The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 344 Shock! The professors at Hogwarts actually...

In the middle and later stages of the thousand-year witch-hunting movement, the hundreds of thousands of women who were brutally killed were indeed Muggles.

But that's because at that time, the Muggle rulers had completely forgotten the original intention of the witch-hunting movement.

In the early days of the witch-hunting movement, the wizards began to gradually hide their traces after they realized that they had suffered heavy losses and were no longer suitable to fight against the Muggle army at that time.

(The spells of ancient wizards are not as powerful as modern ones.)

Therefore, by the middle and late stages of the witch-hunting movement, wizards had disappeared from the sight of Muggles for hundreds of thousands of years.

In the chaotic and backward era of ancient times, hundreds of years were enough for Muggles to completely forget about the existence of wizards.

In the eyes of people at that time, wizards and so on were just guys who pretended to be gods and ghosts. Because of the ignorance of the ancients, they mistakenly believed that those people really had magical powers.

But now it's different. After hundreds of years of development, they are far more knowledgeable and powerful than the ancients. Those guys who are pretending to be gods and ghosts can't fool them.

Therefore, the witch-hunting movement was used by the church at that time and became a tool for the church's upper echelons to eliminate dissidents. That is what is recorded in the History of Magic textbooks.

As for why the real history has not been recorded?

hehe. Everyone has a reputation, not to mention that most wizards consider themselves to be superior to Muggles.

So, is it possible for them to record that they and others were pressed to the ground and rubbed by slaves (house elves)? Have you ever been hunted down by Muggles?

Then they must not be laughed at by future generations!

Delete! Delete them all!

"But Bell, how do you know this?"

Hermione asked suspiciously, glancing at Zannah beside her.

At this time, Shanna also had her big eyes flashing, staring at Bell with excitement and curiosity.

"Of course I learned it from the ancient books in the family's secret collection."

After saying that, Bell reached out and rubbed Shanna's little head.

In fact, based on the background of the Menethil family, there are no relevant records from thousands of years ago. After all, their family has only existed for a few hundred years.

All this knowledge was accidentally discovered by Bell from the collection of the Black family.

The Black family is indeed one of the oldest pure-blood families in the British wizarding world. Not to mention other things, just talking about the records related to history, I don't know that it exceeds the Menethil family by hundreds of streets.

However, these treasures of the Black family have now fallen into the hands of Bell and have become the heritage of the Menethil family. So strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with Bell's speech.

Hermione watched the loving interaction between the Bell brothers with suspicion and jealousy, but finally chose to trust her boyfriend.

"But Bell, I still feel that the house elves are so pitiful. Just like Lim, she usually takes care of us so meticulously, but... the result..."

"What happened?"

Looking at Hermione who was suddenly stuck, Bell asked with some humor.


Yes! What happened?

Thinking about it carefully, every time she saw Lim, he looked very happy.

There are also three house elves including Kelsha, who usually works in a suitcase. They are also full of energy every day, and I have never seen them unhappy.

Compared to the little wizards in Gryffindor House who want to cry for their parents when class time comes, it seems that the house elves live a happier life?

So, although it sounds like house elves are miserable, being enslaved and exploited all the time. But in fact, their lives are very good?

Glancing at the house elves walking around, looking at the neat and clean work clothes they were wearing, and looking at the energetic smiles on their faces, Hermione suddenly felt that maybe these little guys might not survive. Better than many wizards?

At least compared to the house elves in front of them, their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from the previous school year, Professor Lupine, was just like a beggar.

'Shock! The living standards of professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the best school in the British wizarding world, are not as good as those of slave house elves! ? Is this moral corruption or human nature...'


Shaking her head vigorously to get rid of the news headlines that popped up in her mind for no reason, Hermione felt like she had been deceived by Bell again.

How could anyone live worse than a slave?

That's a slave!

(Bell: ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌)

It is undeniable that in some pure-blood families, house elves do suffer all kinds of abuse. But in the Bell family, this situation does not exist at all.

Moreover, after all these years, my family has not been stingy with gold galleons and has been crazy about buying house elves, and more and more house elves have been able to live a happy life.

‘Ah! ? If I think about it this way, wouldn’t I have great merit? ’

It's a pity that in their world, merit cannot be used to help practice. Otherwise, Bell might ascend in a matter of minutes.

Ignoring Hermione, who had an unpredictable expression and stood there confused and speechless, Bell continued to move forward with his sister.

No one can break the blood curse in the house elf, and no one will become that 'traitor' and do such stupid things.

Therefore, Hermione's entanglement is completely meaningless. And the knot in her own heart can only be solved by herself.

‘Boom~! Boom~! ’

The sudden roar of the earth interrupted Hermione's tangled thoughts. She looked up in the direction of the sound and found that the wizards and house elves who were walking in the middle of the road were quickly running towards both sides of the road.

Hermione, who didn't know what was going on, hurriedly ran a few steps and followed Bell to the edge of the road.

Soon, under Hermione's curious gaze, two giant stone statues about 20 meters high appeared in her field of vision.

"Bell, what, what is this!?"

The strong visual shock made Hermione's mind go blank. Although she watches Zannah use the stone statues for actual combat training every day, the two of them now are too big to say the least!


With a grin on his face, Bell was very satisfied with his girlfriend's reaction.

These two Gundams were finally produced after Bell handed over his research results to Lin Arakawa, who further developed and improved them.

Although it is still a trial work at present, it is enough to transport minerals on the Mars base.

"By the way, why not design their legs into crawlers?"

Feeling the vibration on the ground, Bell looked at Will strangely.

"Uh, this...

Mr. Lin said that Gundam must be human-shaped. If it is not human-shaped, Gundam has no soul, and the tracks and other things are evil.

Although I don't quite understand what he means by these words, since he insists, there is nothing we can do. "

Will spread his hands, his face full of helplessness.

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