The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 337 So where are we going?

However, in response to Mr. Granger's objection, the mother and daughter only glanced indifferently, then turned away and went back to chatting on their own.


As the saying goes, if a girl is outward, the ancients would not deceive her.

And not only is the daughter turning toward outsiders, but now even the wife is turning toward outsiders. This is really...

"By the way, Mom, Bell also said that he wants to invite you to watch this year's Quidditch World Cup. Let me ask if you have time."

...This is really great!


Mr. Granger also knows about Quidditch.

At the beginning, he actually dismissed the Quidditch game that wizards were passionate about.

Can Quidditch be as fun as football! ?

It wasn't until last summer vacation that he saw the video of the Quidditch match on his daughter's magical gadget called a personal terminal.

At just one glance, Mr. Granger was attracted by this exciting and fierce game flying in the air.

To hell with football and all that! A group of people were running around on the ground, as tired as dead dogs. Did they explode?

During that summer vacation, the first thing Mr. Granger did when he got home every day was to borrow a personal terminal from his daughter to play with.

It's a pity that his daughter didn't want to lend it to him, so he was so worried that he lost so many hairs.

However, due to Jin Cheng's efforts and Jin Shi's persistent efforts, he still watched several games.

As a result, Mr. Granger was so angry!

Damn Scotland, how could they be so insidious! ?

As a former die-hard fan of the English team, even now, Mr. Granger still unswervingly supports the English Quidditch team.

His love for England is astonishing!

Therefore, the reason why he was so excited was not because he had the opportunity to watch the Quidditch World Cup in person, but because he wanted to cheer for the England team. There is absolutely no selfishness whatsoever, really!

‘Fuck the Scots! ’

However, there are always many people in this world who have very superficial thoughts and always think bad things about others.

For example, take the mother and daughter in front of me.

Look, come and take a look, what do they mean by that look in their eyes!

"Ahem! I mean, we haven't had much rest for almost a year. Originally, your mother and I planned to take a good rest during your summer vacation and walk around with you.

Since you have other arrangements now, of course we will respect your wishes.

But this way, our time is freed up.

After all, Bell is your boyfriend. He is idle anyway, so we can reluctantly give him this face and go to watch a few games. "

Even with Mr. Granger's accomplishments, he could not withstand the mother and daughter's long gaze. As soon as he rolled his eyes, he thought of a perfect excuse... ahem, it was a reasonable reason.

A week passed quickly. Today is the day that Bell and Hermione agreed on.

With the help of her mother, Hermione spent nearly 2 hours finishing her dressing up.

She was currently sitting on the sofa in the living room, her eyes constantly wandering back and forth between the open space in the living room and the clock on the wall.

Based on the experience of Bell coming to pick up their family last Christmas, in order to reduce the burden on her boyfriend, Hermione had already made an agreement with Bell in advance to let him apparate directly into the living room.

Although Hermione didn't know how much energy it would take to keep the banishing spell on her body intact when the Apparition appeared.

But judging from the fact that Lim can't do this yet, it won't be as easy as Bell said.

"Okay, good daughter, relax a little, there's still half an hour until the agreed time."

Mrs. Granger held her daughter's hand and comforted her with a soft smile.

In the past, even my daughter had never been as nervous as she is now when she was waiting for her test results to be announced.

Looking at the sweat on the tip of her daughter's nose, while she was pleased with her daughter's growth, she was also happy that her daughter could meet someone she truly liked.

Hermione understood the truth, but no matter how she tried to comfort herself in her heart, she could not successfully calm herself down.

This was her first date with Bell during the summer vacation. In the previous two summer vacations, due to one or another reason, it was difficult to even meet in person.

Moreover, she was also very curious about the destination that Bell said was absolutely beyond imagination.

Could it be some legendary secret place? The kind where there are many little goblins the size of a thumb and with two small wings living inside?

All I can say is that sometimes reading too many books is definitely not a good thing.

At least now, Hermione has confused some of the fairy tale books she read as a child with the reality of the wizarding world.

There are no legendary secret realms on this earth.

Most of the so-called legends are pranks done by evil wizards.

As Hermione waited for seconds that seemed like years, finally, with a distortion of space, Bell appeared quietly at Hermione's home.

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I kept you waiting for a long time."

As soon as Bell appeared, he respectfully greeted Hermione's parents on the sofa.

Before the Apparition appeared, he had already sensed the location of several people.

"Hello, Bell. Sit down quickly, and Auntie will get you a cup of tea."

With that, Mrs. Granger stood up.

In order to entertain her future son-in-law well, she recently practiced her tea-making skills. Now she dares to pat her chest and say that the black tea she brews is definitely no worse than those in those shops.

"No, Auntie, time is tight, we have to rush there quickly."

Bell hurriedly stopped Mrs. Granger. Due to the special circumstances, he really doesn't have time to drink tea leisurely now.

"Hey!? Do you have to catch a flight or something?"

Mrs. Granger looked disappointed. The skills she had worked so hard to practice, but no one tasted them in the end, made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Roughly the same."

Bell smiled apologetically.

"Okay then, please be safe. By the way, when will you come back?"

Sitting back on the sofa in disappointment, Mrs. Granger suddenly thought that she had such a very important question that she had forgotten to ask.

"The fastest is 1 or 2 days, and the slowest should not be more than a week."

Did you hear that you still have to spend the night? And it’s possible to spend multiple nights? Mr. Granger desperately wanted to save his daughter who was about to 'slip'.

However, considering that he had not yet obtained the tickets for the Quidditch World Cup, and even if he had obtained them, he himself did not know how to get there. Therefore, Mr. Granger was unable to say anything in the end.

I don't know how Hermione would feel if she knew that in her father's mind, she didn't even have a ticket to the Quidditch World Cup that was valuable.

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