The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 342 The Blood Curse of House Elves

"Bell! These house elves, why are they using wands!?"

According to the legal provisions of the wizarding world that Hermione had read, there are clear regulations that prohibit the use of wands by creatures other than wizards. Including but not limited to goblins, house elves, etc.

It is a very serious crime to voluntarily give a wand to a non-wizard magical creature for use, and you may even be directly imprisoned in Azkaban, the most terrifying prison in the British wizarding world.

Although Hermione had always known that her boyfriend didn't really care about the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Magic. But she really didn't expect that Bell would keep jumping sideways at the door of Azkaban! ?

"Oh, you are talking about these wands. They were all made by me in my spare time. Although there is still a certain gap compared with the wands made by Mr. Ollivander, they can still be used."

After so many years of research, the wand now produced by Bell has reached 70% of Ollivander's wand in terms of magic conductivity and magic capacity.

"I'm not asking you about wands! I'm asking you about why they are using wands! By the way, can you still make wands?"

Hermione didn't even know her boyfriend could make wands? By the way, is there anything else that Bell can't make?

In fact, Bell doesn't know how to make high-end potions. Even for low-end potions, the quality of the finished products he makes is not as good as those made by Shanna.

However, Hermione obviously doesn't care about this now.

"Don't you know that magical creatures that are not wizards cannot use wands!?"

Hermione almost grabbed Belle's ears and let out a roar. She couldn't believe that Bell didn't know the rules of the Ministry of Magic.

"Calm down, Hermione, calm down."

Taking a step back, Bell put a little distance between himself and his girlfriend. Otherwise, he was afraid that Hermione, who was keen on upholding rules, would pounce on him and bite him.

"Don't worry. Although the Ministry of Magic does stipulate that house elves cannot use wands, in fact, unlike goblins, centaurs and other magical creatures, house elves are harmless and will not pose any threat to wizards."

"Why? Why can you guarantee that house elves are harmless?"

Hermione demanded.

Although the young and naive Hermione still cannot understand the reason why the Ministry of Magic prohibits non-wizard magical creatures from using wands, she can understand what Bell said!

In short, it’s okay to fight!

At this moment, Hermione was possessed by semen.

Smiling and pinching his girlfriend's cute little face, Bell didn't care about Hermione's rebuke to him.

It's quite fun to have a little fight like this once in a while, isn't it?

"Because of the blood curse in the house elf. Do you know about the blood curse?"

"I've read about it in books, and it seems like it's a very evil curse?"

Hermione thought about it carefully and said uncertainly.

"In fact, it's not evil at all."

Bell shook his head.

Is there anything evil or evil about magic? Power is neither good nor evil, only those who use it are.

“The reason today’s wizards think the Blood Curse is evil is mainly because of the existence of the Blood Curse Orcs.

Oh, the so-called blood cursed orcs are wizards who inherit the blood curse in their bodies.

With the power of the blood curse, these wizards are born with the ability to switch between human and animal forms. But in the end, they will completely become animals and will never be able to turn back into humans. "

Hearing about the existence of blood-cursed orcs for the first time, Hermione covered her mouth in surprise.

That's it, why does Bell still say that the Blood Curse is not evil? Speaking of which, isn't my boyfriend's standard of good and evil a little too skewed?

However, before Hermione could open her mouth to tutor her boyfriend in two ideological and political classes, Bell continued:

"However, there is not only one kind of blood curse. It's just that the blood curse orcs are the most famous.

In fact, the blood curse that wizards usually come into contact with most often is the blood curse in house elves.

The effect of this blood curse has two points:

First, house elves must obey their master's orders;

Secondly, house elves are not allowed to actively harm wizards when their master or themselves are not in danger.

(Because the concept of 'harm' is actually difficult to define, when the Blood Curse was drawn up, it was set that house elves should not have any subjective thoughts of harming wizards.

Therefore, if a house elf thinks that he is not harming the wizard, but is saving the other person, then even if the wizard himself or others think that the wizard has been harmed, the house elf can still inflict damage on the wizard. magical. )

And this blood curse, after years of reproduction by the house elves, has been deeply engraved in their blood, enough to be called unbreakable.

Therefore, it is impossible for house elves to betray wizards. Allowing them to use wands will only be of great help to wizards.

And the most important thing is that the laws of the Ministry of Magic have no control over Mars. "

After Bell briefly introduced the blood curse in the house elves, Hermione's eyes widened and she looked at the large number of wizards and house elves in front of her with disbelief.

"How could wizards do this!? Doesn't this mean that house elves are completely turned into slaves of wizards!?"

In Hermione's opinion, magic should be a great power. Wizards use magic to help people in trouble and create various magical props to make the world a better place.

And shouldn't this kind of evil magic, such as enslaving other creatures, be used only by extremely evil dark wizards? Why, according to Bell, are wizards enslaving innocent and poor house elves as a matter of course?

In fact, Hermione still doesn't know enough about the magical world. In the magical world, there is no clear boundary between black and white.

You know, the first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald, known as the most terrifying dark wizard in history, has many wizards who cannot use black magic among his followers.

And their respected Principal Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest white wizard in modern times, is definitely not low in black magic, surpassing at least 90% of the wizards in the wizarding world.

Bell will never forget the 'Riddle's Diary' that had a big hole in the middle when he was in first grade. From the scorch marks on the edge of the hole, it is not difficult to see that it was burned through by strong fire.

What a terrifying control that is!

Only wizards who have mastered truly powerful fire can understand the difficulty of this.

At least with Bell's current attainments, if he were to use the Fire Curse to burn Voldemort's Horcruxes, there would only be a small pile of ashes left in the end.

No! Maybe he won’t even have ashes left!

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