The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 336 The last day of this school year

After learning from his sister about the plan discussed at the extremely secret meeting of Slytherin College, Bell quickly warned his sister over and over again that she must not leak the previous news to the little snakes.

Otherwise, he was afraid that someone might not be able to bear the blow and take a leap of faith from the highest point of Hogwarts.

Although there is magic power, it is impossible for them to fall to death, but the impact is not good after all.

According to what his father said a few days ago, Hogwarts seems to be holding some important events in the next school year, so the Quidditch match should be cancelled.

As for the specific activity, his father, who had a bad taste again, did not tell him.

Soon, the awarding ceremony began.

Several gray-haired old wizards, under the witness of the Minister of Magic Fudge, Rory talked a lot about the glorious history of the Order of Merlin, and finally handed a mediocre badge to the man who was about to fall asleep. of Harry.

After the old wizards and the Ministry of Magic personnel left together, Dumbledore returned to the high platform, and after a few brief words, he awarded Harry another badge.

This is the badge of the school's special contribution award. Dumbledore deliberately kept it until now, and then awarded it to Harry on this highly anticipated occasion.

"Stop eating it!"

Hermione kicked her boyfriend angrily.

On such a sacred and solemn occasion, everyone stared at Harry on the high platform with envy on their faces. Only Bell was here, eating without raising his head. Zannah was even led astray by him!

"what happened again?"

Bell looked at his girlfriend in confusion, wondering who had offended Hermione again?

Wasn't it fine before? How do you say that you change your face when you change your face?

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Look at Harry, then look at yourself. It's obvious that you..."

Hermione turned on her preaching mode again.

As soon as she saw the innocent expression on Bell's face, she became furious.

So Bell is obviously so powerful. Whether it is a terrifying basilisk or a terrifying dementor, Bell can easily deal with it. Why can't he be more serious? Not to mention the medal of Sir Merlin, at least I can also get a school contribution award or something!

"Hey~? I don't want it! It's so troublesome."


Seeing her boyfriend's unsatisfactory and lazy look on his face, Hermione was so angry! She grabbed the dinner plate in front of Bell.

‘Eat them all! Not left for you! snort! ’

In fact, Hermione didn't know what was wrong with her. She clearly knew that Bell didn't value these things.

However, when she saw Harry standing under the spotlight, enjoying everyone's praise and admiration, she felt a little confused.

Looking at his girlfriend who suddenly became nervous because she didn't know which string was wrong, Bell felt a little funny.

"Hermione, if you want a medal so much, how about I give you one? How about... the Menethil Family Special Contribution Award?"

"I haven't contributed to your family, so why should you give me any contribution award?"

Hermione's mouth was full of food, chewing and mumbling.

After spending time with the Bell brothers and sisters, even Hermione has mastered the unique skill of eating clearly while speaking clearly.

Of course, it is impolite to talk while eating, and good children must not learn this.

"How come there is no contribution? If we have more children in the future, wouldn't that be a greater contribution than anything else?"


Hermione squirted immediately. She didn't even bother to apologize to the little wizard across the table who had food scraps sprayed all over her face, so she turned around and kicked Bell hard with her face flushed.

"You, you, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"Brother, I'm really not ashamed. Shame! Shame!"

"Ouch! Ouch!"

On the other side of Bell, Shanna and Fina, who had been eating seriously, were interrupted by Bell's speech and raised their heads to complain.


She sat on the Hogwarts Express bound for London again, but unlike the previous two times, this time, Hermione no longer felt nervous or uneasy.

Because she already knew that Bell's mother was actually a very amiable person and would not look down on her because of her background.


With the sound of the train's whistle, King's Cross Station arrived.

Following the bustling crowd, Bell and his party stepped off the train.

"Long time no see, little Hermione! Do you miss your sister...or your aunt?"

A drop of cold sweat flowed from Elena's forehead.

so close! I almost said it right just now!

For other people, Elena could let them call her sister, but Hermione could not.

This is my future daughter-in-law. If she calls her sister, she will be a generation behind!

"Hehe, hehe, yes, I miss my aunt very much."

Hermione gave a slightly forced smile.

Aunt Elena is good at everything, but sometimes she is a little too enthusiastic, which makes her a little bit overwhelming.

"Little Hermione is so good! Did that guy Bell bully you? If he dares to bully you, tell Auntie and Auntie will help you deal with him!"

"Ahem, mom."

Seeing that his girlfriend was hesitating to speak, Bell quickly spoke up to help Hermione (?).

"Oh, I'm sorry. Hello, little Phyllis and little Lena, how are you doing at Hogwarts?"

After being reminded by her son, Elena noticed that there were two other little girls present.

"We are doing well, Aunt Elena."*2

Phyllis and Lena said in unison.

"Oh! How many times have I told you, what do you call aunt? Call me sister..."

"Ahem! What's that? Mom, Hermione's parents are still waiting for her outside the platform. I'll send her out first."

After saying that, regardless of the protests of his unreliable mother, Bell took Hermione's hand and walked toward the exit without looking back.

Really, didn't he just have a girlfriend? It's been half a year, why hasn't his mother's mood calmed down?

As soon as they stepped out of the platform, they spotted Mr. and Mrs. Granger waiting not far away.

After a brief hello, Bell said goodbye to Hermione's family on the grounds that his parents were still waiting for him.

Before leaving, Bell said to Hermione:

"That's it, I'll pick you up in a week."

After speaking, Bell bowed to the Grangers and turned around to leave.

"Hermione, are you and Belle going somewhere?"

Mrs. Granger looked at her daughter curiously.

"I don't know where to go. Bell is mysterious. He just said that it is a place beyond imagination, but he refused to tell me the specific location."

"What!? That's not okay! My dear daughter, you can't go with him!"

Upon hearing his daughter's words, Mr. Granger jumped out immediately.

Although he has basically recognized Bell, he still doesn't worry about his daughter being alone with him. After all, my daughter is still so young, what if that brat Bell does this or that! ?

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