isn't it, I can't help it.

Needless to say, these are the three Zannahs who have been cast under the Disillusionment Curse.

After a week of planning, the time has come!

Seeing that it was almost the time agreed with Fina, Zanna sneaked out of the lounge and came to the grass outside the castle.

But what was different from the plan was that there were two more little tails behind her.

In fact, Shanna really doesn't want to take Felice and Reina with them.

I don’t know since when, the little girl became more and more picky about the plans she made and wanted to pursue perfection.

However, Felice had already forced Reina to follow her, so she couldn't drive them back again.

So in desperation, Shanna could only simply tell the two of them some precautions, and then ran out.

Shanna and Felice held Reina's little hand from left to right, and the three of them quickly flew to the Black Lake.

As soon as the illusion spell on her body was lifted, a black shadow jumped out from the grass not far away and shot at Zannah like an arrow.

Shanna raised her little hand, palm forward.


With a sudden brake, Fina stopped in front of Shanna's palm and looked pitifully at Shanna, who had not seen her for a week.

"You haven't showered in a week, and you still eat raw meat every day. You stink so much, you're not allowed to come here!"

As she said that, Shanna pinched her nose with her hands and took two steps back in disgust.


If she hadn't dared, Fina would have really wanted to bite Shanna twice.

It was obviously the other party who forced it to live in the wilderness for a week. The most annoying thing is that they don't leave food for it and don't let it use magic power.

The result is good now. It has gone through nine or eighty-one difficulties and barely survived this week, but the other party actually dislikes it! ?

Who is it doing so hard without complaining? ? Not just for...

"Okay, stop pretending!"

Looking at her pet possessed by the drama queen, Shanna, who was pressed for time, had no time to play with it.

Fina immediately put away her pitiful expression.

To be honest, it was quite uncomfortable at first.

But after two days, it gradually started to like the unrestrained life again.

And raw meat is not as unpalatable as imagined. Rather, the tender raw meat, paired with the warm, sweet blood, has a unique flavor.

"You guys wait for me here, I'll be up in a minute."

With that said, Shanna cast a water-avoiding spell on herself and walked towards the black lake.


Phyllis shouted and stopped Zanna.

She struggled to pull off Reina's hand covering her mouth and said loudly:

"We're going too!"

‘I don’t want to go! ! ! ’

Lena was about to cry but had no tears left.

However, if Shanna and Felice both left, then she would not dare to stay here alone. Even with Fina accompanying her.


Shanna had a look of disgust on her face.

She was going to fight soon, and she didn't want to carry two oil bottles with her while fighting.

"And Zannah, it's about time you told us what you are planning to do, right?"

"...Okay, my target is actually that big squid."

After thinking about it, she felt that telling the two of them now would not have any impact on her plan, so Shanna stopped keeping it a secret.

"Big squid? Is it the big squid that often floats on the lake and plays with the students?"

Phyllis asked curiously.

After seeing Shanna nod, Felice continued to ask in confusion:

"Why are you looking for that big squid? Has it ever bothered you before?"

It stands to reason that every time Shanna goes out to play, she is basically with them. So if Shanna had been bullied by the big squid, shouldn't they not know about it?

"No. I'm looking for it to eat squid."

That’s right! In the past half month, Shanna has been investigating the layout of the castle and making various preparations in order to obtain a few large squid tentacles and give them to Lim to make iron plate squid!

As for her brother's previous prohibition in front of Hermione from cutting off the tentacles of the giant squid?

Innocent! It's so naive!

It wasn't Zannah's fault, but Hermione had only known her brother for a few days? You know, she has been getting along with her brother day and night since she was a child!

Shanna dared to pat her small breasts and promise that no one in this world understands her brother better than her!

With just one look, Shanna could know what her brother meant.

'snort! ’



Although she didn’t know what squid was, Felice still knew the meaning of ‘eating’.

This is really... so interesting!

"No, Zannah, you have to take me with you!"

Phyllis rushed over and hugged Shanna, quite like someone hugging the thigh of a rich man.

Unable to defeat the opponent, Shanna reluctantly dived into the black lake with Felice, who looked excited, and Lena, who also looked reluctant.



Zannah held Felice's hand and interrupted the other party's fluorescent spell.

"Huh? Why? It's so dark. Without the fluorescent spell, wouldn't we be able to see nothing?"

Phyllis looked at Zannah in confusion.

Before, she saw that Shanna did not cast the fluorescent spell, and thought that the other party wanted to save magic power, so she wanted to cast it herself.

After all, the three of us were going on an adventure together, so she had to play a role after all.

"Fish in shallow waters are very sensitive to light. The light of the fluorescent spell will attract a large number of fish, which may alarm the giant squid.

Moreover, I heard from my brother that there is a fish-man tribe in the Black Lake. If a fishman with higher intelligence discovers our whereabouts, tonight's plan will be ruined! "

Shanna said seriously.

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