The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 358 Penelot’s Troubles

After years of unremitting practice, Shanna's Legilimency has now reached a level where she can sense the emotions of people around her without having to use it specifically.

You know, just before the holidays at Hogwarts, Zannah had already begun to learn the Fire Spell and the Eternal Flame under Bell's guidance.

By the way, under Bell's close supervision, Zannah didn't get hit as hard as he did before.

However, minor injuries such as damage to internal tissues caused by the rampage of magic power are still inevitable.

"Who, who messed with me? No, no one messed with me..."

Obviously, Shanna's sudden question caught Penelo off guard. She looked so panicked that even Hermione could tell there was something wrong.

Isn't this a little too rude to Hermione?

"Senior, is someone really bullying you? Don't be afraid, just tell us and I'll ask Bell to teach him a lesson!"

Hermione tried to hide her embarrassment by staring at Penello-senpai seriously.

Because her relationship with Senior Penello is no worse than Shanna's relationship with her.

So Zannah could tell that Senior Penello was wronged, but she didn't notice any signs, which made Hermione feel very guilty.

Glancing at his girlfriend, Bell was speechless.

So why did you get involved with him again? Can't Hermione learn from her sister and let all the snakes bite?

It's not that Bell doesn't want to take care of Penelo-senpai's affairs. As the birthplace of Shanna's defensive character, Bell can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

However, with his sister doing the work for him, as an older brother, it would be better for him to be a little lazy.

After all, with Hermione here, he couldn't be too attentive in many cases.

Penello looked at Zannah and Hermione in front of him with emotion. From the resolute looks on their faces, she knew that she had no intention of fooling around today.

"Actually, when I came here, I happened to meet Percy on the road..."

"Okay! I'll let the little bear bite off that bad boy Percy's head!"

The resolute little Shanna stood up and walked outside without saying a word.

Just kidding, as long as Shanna has grown up, no one has ever dared to bully her friends!

And she had actually disliked the big bad guy named Percy for a long time. When she was at Hogwarts, every time Percy met his brother, he would get angry.

So does he have rhinitis or something? ah! ?


If her brother hadn't stopped her, Zannah would have gone to the Gryffindor twins and bought a lot of laxatives for Percy.

I heard that the twins are Percy's younger brothers?

I don't know what Percy's expression would be like if he learned that the laxatives he was given were provided by his brothers.

Just thinking about it makes Shanna feel excited.

Now it's better, the old and new grudges are added together, it's still outside Hogwarts, without Dumbledore's evil old man causing trouble, the bad guy named Percy will die today!

"Wait! Zannah, wait!"

"No! Zannah! You can't let the bear bite off Senior Percy's head!"

Penello and Hermione hugged Zannah's legs in a coordinated movement, one on the left and the other on the right.

Those who know little Shanna know very well that Shanna is a good girl who does what she says. So they didn't dare to let Shanna walk out of the wooden house.

Otherwise, Zannah would have disapparated and gone to find Percy, and by the time they arrived at the scene, Percy would have been out cold.

Thinking of this, the two women glanced at Bell, who was slumped on the sofa watching the excitement.

So what exactly did this guy teach Shanna to cultivate such a cute little girl into what she is now?

And he actually helped stop Shanna!

Bell, who was innocently lying at gunpoint, showed an innocent look.

So what does this have to do with him?

Besides, he thinks his sister has a pretty good personality now. It's great to be well-behaved, sensible, and respect your brother, and most importantly, you don't have to worry about being bullied when you go out!

When girls go out, what they fear most is meeting bad people and being bullied.

"Zannah, listen to me, Percy didn't bully me, we just had a little disagreement on some points of view."

Penello tried to calm down the 'raging' little Sanna.

"Yes! Shanna. You have to listen to what senior sister has to say after all!"

Hermione also chimed in.

Turning her head to look at her brother, little Sanna reluctantly sat back after receiving his nod.

In fact, it wasn't that Bell was really worried about what Zannah would do to Percy.

Although Zannah will definitely do something to Percy.

Mainly, Bell's spirit of gossip has awakened again. He is now curious about what happened between Penelo and Percy before.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, the little girl stared at Penello with a serious look on her face, waiting for the other party to quibble... ahem, to explain the details. There is a posture of immediately starting to film when the situation is not right.

Penello, who was a little nervous being stared at by Shanna, took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke:

"Actually, it's not just because I met Percy on the road just now. In the past two months since graduation, I have been almost annoyed to death by Percy.

Basically every day he would persuade me to give up my current job and go to work with him at the Ministry of Magic. He always talks about his boss named Crouch, saying how outstanding and successful he is.

And most annoyingly, he would often read me his long, boring Crucible reports.

I almost thought he was not studying the thickness of the bottom of the crucible, but the accelerator of a speeding car! "

Penello couldn't understand it. According to Percy's description, no matter how she heard it, she felt that Percy was just a handyman!

But in fact, this is normal. After all, I am a new graduate. No matter where I go, I will basically do odd jobs in the first two years.

Penelope didn't mind at all that Percy was doing odd jobs, and she didn't mind that Percy's monthly salary was much lower than hers, only 20 gold galleons.

But the problem is! She didn't even look down on Percy's work, but Percy looked down on her in every way!

So Penello couldn't understand, who gave Percy confidence? His pile of broken cauldrons! ?

In fact, Penello also understood that the reason why Percy was so concerned about her current job was mainly because of Bell.

But she and Bell really have nothing to do with each other!

After graduation, she now only meets Bell once a week at most, and they don't meet alone. They are usually accompanied by Zannah or Hermione.

After all, no matter how close her relationship with Hermione was, it was impossible for Hermione to give in on this matter.

Moreover, in order to reassure Percy, Penello not only explained these things to the other party in detail, but also informed Percy in advance every time she came to report to Bell.

This is also the reason why Percy was able to 'encounter' her before.

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