The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 345 The universe uses a miniature survival barrier


After hearing Will's explanation, Bell was speechless.

Mainly, he also felt that Lin was right and couldn't refute it at all!

Forget it, let’s just stick to the human form, there’s not much difference anyway.

Following Gundam, several people arrived outside a tall factory building.

Under the control of the wizard, Gundam's chest opened outwards, and a large amount of ore rolled out.

The house elves, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately raised their wands, worked together in a tacit understanding, and transported the ore into the factory.

Entering the factory, a wave of heat spread across the floor, and raging flames burned violently not far from the door.

After the ore is thrown into the flames, it will turn into a golden-red metal solution in a short time and flow out from the bottom of the flames.

Every once in a while, someone would take away the metal solution and add some solution and powder to further purify it.

Hermione was dazzled by this series of complicated operations.

Under the leadership of Will, the three Bells simply watched the ore purification process for a while, and finally came to the storage room where the finished gold was stored.

With a slight wave of his hand, a light yellow metal block on the shelf floated over Bell's palm.

Injecting magic power into Arcanite and controlling its transformation into various shapes, Bell nodded with satisfaction after a simple test.

"Have you sent it to the teacher?"

Bell asked without raising his head while staring at the Okin in his hand.

"Yes, after the second batch of Arcane was transported back to Earth, it was delivered to Mr. Flamel as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

By the way, it has been a long time since he visited his teacher. After I go back this time, I’ll go visit my teacher and my wife.

After Zannah and Hermione each picked a piece of arcana as a souvenir, the three of them left the factory and continued wandering around the Mars base.

Although the overall area of ​​the base is not large, and the number of wizards and house elves living here is not large, considering the boring life on Mars, many entertainment facilities have been specially built in the base.

Some of the entertainment venues built by the house elves themselves had completely different styles and entertainment facilities from humans, which was an eye-opener for the three Bells.

"Hermione, are you sure you want to do that?"

Standing at the edge of the base's defense barrier, Bell looked at his girlfriend who was competing with him with a worried expression.

It was already their second day on Mars. Today, they plan to go outside the base and take a tour of the mine and surrounding areas.

Once they escape the protection of the barrier, they must face the harsh environment on Mars by themselves.

Although there are special magic props, just by injecting magic power, a 'miniature survival barrier for the universe' (hereinafter referred to as the 'miniature barrier') can be generated to protect them within it. But this kind of enchantment consumes very much magic power.

Not to mention anything else, just providing magic power for the copying spell and copying oxygen that can exist permanently is enough to put a lot of pressure on the average wizard. Not to mention maintaining temperature, gravity, and defense against cosmic radiation, etc.

You know, those who are eligible to be sent to the Mars base in the first batch are all elites. And even these people can only last about an hour outside the base.

Therefore, Bell originally planned to expand his miniature barrier to include Hermione. Although that would place a great burden on him, it would make Hermione much more relaxed.

But when Hermione learned that Zannah would support a miniature barrier on her own, she couldn't bear it anymore because of her competitive spirit.

"Sure! I'm sure!"

As she said that, Hermione glanced at Zannah secretly.

She admitted that there was still a certain gap between her and Shanna. But the gap is... well, it's a bit big.

so what? She just wasn't convinced today! It’s time to compete! How come!

Anyway, with Bell accompanying her, she wouldn't worry about being in danger.

"All right."

Seeing that Hermione had already made her decision, Bell stopped trying to persuade her.

"However, if you feel that there is not much magic power left in a while, don't be brave and tell me as soon as possible. Do you hear me?"

Bell warned worriedly.


Hermione agreed obediently, and at the same time she was very pleased with Bell's concern for her.

"And Zannah, you too, remember not to be brave."

Bell looked at his sister worriedly.

By the way, why does he feel like he has raised two daughters? Is it his imagination?

"I know, brother! Let's go quickly, brother!"

Shanna agreed obediently, and then urged with excitement on her face.

In fact, if her brother hadn't asked her to support a miniature barrier by herself, she would have wanted to share a barrier with him. Then she could let her brother carry her on the pretext of saving her magic power. My brother hasn't carried her on his back for a long time.

Therefore, Zannah couldn't understand Hermione's refusal of her brother's proposal.

She won't show off. Rather, she should be more cautious, cautious, and more cautious later on.

By the way, if she told her brother that her magic power was insufficient when she still had 80% of the magic power left in her body, I wonder if he would believe it?

Injecting magic into the flying shoes, the three people floated.

While the micro-enchantment is activated, there is no way to apparate. Because the micro-enchantment is too complicated and precise.

Without the help of magic props, even the current Bell would take a lot of time and energy to build bit by bit.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to ensure that after the Apparition appears, the micro-enchantment on the body surface will not be destroyed by the squeeze of space.

Maybe Dumbledore could do it?

Bell wasn't sure either. But he knew that he was still far from being able to do that.

‘After the new inferior version of the magic stone is produced, one must be placed in the mine. ’

Bell thought.

But there is a high probability that it can only be thought about. Nowadays, there are so many places that demand magic stones that the supply exceeds the demand.

‘Whoosh whoosh~’

Facing the howling wind, the three Bells rushed out quickly and flew towards the mine not far away.

Originally, Will wanted to be their guide today, but Bell refused.

The mine is not far outside the base, and there are also many wizards and house elves in the mine. If you really need a guide then, you can just grab one. There is no need to bother Will.

You know, as the general person in charge of such an important place as the Mars base, Will has a lot of things to deal with every day.

It was not easy to spare a day to hang out with them yesterday. Didn’t you see that Will’s dark circles under his eyes were much darker this morning?

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