The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 347 On the difference between sister and girlfriend

For Hermione, it was important to be competitive with Zannah, but the most important thing was to gain knowledge and experience from the things in front of her, speed up her growth, and strive to shorten the gap with Bell.

When you are serious, you always unconsciously ignore the passage of time.

After straightening up again, Hermione suddenly stumbled. A feeling of suffocation came over her, and she felt that her body was exuding a feeling of weakness from the inside out.


Hermione tried her best to call her boyfriend's name. It's difficult for her to stand still now.

Before Hermione could finish her words, Bell, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately took a step forward.

Magic power was injected into the badge on the collar, and Bell controlled the miniature barrier on his body to expand, wrapping Hermione in it.

At the same time, Bell reached out and hugged Hermione from behind to prevent his girlfriend from falling to the ground.

Bell still had a rough idea of ​​the amount of magic power in Hermione's body. So he had actually predicted that Hermione would be reaching her limit soon.

However, in order to leave a deep impression on Hermione and stop competing with her own safety in the future, Bell deliberately did not remind her.

"You! Although it's a good thing to focus on doing things, you can't ignore your own safety. Don't let it happen again, do you hear me!"

Bell deliberately pretended to be vicious, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to scare his girlfriend.

Unfortunately, Bell's plan failed.

They are all an ‘old married couple’, and no one knows who they are!

Leaning in Bell's arms, listening to Bell's seemingly fierce but actually caring words, Hermione smiled happily.

'Nice to have you! ’

"Oh, I see."

With that said, Hermione squeezed into Bell's arms again.


Zannah, who noticed the interaction between her brother and Hermione, suddenly woke up.

She was having so much fun just now that she even forgot her original plan!

Damn Hermione, she said before that she didn't want her brother to help her hold up the barrier, she wanted to do it herself. In the end, after just a short while, she actually got involved in her brother's body while she wasn't paying attention?

This is really unreasonable! She hasn't even hung up yet!

"Brother! I'm tired too! I don't have much magic left!"

With a swish, Zannah rushed to Bell's side, and she didn't look like she was lacking in magic power at all.

As for those magic stone statues?

Who cares about them!

After giving his sister a funny look, Bell expanded the miniature barrier again so that the three of them wouldn't have to squeeze together.

"Okay, you are all done playing, right? Let's go somewhere else."

Having said that, not long after leaving the mine, the magic power in Bell's body was about to bottom out.

In fact, this was the first time that Bell had maintained a miniature barrier for such a long time. Especially after the range of the barrier expanded, its consumption of magic power exceeded Bell's estimate.

Therefore, in desperation, the three of them had no choice but to end today's journey early.

Seeing the unfinished expressions on his sister and girlfriend's faces, Bell thought it couldn't go on like this!

According to today's trend, even if they go back and recover, they will only be able to play outside the base for about an hour tomorrow, and then they will have to return to the base to repair.

Although in Bell's view, Mars, a place where birds don't poop, really has nothing to do. You only have 1 hour to wander around.

But obviously, Zannah and Hermione didn't agree with this.

This is Mars! It’s so big and so far away from Mars! What if we don’t take a nice stroll?

Especially Hermione, she felt that if she couldn't help but spin it around Mars 5, 6, 7, or 8 times, she would be sorry for vomiting all the indescribable things on Bell.

God knows how much she wanted to die at that time!

With a roll of his eyes, Bell thought of a good idea.

"I have some ideas and I need to go back and test them out. You two can go to the entertainment area and have some fun."

After saying that, before the curious Zannah and Hermione could ask, Bell turned and ran away.

Although the method he thought of was basically trouble-free, he still didn't want to tell the two women before it was done.

What if, what if he doesn't succeed? Then wouldn't his tall image in the hearts of his sister and girlfriend be completely destroyed?

(Sanna: ‘Brother’s image is always the tallest!’)

(Hermione: 'You have a tall ghostly figure!')

Early the next morning, Bell, who had been hiding all night, took Zannah and Hermione to the edge of the base again.

"Bell, it's time to tell what exactly you have prepared, right?"

Hermione looked at Bell dissatisfied. She now deeply hated her boyfriend's stinky habit of showing off.

Before coming to Mars, Bell refused to tell her the destination. For this reason, her father kept talking to her behind her back.

('Am I just talking nonsense? I'm just caring about you!'

An unnamed father, who sold his daughter for a ticket to the Quidditch World Cup, let out a sad roar. )

As a result, Bell came back this time, which made her unable to sleep well last night. How abominable!

"Hehe~! Don't worry, the answer will be revealed soon."

As he spoke, Bell raised his right hand and waved it forward vigorously.

"Come out, Pikachu!"

Wan She, who had been quietly wrapped around Bell's wrist like an ordinary snake-shaped bracelet, suddenly jumped out.

While still in the air, Wan She saw the snake rapidly growing in size, and finally hit the ground with a loud bang.

"Bell, isn't your snake named Black Scale? When did you change its name to Pikachu?"

Looking at the black scales in front of her and then at the red phosphorus on her wrist, Hermione hesitated.

Now that Black Scale's name has been changed, should she also change Red Phosphorus's name? But what name should she change to make it sound like a match for Pikachu?

Pipi shrimp?

Really! What a stupid name for Bell!

"Ahem! No, Black Scale is still called Black Scale. Don't worry about those details."

Bell coughed twice in embarrassment.

It's so painful for him when no one picks up the joke!

Fortunately, Hermione had no intention of holding on to it. She glanced at the enlarged black scales in confusion.

"So, Bell, why did you release the black scales? Didn't you say there is no danger here?"

"I know I know!"

Upon hearing Hermione's question, Zannah immediately raised her little hands high and said loudly while jumping up and down.

"The core of magic power in Wan She's body is an inferior version of the magic stone. My brother must have transferred the magic supply of the micro-enchantment to Wan She's body, so that we don't have to worry about insufficient magic power."

After saying that, the little girl raised her little head proudly, waiting for her brother to praise her, and at the same time, she glanced at Hermione proudly from the corner of her eye.

‘Hmph! you are way behind! ’

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