The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 346 Professional experience in the Arcane Mine

Facing the sky full of yellow sand, Bell and the others soon flew over the mine.

The mine is also surrounded by a large defensive barrier, but this is just the most common defensive barrier. Its only function is to block the sand and dust.

At the entrance of the defensive barrier, two specially enhanced versions of magic stone statues are guarding here. After seeing the three Bells landing on the ground, the stone statue's eyes shot out a blue light, which swept over the three people, and then the stone statue returned to its standby state.

Strictly speaking, Mars should be very safe here. It will not face invasion from foreign enemies, and no signs of the existence of other creatures have been found so far.

But as the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Anyway, this kind of specially made battle stone statue is not for sale, and it will collect dust even if it is placed in the castle. It is better to bring it here for decoration.

Entering the mine, the sound of 'ding-dong-dang' hammering kept echoing in my ears. Looking around, you can see many magic stone statues knocking on the ground or mountain walls.

Every now and then, rocks would be knocked down. At this time, the wizard or house elf controlling the stone statue will step forward and sift out the arcane ore from the stones.

Although the magic stone statues can knock rocks on their own, with their intelligence, they can only distinguish between sand and stones at best, and cannot accurately pick out arcane ore from a pile of stones. Otherwise, there is no need to worry about manpower issues at all.

Moreover, since the concentration of magic power in the atmosphere of Mars is much lower than that of the Earth, the stone statue must be returned to the base for recharging every time it works for a period of time. This also greatly reduces the rate at which ore is mined.

The wizards and house elves working in the mine have all learned that the three Bells arrived on Mars yesterday, so no one was surprised when they saw the three people walking into the mine, and no one left. own job.

But compared to the wizards, the house elves were much more excited. This group of little guys shouted loudly, asking the stone statue to speed up the mining, for fear of losing to the others in front of Bell.

Unfortunately, the magic stone statues couldn't understand what they were shouting. They all tilted their stone heads and looked at their controllers in confusion.

Seeing that the magic stone statue could still be played like this, Shanna felt that she had learned something again.

The little girl yelled, snatched control of the stone statue from the hand of the house elf closest to the three people, and happily experienced the mining profession.

Seeing the pitiful gaze cast by the house elf who had the stone statue taken away, Bell smiled and waved his hand, indicating that the other party could take a rest and not to worry.

Although she could see the magic stone statue every day, Hermione, who had never controlled a stone statue before, was very moved when she saw Zanna having fun there. It's just that she is thin-skinned and is too embarrassed to directly seize control of the stone statue.

Of course, the main reason was that she couldn't snatch it away.

Fortunately, Bell also noticed the look in his girlfriend's eyes. Before Hermione could speak, he waved his hand and asked for a stone statue from another wizard, giving it to Hermione to play with.

"Bell, how can you tell which one is the arcane mine?"

Looking at the gravel scattered under her feet, Hermione felt a little embarrassed.

It was only after she came here yesterday that she learned about Orkin, a newly discovered metal on Mars, for the first time. Apart from learning some properties of arcane from Bell, she didn't know anything about arcane ore.

Seeing that in just such a short period of time, a small pile of arcane ore had already been piled up next to Zannah, Hermione became a little anxious. She hasn't found a piece of it yet.

After scanning the gravel at Hermione's feet, Bell stretched out his hand and a piece of ore flew into his hand.

"If you are familiar with arcane ore, you can distinguish it by color. Compared with ordinary stones, the color of arcane ore is redder.

But for novices, it is very difficult to distinguish them just by color. At this time, you need to use magic to perceive.

Infuse the magic into the stone and feel the magic flowing through it. The higher the content of arcane ore, the smoother the flow of magic power.

And if it were just an ordinary rock, the flow of magic power would feel stagnant. "

As he spoke, Bell injected a small amount of magic power into the ore in his hand and demonstrated it to Hermione.

"But Bell, how do I know what kind of feeling is stagnant?"

Hermione looked at Bell in confusion, still feeling overwhelmed.

"During the Transfiguration class, we also transformed stones. You should know what it feels like to inject magic into a rock that contains no magic components at all, right?"

Bell asked.

However, when he saw Hermione's blank eyes, Bell knew that he was thinking too much.

On Earth, except for mithril made by fairies, there are no other magic metals.

Most of the magic props Bell usually makes are ordinary metals. Only when making fine products will some mithril be added in small amounts.

As for magical props like Qianbian, which are made with mithril as the main system, the word "prodigal" is not enough to describe Bell's behavior.

Therefore, although Hermione often comes into contact with magic metals (magic props given by Bell on her body) without even knowing it, she has never used transfiguration on magic metals.

Therefore, it is normal for Hermione to feel confused.

After thinking about it for a while, Bell decided that it would be better to be simple and direct. After all, it could be seen from the glances Hermione glanced at Zannah from time to time that she was pressed for time.

Putting the wand against his temple, Bell copied a memory from his mind.

"Stay still."

With that said, Bell threw his memory into Hermione's brain.

After accepting Bell's memory, Hermione closed her eyes and felt it for a while, and then understood the difference in feeling that Bell had mentioned before. She immediately bent down and pointed the wand at the gravel on the ground one by one.

(To distinguish arcane ore by color, more experience is needed. Even if Bell copied his relevant memories to Hermione, Hermione would still need a long time to digest and absorb them.

By the way, Bell and Zannah can distinguish arcane ore from ordinary rocks at a glance, and they can only do so by digesting and absorbing other people's memories. )

One can distinguish arcane ores at a glance, while the other requires the use of magic power to sense them one by one. So naturally, the efficiency of the latter is completely incomparable with the former. Not to mention, Zannah controls 5 stone statues, while Hermione only has 1.

But even though she knew that she was bound to fail, Hermione still did not give up, but carefully sifted through the rocks on the ground.

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