The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 356 Fleur Delacour

Originally, Bell thought it was Gabriel's ancestor, someone who had successfully fused the blood of some magical animal with its own charm magic.

But what did he hear just now? Gabri's grandmother was a Veela! ?

So, magic is magic and science is science.

If those biologists knew that someone could combine with a creature that was completely different from human beings and successfully give birth to a child, would they have to pull all their hair out?

"What's wrong? Big brother?"

Gabrielle looked at the big brother next to her strangely. She always felt that the look in his eyes just now was a little subtle?

"Ahem, no, it's nothing."

Bell would not tell Gabrielle that for a moment, he wanted to turn Gabrielle back and study her body.

Gabrielle couldn't understand, so she regarded the fleeting sense of disobedience as her own illusion, and continued to confront Hermione aggressively.

Of course, her mouth didn't stop either.

"Eat, eat, eat! You know how to eat! Get rid of this little guy quickly! Otherwise, you are not allowed to eat!"

Looking at the two guys, one big and one small, with synchronized movements and expressions in front of them, Hermione, who could not help Gabri, could only point her gun at the big one.

"Look at you, you're covered in cheese, and you don't even know how to clean it up! Also, if you've washed your hands, just grab it with your hands! And..."

Bell, who was lying on the gun, looked confused.

So he just came here with good intentions to help Hermione solve her doubts, so why did he get yelled at?

Bell expressed strong condemnation in his heart for his girlfriend's behavior of killing the donkey.

Suddenly, Bell's ears twitched. He raised his hand to stop Hermione's mumbling and turned to look in the direction they came from.

After a while, Belle looked down at Gabrielle, who had eaten cheese all over her face and hands again.

"If I heard correctly, your sister is here."


Gabrielle's eyes lit up.

Although she has always acted heartless, how could she not be uneasy at all after being separated from her sister at such a young age?

If you don't cry, it's already amazing, okay?

"Gabri~! Where are you, Gabri~? Come out quickly, Gabri~!"

Sure enough, after a while, an anxious voice with a hint of crying came from afar.

"It's really sister! Sister~! I'm here~!"

Seeing her sister's figure in the distance, Gabrielle waved her little hands vigorously and tried to jump high, hoping that her sister could see her.


Soon, Gabrielle's sister heard the little girl's shout and ran over quickly.

"Sister! Sister! Look! I found myself a brother-in-law!"

Gabrielle looked at her sister running over, and happily patted Bell beside her, with a proud expression on her face that said, "I'm awesome, please praise me."

. . .゛(ノ><)ノ

However, the expected praise did not come as expected.

After hearing Gabriel's shocking speech, Fleur stumbled and almost fell into a trap.

She dragged Gabrielle away from Bell and stood in front of her sister, looking at the confused Bell warily.

Of course, in Fleur's field of vision at this moment, Bell's expression looked sinister.

Bell realized that he probably shouldn't have come out today.

So in just a short period of time, how many times has he taken the blame and been shot?

If he continues like this, he may not be able to run for the title of 'Hogwarts Pot King'.

"But Gabrielle, are you sure this is really your sister?"

Looking at the woman (?) wearing a wide-brimmed sun hat, large black sunglasses, and a large white mask in front of her, Bell asked Gabri with some worry.

By the way, where did this big star come from? Covered up so tightly! Can you really tell who it is?

"Of course, this is my sister - Furong. The smell on my sister's body is very unique and good. I will never admit it. If you don't believe me, brother, come over and smell it, it smells good!"

Gabrielle said happily.

At the same time, she also grabbed her sister's hand, as if she wanted to drag her sister to Bell's side so that the 'brother-in-law' could smell it.

Fleur looked at her sister in disbelief. By the way, she just found out for the first time today. Did her sister always identify her by her smell?

‘Are you a dog! ’

"Ahem! Well... I don't need to smell it, as long as you can be sure."

Just kidding, facing his girlfriend's murderous gaze, even if he gave Bell a hundred more courages, he wouldn't dare to actually smell it.

At most, think about...

"Hello, Miss Fleur, my name is Belle Menethil, and these two are my sister Zannah and my girlfriend Hermione."

After confirming the identity of the other party, Bell took the lead in introducing himself.

Moreover, when introducing Hermione's identity, Bell deliberately emphasized his tone.

There was no way, Furong's hostility was too obvious. Even through those big sunglasses, Bell could feel the vigilance in the other person's eyes that was about to overflow.

"Hello, thank you for saving my sister."

After staring at the three people for a while, and seeing Bell continue to chew on Banisa impatiently, Fleur finally determined that the three people were not bad people.

Mainly thanks to Zannah and Hermione. If Bell had been the only one here, and combined with Gabrielle's previous remarks, Fleur might have taken out her wand and started filming.

"It's not that exaggerated. It's just that we met by chance and had something to eat together."

Bell waved his hand.

He is very unaccustomed to people thanking him as if he is a 'good person'.

I wonder if he is no longer the single guy he used to be! ?

"So, Mr. Bell, can you please stop putting your spirit directly into my mind!"

Fleur glared at Belle.

She is not the young and ignorant Gabrielle. She is about to enter the seventh grade of Beauxbatons, but she knows the magic of Legilimency.

Although it was the first time for Fleur to see Bell's method of conveying his thoughts directly to others.

But having experienced her memory being invaded by Legilimency in class, she could never mistake this disgusting feeling.

If she hadn't used Legilimency on her because she saved her sister, Furong would never have given up!

"Sorry, I just did that out of habit. (English)"

Bell stopped casting Legilimency and apologized to Fleur.

He just acted subconsciously and had no intention of offending the other party.

"What did you say? (French)"

Fleur looked at Belle in confusion. Why did the other party suddenly stop talking to me?



A moment of silence struck the audience. Bell and Fleur stared at each other, and the scene was very awkward for a time.

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