The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 331 Little Shanna’s Adventure in the Black Lake

"But, how are we going to look at the road?"

The visibility under the water is not good to begin with, and since it is still night, it is almost impossible to see even one's fingertips.


Zannah sighed helplessly again.

"You two stay still."

As she spoke, Shanna used her wand to tap their temples respectively.

If there was a mirror in front of the two of them at this time, they would be able to see that their eyes quickly turned orange, and the pupils stood up and turned into a black line.

"Wow~! That's amazing! Shanna, what did you do?"

Looking at the colorful underwater world in front of her, Felice would have thought it was daytime if she hadn't seen nothing just now.

wrong! Even if it's daytime, it shouldn't be so clear underwater!

"I performed a human transformation on your eyes."

Shanna said casually.

By the way, the deformation template came from Fina, who was bored and playing on the shore while chewing grass.

After solving the problem of vision, the three people quickly dived.

"Look! That fish is so beautiful!"

"Look! That fish is so ugly!"

"Look! That fish... that one doesn't seem to be a fish, it's Grindylow! What should we do! Shanna! Grindylow is coming to attack us!"

The colorful underwater world quickly allowed Phyllis and Reina to get rid of their nervousness. They curiously looked at the strange and beautiful world in front of them.

Especially Phyllis, an excited little girl who exclaims everything she sees and shares it with her two good friends. It made Shanna very annoyed!

"Phyllis, be quiet!"

Shanna said a little unhappy.

Phyllis's noisy energy made them feel like they were on an outing, and the serious atmosphere was gone.

Until the last moment before the plan is completed, you can't relax!

My brother said it!

By the way, my brother should have said that, right?

Shanna was a little unsure.

"But, Grindylow..."

Phyllis stared at her feet in horror. She discovered that Grindylow was not the only one she had just seen, but there were also a group of them behind it!

Glancing at the group of annoying guys who wanted to cause trouble for her, Zannah impatiently used her wand to stir the water.

A vortex centered on the Grindylow closest to the three people, quickly formed, and rushed towards the Grindylow group in the distance.

Grindylow, who was absorbed by the water flow, had no way to escape. They were wailing and being sucked into the whirlpool. They were thrown into confusion and didn't know where they were.

In fact, these Grindylows should feel lucky. If their brains weren't too stupid and didn't have clear thinking at all, it's possible that Shanna would have killed the monsters and silenced them.

"Okay, there is no Grindylow anymore. We have to speed up a little and try to avoid the magical animals in the water."

As long as you move in the water, it will inevitably cause fluctuations in the water flow. Many aquatic magical animals can sense this kind of fluctuation, so the Illusion Body Curse has almost no effect in water.

Otherwise, Zannah would have activated the Disillusionment Curse, sneaked directly to the big squid, and controlled him.

"No! Hide quickly!"

Suddenly, Zannah grabbed Felice and Reina's arms, used the transformation technique to control the water flow around them, and quickly hid behind a rock.

"What, what's wrong?"

Lena asked nervously in a low voice.

"It's a fish man!"

Shanna leaned into their ears and whispered.

"It should be that the fluctuations in the water flow during the previous settlement of Grindylow attracted the attention of the nearby fishmen. Don't be nervous, they can't find us."

With that said, Shanna cast the Disillusionment Curse for the three of them.

When moving, the Disguise Charm cannot hide the fluctuations of the water flow. But when it's not moving, it can still have some effect.

"Wow wow wow~!"

After one of the murlocs, who seemed to be the leader, gave instructions to the other murlocs, the murlocs spread out and searched the waters.

At the beginning, Zannah was still hiding patiently. But after a while, the little girl became impatient.

How long will we have to look for these damn ugly guys? Don't you know she's pressed for time?

Her eyes rolled around for a while, and then Shanna got the idea.

She signaled Felice and Reina to stay where they were and not to move, and then, under the worried gazes of the two, she moved slowly towards the location of the leader, close to the bottom of the lake.

With the help of various debris at the bottom of the lake, Shanna quickly reached the bottom of the fish-man leader without any accidents.

She observed patiently for a while, then seized an opportunity when no other murlocs looked in this direction, quickly floated up and came to the back of the murloc leader.

‘Confuse the public! ’

Before the fish-man leader could turn around to check for any unusual movement behind him, Shanna's spell had already hit it first.

"Woah woah~ woah woah!"

Under the call of the fishman leader, all the fishmen gathered. They followed the fishman leader and quickly left the water.

"Okay, let's go."

After lifting the illusion spell on her body, Shanna waved to the direction of her friends.

The rest of the journey was smooth. After all, this is the territory of Hogwarts, and there are not many dangerous magical animals in the Black Lake.

Based on the magic mark previously placed on the giant squid, Shanna and the other three found the location of the giant squid.

And just when the three people saw the big squid from a distance, the big squid also discovered these three little guys.

Although I don’t know why the students from Hogwarts appeared at the bottom of the Black Lake at night, the big squid still extended its tentacles in a friendly manner and gently played with the three little girls.

It knows that the students at Hogwarts like to play with it this way. Likewise, it also likes it.

"Ouch! Don't be so friendly. If you do this, why would I be embarrassed to eat you?"

Although she said this, it could be seen from Shanna's firm eyes that the little girl had no intention of giving up her plan.

"Cha!? Chacha?"

The big squid's tentacles froze instantly, and it screamed anxiously at Shanna.

"No, you heard me right, I just want to eat you!"

Shanna stared at the big squid seriously, indicating that there was nothing wrong with the other person's hearing.

"Cha Cha!? Cha, Cha!"

The giant squid waved its tentacles angrily, causing chaos in the surrounding waters.

However, its tentacles carefully avoided the location of Shanna and the other three.

Even at this time, it still didn't want to hurt the little wizard, but just wanted to scare away the three people.

"Oops! I didn't say I wanted to kill you. I just wanted a few of your tentacles. My brother said, this is called sustainable development!"

Just kidding, she doesn't kill randomly. You know, her kindness is recognized by all Hogwarts. If you don't believe it, you can ask her brother.

"Cha-cha-cha! Cha-cha!"

"Oh! Don't be so stingy! I heard from my brother that if humans bleed occasionally, it can promote the hematopoietic function in the body and is good for the body.

Then if you occasionally break off two tentacles, it will definitely promote your regeneration system. Maybe in the future, you can use this to become immortal.

So, we can eat delicious sizzling squid, and you can exercise your regeneration ability. This is simply a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. Why should you refuse? "

Shanna always does things with reason and persuasion!

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