The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 332 Fierce battle with the giant squid

As a salty squid who likes to bask in the sun and play games with the little wizards at Hogwarts when he has nothing to do, he has no ambitions.

Therefore, it refuses the powerful bug ability of immortality.


The chirping of the giant squid became more and more shrill. The wildly dancing tentacles were getting closer and closer to Shanna and the others.

This is its last warning. If the three little wizards in front of it don't leave, then it will launch an attack.

Moreover, it has also memorized the smells of these three people. Therefore, even if they leave obediently now, don’t expect it to play with them in the future!

"Zanna, how about we go back?"

Phyllis firmly grasped Zannah's coat to stabilize her body.

When facing the crazy giant squid at close range, Phyllis felt the terror of the other party for the first time.

This and the usual big squid that always plays lazily with the little wizard are completely different creatures!

Moreover, she was very satisfied with tonight's adventure in the Black Lake. Now, all he had to do was return to his dormitory safely.

"Yes, Zannah. Mr. Squid is already angry, let's leave quickly!"

Rena also persuaded.

She didn't agree to take risks in the Black Lake in the first place. It was too dangerous!

Although she had a lot of fun later, but...but...

In short, she wants to go back!


Shanna refused her friends' offer without hesitation.

Just kidding, they were having fun, but she hadn't started her own business yet, so how could she just go back like this.

Moreover, this big squid dared to yell at her just now! ?

Neither her parents ever yelled at her like that!

Shanna decided to treat others the same way they were treated.

After stabilizing the water flow around her to prevent her friends from being washed away by the water flow driven by the tentacles, Zannah glared at the big squid with dissatisfaction.


Putting the wand against its throat, layers of ripples, starting from Zanna's mouth, instantly enveloped the big squid's body.

Using water as a medium, the sound waves quickly spread throughout the giant squid's body, causing it to tremble as if it was electrocuted.

However, with its powerful body, Shanna's sonic attack did not cause any substantial damage to it. How about it feel a little comfortable?


In any case, since the other party strikes first, there is absolutely no reason for it to just take a beating without fighting back.

The tentacles turned into afterimages and hit Shanna and the others with far greater speed than before.

‘Bang bang bang~! ’

A series of firecracker-like sounds exploded, and Zannah waved her wand calmly, receiving the giant squid's attacks one by one under the shocked eyes of Phyllis and Rena.

Whenever a tentacle attacks in front of them, a light blue translucent shield will appear and bounce the tentacle back.

Zanna's right hand waved out a series of afterimages.

Although the opponent's attack speed was not slow, it was still slower than the large number of Bludgers she faced during training every day.

However, in terms of the intensity of the attack, the attack of the tentacle is still much greater than that of the Bludger. Therefore, Zannah could not spare any time to accumulate magic power and launch a counterattack.

After all, it is not difficult to judge from the huge size of the giant squid that ordinary magic spells will not work.

Just as Shanna was thinking about how to break the situation, Phyllis and Reina also recovered from the shock.

After ensuring her own safety, the exciting battle scene in front of her once again inspired the chuuni soul in Felice.

"Leilei, hurry! Do it quickly! All of them will be petrified!"

Waving her wand excitedly, Phyllis cast her best spell.

At this moment, the little girl felt like a legendary warrior, and the wand in her hand was the holy sword. The big squid opposite with its fangs and claws is a powerful evil dragon. She will defeat the dragon and rescue the princess who was kidnapped by the dragon!

So Zannah is the princess?

Hmm... I always feel like something is not quite right?

never mind! do not care!

Seeing Phyllis excitedly casting spells one after another, Lena also hurriedly pulled out her wand.

"T-all petrified!"

Unfortunately, the power of the two people's spells was really limited, and the size of the giant squid was too big, so even if they tried their best to suck milk, they couldn't do anything to the giant squid. Influence.

"By the way, do you feel a little cold?"

Reina suddenly stopped casting the spell, crossed her shoulders with her hands, and shivered.

You know, she wears a constant temperature badge. Logically speaking, she shouldn't feel cold.

After hearing Reina's words, Felice felt that there were indeed waves of cold air constantly penetrating into her body?

She was so excited before that she didn't even notice.

After looking at each other, the two of them turned their attention to Shanna.

Only then did they notice that, unknowingly, the speed of Shanna's wand waving had slowed down a lot.

This is of course not because Shanna's physical strength is about to be exhausted, but because the frequency of the big squid's attacks has slowed down a lot compared to the beginning.

Moreover, they also discovered that there was an extra layer of ice on the tentacles of the big squid. The biting ice cold they felt was emanating from these tentacles.

Feeling the confused gazes of her friends behind her, Shanna raised the corners of her mouth slightly, but she had no intention of explaining to the two of them.

‘The plan went well! ’

There is no doubt that the abnormality on the big squid is Shanna's work.

Since you can't gather enough magic power at once, then spend more time and accumulate it bit by bit.

It just so happens that among the magic spells Zannah has mastered, there is one that is very suitable for dealing with the current situation. That was the 'freezing spell' she learned from her brother during last summer vacation.

The magic power of the freezing spell will not explode in the target's body until it touches the target, so even if it is cast underwater, it will not be affected by the water flow.

And because she had to defend at the same time, Zannah could only cast a weakened version of the freezing spell.

But it doesn’t matter, the quality is not enough, just make up the quantity!

Zannah attached the magic of the freezing spell to the shield. Whenever she blocked an attack from the giant squid, a weakened version of the freezing spell would erupt in the opponent's body.

Moreover, the weakened version also has the benefits of the weakened version. It was precisely because the power of each spell was so weak that the giant squid could not detect anything strange about itself.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, when the big squid found out that it had been attacked, both its attack speed and the power contained in the attack were not even half of what it was originally.

Feeling that the time had come, Zannah shot out a fierce jet of water from the tip of her wand.

The water column hit the giant squid, pushing it backwards.

After she was sure that the big squid's attack could no longer affect her two good friends, Shanna injected her magic power into her flying shoes, and shot towards the big squid like a swordfish.

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