The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 354 Tongyanwuji

After swallowing the first bite of food, the little girl raised her little face and showed a bright smile to the three Bells.

"#@¥ # % @!"

A series of chirping sounds came out of the little girl's mouth.

Bell and Zannah looked at each other, and then both of them turned their attention to Hermione.

They didn't understand even a word.

"What she just said was supposed to be in French?"

Hermione said with some uncertainty.

"She seemed to be saying 'thank you'?"

During the previous summer vacation, Hermione traveled to France with her parents. At that time she learned a few simple words in French.

However, the little girl is young and cannot speak very clearly. In addition, there were still some food residues in her mouth, so Hermione was not sure whether the other person was speaking French.

Well, now Bell knew why when he asked the other party questions before, the other party just drooled and didn't bother him at all.

It turned out that the little girl was not too hungry, but because she didn’t understand what he was saying at all!

"Little sister, what did you just say? Can you say it again?"

Bell used Legilimency to directly transmit what he wanted to express into the other person's mind.

"Hey!? Big brother, why did your voice appear in my head?"

The little girl's eyes widened in surprise. This was the first time she encountered such a thing. It always feels like the telepathic calls in those cartoons played on the magic screen?

How handsome! She wants to learn too!

"This is an alternative use of the spell called Legilimency. You can learn it when you grow up."

Seeing the little girl's eyes shining, Bell smiled and rubbed her little head.

The little girl also has long golden hair, which feels smooth and soft, very similar to Shanna's when she was a child.

"Really!? Can I really learn it too!?"

I heard that I can also master such a cool telepathic communication, oh, is it called Legilimency? Forget it, you can call it whatever you want! All in all it was great!

"Of course, every wizard can master it. The premise is that you have to study hard.

Okay, let’s put these things aside for now. Little sister, what is your name? where is your family? "

"My name is Gabrielle, Gabrielle Delacour. Big brother, big sister, what are your names?"

Gabrielle said crisply.

"My name is Bell Menethil, this is my sister Zannah, and this is my girlfriend Hermione Granger."

Bell introduced three of himself in turn.

"Hello, Brother Bell, Hello, Sister Zannah, Hello, Sister Hermione."

Gabrielle politely greeted the three people in turn.

"Hello, little sister Gabrielle."

Zannah smiled and took a step forward, gently rubbing Gabrielle's little head.

It can be seen that she also likes this cute little girl.

Hermione, on the other hand, was standing there with a bewildered look on her face.

'So what happened?

Why did Bell and Shanna both look at the little girl without saying a word, and then just listen to the little girl talking non-stop?

By the way, what did she just say to me? Are you saying hello to me? ’

"Brother, sister Hermione doesn't like me? Why is she ignoring me?"

Seeing Hermione just staring at her blankly without speaking, Gabrielle looked at Bell aggrievedly.

Could it be that it was because she ate too much that Hermione, the eldest sister, hated her?

The little girl glanced aggrievedly at Banisa, who had just been bitten in her hand, and hesitated whether she should give it back?

Bell then remembered that Hermione's Legilimency was still in the beginner stage and could not communicate directly with others.

After acting as a tool again and explaining clearly the cause and effect, Bell finally solved Gabriel's misunderstanding.

The little girl felt relieved and immediately felt even hungrier.

She finished the small piece of Banisa in her hand in three bites, then raised her head and looked at Bell again with her big watery eyes.

"Brother, can I have another small piece? This time I want to eat the pineapple flavor."

Gabrielle looked like a poor abandoned puppy.

Belle tapped Gabri's little head in a funny way.

This little guy has learned how to be cute and pretend to be pitiful at such a young age, but when he grows up, he will bring disaster to the country and the people.

"You can eat if you want, but you haven't answered me yet. Where is your family? It's impossible for you to come here alone to watch the Quidditch World Cup, right?"

Although he said this, Bell still cut a small piece from the pineapple flavored banana, adjusted the temperature and handed it to Gabri's hand.

"I came here with my sister and my parents."

The smart Gabrielle had already discovered at this time that she only needed to think about the kind brother Bell in front of her to know what she wanted to say, without her opening her mouth to speak.

For Gabrielle, this is really great news!

This means that she can 'talk' while eating without having to worry about her sister scolding her for being rude.

At this moment, Gabrielle decided.

She must master this magical skill called Legilimency!

"I originally went out to play with my sister today. As a result, I just stared at the delicious food on these stalls for a while. When I looked back again, I found that my sister was missing.

Alas~! Really, it’s really a headache for someone who is already such a big person to still get lost. "

As she spoke, Gabrielle pretended to sigh, with a helpless expression on her face.

Seeing that Gabri was acting like a brat, Bell stretched out his hand in a funny way and wiped the cheese from the corner of Gabri's mouth.

"Then do you still remember where your tent is?"

"Remember, it's over there."

Gabrielle stretched out her hand and pointed in a direction, which was the opposite direction to the cabin where Bell and others lived.

"Well, when you're full, we'll take you back, okay?"


Gabrielle happily agreed.

"Brother, you are such a good person. How about... you become my brother-in-law!

Let me tell you, my sister is very, very beautiful!

Although it's a little worse than me.

So if you come to be my brother-in-law, you will definitely not suffer any loss! "

Gabrielle felt that if this big brother named Bell could become her brother-in-law, she would be able to eat all kinds of delicious food in the future!

"Ahem! What's that? I already have a girlfriend, so I can't be your brother-in-law anymore."

"Hey!? Why? In the books I read before, the protagonists had multiple wives. So, big brother, why don't you marry a few more?"

Gabrielle tried her best to persuade Belle.

She didn't want the other party to fly away when she got the meal ticket.

"Ahem! Hermione! Childish talk, childish talk! If you believe me, how could I do something like that?"

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