The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 355 Two Women Fighting for ‘Husband’

Facing Hermione's unkind gaze, Bell felt that it was an injustice!

So he clearly didn't do anything or say anything, so why did he have to bear the suspicious eyes of his girlfriend?

This is so unreasonable!

"So do you want to marry more?"

Hermione asked with a smile.

But unlike the expression on her face that was as warm as the spring breeze, her voice revealed a biting coldness.



Bell's eyes wandered, not daring to look into Hermione's eyes.

So... should I say that men have good nature? Or should I say it’s the bad nature of men that’s good?

In short, I understand everything.

"Go to hell you--!"

(╬ ̄俣)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)

That's a grievance for Bell!

So think about what happened? You are not allowed to do it. If you think about it, won’t people think about it?

So what if he thinks about it!

"Great! Big brother!"

Gabrielle happily jumped on Bell's body, and at the same time wiped her little cheese-stained hands on Bell's windbreaker.

"Sister Hermione doesn't want you anymore, you can go back with me and marry my sister!"

The little girl looked like her sister was finally getting married, and she couldn't stop hanging on Bell, as if she was afraid that the meal ticket she had finally caught... ahem, it was her brother-in-law, and he would run away.

"No! I didn't say I don't want him anymore! He can't go back with you to marry your sister!"

Hermione almost turned red when she heard Gabrielle's words.

Someone actually dared to blatantly abduct her boyfriend in public and with the world clear! ?

"And how could you just drag someone back to marry your sister on the street!?"

‘How difficult is it for your sister to take action? ’

"I didn't just drag anyone along! I chose my big brother carefully!"

After finally wiping off the cheese stuck to her little hands, Gabrielle jumped off Bell's body and stood in front of Hermione with her hands on her hips.

Although the little guy is small, his momentum is not inferior to Hermione's at all.

The little guy held his head high and stared menacingly with his big bright eyes, with a look of 'I want this day (Hermione), and you can't cover my eyes anymore! ’ posture.


Hermione was immediately offended.

But having said that, even though she was very angry now, the amazing thing was that she didn't think the little guy in front of her was hateful at all. Instead, she found the little guy in front of her more and more cute?

"Then tell me, why are you so selective?"

It was obvious that he came across it by accident, and he chose it carefully. According to this choice, the little guy's brother-in-law may not fill up the Thames River.

"Big brother is the only one who is not affected by my charm magic! And big brother even treated me to delicious food!"

Although Gabrielle is still young, the power of her natural magic is not yet strong. But with the blood of magical animals in her body, her total amount of magic power far exceeds that of her peers.

Therefore, although Gabrielle is not yet able to attract the attention of everyone around her as soon as she appears, like her sister. But if someone stares at her, they will be charmed by her unconsciously.

For example, when her sister was lost, there were several wizards, male or female, old or young, who wanted to take her home.

For this reason, Gabrielle had to run desperately, and finally escaped the pursuit of those people with the help of the cover of the crowd.

It was precisely because running consumed so much energy that she was so hungry now.

Thinking of this, Gabrielle swallowed the last mouthful of Banisa and took a moment to turn her head to look at Bell.

"Brother, I want mutton flavor this time!"

After taking the food from Bell, Gabrielle turned her head again and ate the banissa in her hand while continuing to glare at Hermione unwilling to be outdone.

Belle was the first and only person she had ever met who was not affected by her charming magic.

‘Ah! ? Speaking of which, Sister Shanna seems not to have been affected? ’

From the corner of her eye, Gabri glanced at Zannah, who was eating the delicious Banisa and staring at it with interest.

‘But Sister Shanna is a girl, so we can’t count! ’

Gabrielle knew that her sister had always been troubled by her bloodline talent.

Because of the powerful charm magic, all kinds of boys gathered around her sister. My sister can't tell whether these people really like her or are just bewitched by magic?

This also leads to the fact that my sister, who will be in grade 7 when school starts again this year, has not been in a relationship yet.

For this reason, Gabrielle saw it in her eyes, felt pain in her heart, and almost broke her heart!

Now it is difficult to meet someone who is not affected by her charm magic, so logically speaking, the other person will most likely not be affected by her sister's charm magic.

In addition, the other person is very gentle, generous and good-looking, and Gabrielle doesn't want to let him go just like this.

"Charm magic?"

Hermione looked at Bell in confusion.

Did Gabrielle cast a spell? Why didn't she notice?

"Did you ever think Gabrielle was cute?"

Facing his girlfriend's puzzled gaze, Bell gently patted Gabrielle's little head and asked with a smile.

"Gabriel is so cute!"

Little Gabrielle pouted dissatisfiedly.

Even if you exclude the charm magic that comes with her bloodline, she is still super cute, okay?

“Y-yes, Gabri is super cute.

I mean, the kind of thoughts that transcend vision and arise from the deepest part of my heart, like, ‘This little guy is so cute, I must take her back and raise her’, and the like. "

Hearing this, Hermione nodded.

Indeed, she had similar thoughts when she first saw Gabrielle. At that time, she thought it was just because Gabrielle looked cute, and she didn't think too much about it.

And with Bell by her side, it was certainly impossible for her to do something like 'bring home a cute little girl to raise.'

wrong! Even if Bell wasn't by her side, there was no way she would do that kind of thing! perhaps?

"But when did she cast the magic?"

Hermione didn't want to believe that she could be under the spell of a kid less than 10 years old without knowing it?

Then what use does she need this wand for? ?

"She didn't cast magic, but it can also be said that she was casting charm magic anytime and anywhere."

Belle looked down at Gabri.

"So do you have the blood of a magical creature? Or have you innately awakened the succubus runes in your blood?"

Gabrielle didn't know what the charm glyph was. But she knew where her charm magic came from.

"I'm a Veela half-blood, and my grandmother was a Veela."

Gabrielle puffed out her small breasts and said proudly.

Hearing this, Bell glanced at Gabrielle in surprise. The little girl's answer really exceeded his expectations.

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