The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 348 Bell: ‘Could it be that I’m a prodigal! ? ’

"That's right! Shanna's answer is absolutely correct!"

Bell happily rubbed his sister's little head and pressed it down.

Don't stretch your neck too long.

It was only after Bell came back yesterday that he suddenly remembered that one of the three of them was wearing an inferior version of the magic stone!

If you think about it carefully, in this period when magic stones are in extremely short supply, each of the three of them actually carries one.

And the most important thing is that they have never used it!

Thinking about it like this, Bell suddenly felt that he seemed to be a bit of a loser?

However, it was impossible for Bell to give the inferior version of the Magic Stone that his sister had to her father.

Nothing is more important than Shanna's safety!

As for the one on Hermione, Bell didn't dare to ask for it. Otherwise, he was 100% sure that Hermione would never pay attention to him again in her life.

As for what he had on him, Bell didn't mind taking it out and letting his father use it first. But if it’s just one piece, it always feels like it doesn’t matter if it’s too much, or it doesn’t matter if it’s too little?

So forget it, it’s so troublesome...

With Zannah and Hermione, they climbed onto the top of the snakes, and the three of them sat down cross-legged.

Then, Bell waved his hand and said energetically:

"Pippi Shrimp, let's go!"

(Hermione: ‘!? Isn’t it Pikachu’s? Is there really a Pippi Shrimp?’)

The barren land of Mars, illuminated by the dim sunlight in the morning, not only lacks the vitality of the rising sun, but instead gives people a sense of gloomy loneliness.

If a person lives alone in this environment for a long time, no, maybe just a week, he will probably have mental problems, right?

At least Bell didn't like this feeling at all, it could even be said to be a bit annoying.

But fortunately, he is not alone now. Not only was his sister always with him, but Hermione was also clinging to his side.

This gave him a dreamlike and unreal feeling, and at the same time, he also felt happy from the bottom of his heart. It feels quite good to keep moving forward like this.

"Brother! Brother! Let's go over there and have a look!"

Shanna's shout interrupted Bell's emotion. He looked in the direction of his sister's finger and found a large crack extending to the end of his field of vision, appearing on the side of the three people.

Controlling Wan She to crawl to the edge of the crack, the three of them looked down at the same time.

The dark and deep crack was like a bottomless abyss, as if it was going to swallow up the souls of the three people together.

"B-Bell, why don't we forget it? Let's go shopping somewhere else."

Looking at the large crack in front of her that exuded a strong aura of terror, Hermione felt a little guilty. She always had the illusion that once they went down, they would never come back up again.

"Don't be afraid, Hermione, there will be no danger. And even if you encounter danger, I can take you and apparate back directly."

With Ten Thousand Snakes supporting the miniature barrier, Bell can directly apparate back to the base without having to worry about being damaged by cosmic rays due to the barrier being damaged the moment he enters a different space.

But then Wan She wouldn't be able to go back with him.

But life is important. If it comes to a critical moment, none of those things will matter.

In fact, looking at the abyss-like crack in front of him, Bell, like Hermione, had the illusion that he would be swallowed up.

Unlike Shanna who was full of excitement and just wanted to go on an adventure as soon as possible, he was also a little guilty.

But precisely because of this, Bell wanted to go in even more!

As the saying goes, the biggest enemy in life is not others, but yourself. Isn’t it fun to overcome your fear of the unknown?

Looking at Bell, who suddenly exuded an inexplicable rage, Hermione knew that she could no longer stop the brother and sister.

Now she could only pray silently in her heart, hoping that they would not be in danger.


Along with Hermione's increasingly faint scream, the snakes jumped down and gradually disappeared into the abyss.


Sitting on top of Wan She's head, the three Bells crawled out of the big crack.

They had been wandering down there for several hours before, but except for stones, they were still stones, and not a single hair was seen.

This is wrong! That’s not how it’s played in the movie!

Generally speaking, a death-seeking protagonist like him, a guy who would crawl wherever it looks dangerous, shouldn't he just bump into ghosts when he goes out?

But why didn't he encounter anything?

What about the alien monsters we were talking about? ?

Fortunately, he still has a little expectation!

"Okay, Hermione, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me, okay?"

Bell turned to look at Hermione, who was sitting next to him, pouting her lips and saying nothing. She was even sitting about 5 centimeters further away from him than before.

Hermione had ignored him since going down, and it had been several hours now. It’s almost breaking the record!


With an angry snort, Hermione turned her head away, not wanting to look at Bell.

It was okay for Bell to want to explore the rift. Although she was a little scared, it was not unacceptable to Hermione with Bell accompanying her.

But the question is, why did Bell choose to jump when he couldn't do it well?

Even though they can fly, there seems to be no problem if they jump down?

But as a human, Hermione is more accustomed to standing on the ground.

Bell didn't even warn her in advance. She took a leap of faith and jumped to the same place, but it shocked her hard!

Of course, this little thing is actually not a big deal.

Hermione was almost used to her boyfriend's off-line behavior from time to time.

What was most unacceptable to Hermione was that after going down, Bell didn't immediately comfort her when she was frightened. Instead, he went on an exciting adventure with Zannah?

This is really unreasonable!


Just when Bell was about to continue coaxing his girlfriend, the personal terminal in his arms suddenly rang.

"Will? What's wrong?"

After taking out his personal terminal and connecting it, Bell looked at Will who appeared on the screen with confusion.

Seeing that Bell and the other three were fine, Will first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with a slight complaint:

"Master, where have you gone?"

Will has always been paying attention to the whereabouts of the three Bells.

Therefore, when he learned that several hours had passed since the three people left the base, he really wanted to kick the wizard who came to report the news to death.

It's been several hours since I came to report to him. I've already eaten shit! ?

You know, brother and sister Bell and Zannah are the only descendants of the Menethil family!

If something happened to the two of them on Mars, he wouldn't be able to bear it!

"Oh, we are exploring outside. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Bell also saw Will's concern. At this point, he was indeed careless. You should inform the other party in advance before coming out.

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