The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 343 History buried in the long river of time

There must always be someone who sacrifices his life for justice.

Hermione has decided that she wants to correct the misconceptions of wizards and end the slave-like fate of house elves.

After she returns, she plans to set up an organization dedicated to liberating house elves. She has even thought of a name, and it will be called the 'House Elf Liberation Association'. President: Hermione Granger, Vice President: Belle Menethil, Association Member: Zannah Menethil.

Looking at his girlfriend who was inexplicably on fire, Bell helplessly patted Hermione on the head.

"Of course wizards can do this. In fact, wizards back then had to do this."


Hermione looked at her boyfriend in disbelief, how could he say such a thing? Fortunately, she still regards Bell as a like-minded comrade!

"This is wrong! How can wizards..."


Bell interrupted Hermione sternly.

“Don’t make unreasonable assertions about things you don’t understand!”


With her mouth flattened, Hermione looked at the vicious Bell with aggrieved eyes, looking like she was about to cry.

Zannah on the side puffed out her small chest and glanced at Hermione proudly.

She has been keeping in mind her brother's advice since many years ago, and will express her own opinions only after she has a more detailed understanding of the causes and consequences of the matter.

Resisting the urge to comfort Hermione, Bell began to explain the origin of the blood curse in the house elf.

"It's true that wizards enslave house elves now, but that doesn't mean it was the same way in the past.

I think you should know that the ability of house elves to cast spells without a wand is far stronger than that of wizards. A newborn house elf can control the magic in his body instinctively and at will. "

At this point, Bell had to sigh with emotion about the racial talent of the house elves.

At this point, Bell felt that his ability to cast spells without a wand could be called a master's degree. With neither party using a wand, Bell was even confident that he could make a few gestures with Dumbledore.

Of course, when using a wand, it would be more realistic for him to think more about how to escape.

And even now, Bell doesn't dare to move in space without using a wand. Otherwise, God knows, will he be short-changed after the Apparition?

But every house elf, please note that every one, after growing to a certain age, can easily move in space.

This is very scary!

"So, before the invention of the wand, wizards were at an absolute disadvantage when facing house elves. In other words, wizards were the oppressed party.

After the wand was created, the wizard who owned the wand was able to avoid the worries of magic backlash and freely cast powerful spells within his own abilities. This finally made up for his racial disadvantage.

However, the good times did not last long, and wizards were horrified to discover that, whereas wizards had to choose matching wands to cast spells smoothly, house elves did not need to worry about this at all.

All wands, regardless of material or length, once held in the hands of a house elf, will be like a docile pony for them to drive.

This also means that once the house elves crack the method of making the wand, the wizard will face the oppression of the other party again. And this time, there may be no room for improvement.

Unable to accept this, the wizards brazenly launched a war against the house elves.

After going through a long period of time and paying a heavy price, the wizard finally won the war.

But at this time, the wizards who wanted to completely exterminate the house elves to avoid future troubles suddenly discovered that due to their heavy losses in the war, other magical creatures began to take action.

Goblins, centaurs, fishmen, etc., many magical creatures are also coveting the method of making the wand.

Just as wizards don't want to live in the shadow of house elves again, these magical creatures don't want to live in the shadow of wizards in the future.

And now that the wizards have suffered heavy losses, this is their last chance. Once wizards are given enough time to recuperate, it will be extremely difficult for them to obtain the method of making a wand.

Faced with the threat of these magical creatures, a wizard's proposal to 'enslave house elves and enhance the power of wizards' quickly gained the approval of most wizards.

In the end, the power of all the top wizards in Europe at that time was gathered to finally impose the current blood curse on the house elf.

The wizards also used this to successfully survive the crisis.

However, things are unpredictable. After repelling the attacks of many groups of magical creatures, before the extremely weak wizards could celebrate their hard-won victory, the Muggles, who had been observing secretly for a long time, suddenly raised their eyebrows at the wizards. A butcher's knife was raised.

A thousand-year witch-hunting movement broke out.

Facing the Muggle suppression, wizards had to agree with each other to hide their existence in order to avoid Muggle hunting.

And this is the origin of the "Confidentiality Act".

It can be said that the existence of house elves has fundamentally affected the history of wizards and directly created the way of survival of modern European wizards. "

After listening to Bell's long narration, Hermione was stunned on the spot and couldn't speak for a long time.

She didn't expect that behind a blood curse, there was such a huge, epic story.

"But why have I never seen any relevant descriptions in history books?"

Hermione loved studying history, especially the history of wizards.

Coming from a Muggle family, she is very keen on comparing the history of Muggles and the history of wizards. She can use this to discover many unknown historical truths. She couldn't get enough of that feeling.

"Don't the history books say that wizards didn't take the so-called witch hunt seriously at all?

In addition, the book also said that Muggle fire could not harm wizards at all, and some wizards would even be caught deliberately and let Muggles burn them as an entertainment activity.

And those 'witches' who were burned to death were actually innocent Muggle girls. "

As the only scholar who had not slept in Professor Binns' History of Magic class, Hermione clearly remembered the relevant descriptions of the witch-hunting movement in the History of Magic textbooks. They are completely different from what Bell said.

"The history of magic is written by wizards, Hermione. And the truth of history is often buried in the torrent of time.

The wizard is indeed not afraid of the burning of ordinary flames, but the premise is that the wizard must have magic power in his body.

The magic power in a wizard's body is limited.

One hour is fine, but what about two hours?

One day is fine, but what about two days?

And Muggles don't only have fire, they also have swords and spears.

Wizards are not indestructible. "

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