The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 335 Still saying that he is innocent!

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when Bell said it wasn't them.

Ever since she learned that the giant squid had been attacked, her heart had been hanging.

She had been thinking, if it was really the Bell brothers and sisters who did it, what should she do?

Is it to persuade Bell to surrender and seek leniency for confessing?

Or help Bell and find a way to cover up the facts?

Hermione was really heartbroken because of her shady boyfriend.

But it's fine now. It turns out that she was overly worried before.

As soon as her heart returned to her stomach, a feeling of hunger hit Hermione. She hasn't had time to have breakfast yet.

Hermione picked up a piece of meat from Bell's plate.

The snow-white meat strips are roasted to brown on the edges, and are sprinkled with cumin, salt and pepper, chili pepper and other seasonings.

Put it under your nose and smell it gently, and the alluring aroma will hit your face, making you salivate.

It seems like this is another new dish made by Lim?

Turning her head to look at Zanna and Fina, who had been burying their heads in their plates since just now, with their mouths dripping with oil, Hermione couldn't help but feel a little funny.

The expressions and postures of the two little guys are exactly the same, and they are both born with the character "Na".

'What a two-bit snack. ’

"Bell, what is this?"

In view of the experience of accidentally eating spider meat, Hermione felt that it was necessary to confirm the source of the ingredients before eating.

Although after confirming, she still wanted to eat in the end.

"Iron squid."

Bell buried his head in eating and said without raising his head.


‘And he said it wasn’t you who did it! ! ! ’

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

At this moment, Hermione really wanted to put the fork in her hand on Bell's head. She really didn't expect that her boyfriend would be a bad student! I've learned how to lie to her! ?

‘Which guy is so hateful that he taught Bell bad things! ? ’

However, after seeing the sizzling squid on her fork, Hermione was reluctant to part with it.

Ahem, she is reluctant to part with her boyfriend, definitely not reluctant to part with the delicious sizzling squid.

Then Hermione started to get confused again.

If she eats this piece of squid, it means that she has become an accomplice of the Bell brothers and sisters, and she has no right to blame Bell and the others.

But if she doesn't eat's really delicious!

( ̄﹃ ̄)

Just when Hermione was struggling repeatedly, she suddenly discovered to her horror that her body was actually controlled by Bell's magic!

(Bell: ‘I didn’t! I’m not! Don’t talk nonsense!’)

Under the control of 'Bell', the fork in her hand got closer and closer to her mouth, and finally... it tasted so good~!


"Bell! Didn't you say you didn't do it?"

Even though she ate, she couldn't help but blame Bell for attacking the giant squid. But for Bell's lies and deception, she hasn't settled the score with him yet!

"That's right! It was indeed not us who did it, it was Shanna and the others who did it."

Bell innocently pointed to the two little ones who almost buried their faces in the basin.

This sizzling squid is indeed so fragrant, both in texture and taste, it surpasses the crispy spider legs, so it’s no wonder they eat it so deliciously.


In the next few days, Hermione lived on tenterhooks. Even when reviewing for the exam, she couldn't devote 200% of her enthusiasm.

Although Bell repeatedly assured that the professors would not find out about them, Hermione still couldn't let go.

So much so that every time she met professors in the corridor, she would feel guilty.

But for some reason, whenever the professors saw her guilty look, not only did no one think she was suspicious, but they all smiled kindly and comforted her, telling her not to be nervous, it would be okay.

If Professor McGonagall hadn't behaved in the same way, Hermione would have almost thought that these professors had been bribed by Bell with squid.

Amid all the little wizards' expectations, fear, or despair, the final exam arrived as scheduled.

The exam went smoothly.

Speaking of which, Hogwarts seems to be as peaceful and peaceful as a serious school only when the final exams are taking place?

Although a large part of the riots that occurred in Hogwarts this year were contributed by the Bell brothers and sisters.

It is worth mentioning that even though she had been warned in advance by her brother, during the exam, she was not sure what the so-called "don't go too far" meant. Little Sanna still accidentally shocked the professor. them all year long.

Of course, Shanna actually didn't go too far. After all, her brother had warned her. Therefore, she dealt with it casually based on Hermione's level.

But you know, Hermione is the first in the third grade. Shanna, who was only in her first year, was able to reach such a high level, which surprised the professors.

Leisurely and happy time always flies by. After a week of fun, finally, the last day of the school year has arrived.

Today, the Great Hall of Hogwarts is beautifully decorated. The place that was supposed to be the professor's dining area was placed on a high platform. A bright red carpet extended from the high platform to the door of the auditorium.

At today's year-end dinner, Harry's investiture ceremony will be held.

After half a year of discussion and inspection, the Order of Merlin finally decided to award Mr. Harry Potter with the Order of Merlin Level 2 to reward Harry for his feat of catching Sirius Black.

As for Ron and Neville?

Maybe they could discuss it with Harry and share some of the bonus.

In fact, Ron did just that.

Unlike the happy little wizards, Bell was a little unhappy.

It certainly wasn't because he was jealous of Harry or anything. Rather, at the year-end dinner every year, when Dumbledore was doing crazy secret operations to give Harry extra points, the wonderful expressions on the faces of the Slytherin wizards could make Bell laugh all year long.

However, this year, the entire British wizarding world knew that it was Harry who caught Black at the moment. Even the most arrogant little snake would not think that his college would still be able to win this year's College Cup.

In fact, not long after the Christmas break, the Little Snakes gave up competing for this year's Academy Cup.

They decided to hibernate for the time being and accumulate strength. If they don't come out, they will hit it with one blow. Next year's Academy Cup will definitely be theirs!

The reason why the little snakes are so confident is because they have decided that in order to end Gryffindor's winning streak and restore Slytherin's glory, in the next school year, all the teachers and students of their Slytherin House will... Will pool their money to buy the most powerful and fastest broomstick - the Firebolt!

As long as they can defeat Harry and win the Quidditch Cup, then a full 150 points will be added and subtracted, which will be a gap of 300 points. By then, even if the Death Eaters collectively escape from prison, Gran Fendo can't even think of taking away their Academy Cup!

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