The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 359: Bell tricked someone again today

However, even if she had reached this point, Percy was still suspicious every day, and he didn't like her no matter how he looked at her.

Penello has also considered that he might as well quit his current job. Based on her relationship with Bell and others, I believe that the other party will not say anything.

However, she really likes her current job.

After being thoroughly familiar with the work content, she not only has a lot of free time every day to relax and relax, or learn magic to improve herself.

More importantly, only after truly coming into contact with the high-end magic knowledge, Penelo realized how ignorant he was in the past and how insignificant he is now.

So she really didn't want to give up this hard-won opportunity.

In fact, if she hadn't known that Percy wouldn't agree, she would have wanted to persuade him to come work for the Menethil family with her.

I believe that for her sake, Bell would not treat Percy badly.

In addition, even if she puts aside her own preferences, if she quits her current job, where can she go?

Like Percy said, work in the Ministry of Magic?


The current Penello is no longer the innocent little girl who was filled with beautiful fantasies about the magical world when she just received the admission notice to Hogwarts.

After graduating from Hogwarts and truly entering the magical world, the vastly different situations between wizards of different origins made her completely understand the reality.

She knew that there was no way she would be able to work in the Ministry of Magic. Even if she goes to apply for a job as a clerk in Diagon Alley, she may not be able to succeed.

The biggest possibility is to return to Muggle society, find an ordinary job, try your best to hide the fact that you can use magic every day, and live a boring life day after day.

To be honest, Penelo was really tired. Faced with Percy's distrust, she didn't know how long she could hold on.

Perhaps, this is retribution. Retribution for her hasty acceptance of Percy's feelings.

Seeing Penello, who has always been so glamorous and beautiful, actually showing such a fragile posture at this moment, not to mention little Zanna, even Hermione almost exploded!

Hermione was already thinking about whether she should put on the agenda the plan of 'letting out thousands of snakes and swallowing up Senior Percy'?

Although she still likes and even a little admires Senior Percy.

After all, Senior Percy had good academic performance and good looks. After graduation, he even worked in the Ministry of Magic, which was inaccessible to most wizards. There is really nothing to fault.


After all, Senior Penello can be considered her best friend. The two of them had frequent contact in private, whether it was emotional communication or intellectual consultation.

So Hermione didn't need to think at all and stood firmly on the side of Senior Penello!

There was an inaudible sound of 'pop~', and under the horrified gazes of Hermione and Penello, little Sanna disappeared! ?

Happy birthday~! Little Zannah has disapparated and run away~!

Even thinking with their heels, both of them knew where little Zannah would run to.

The question is, why? Why can little Zannah use Apparition in the cabin? ?

The two women once again looked at Bell in unison, who was still slumped on the sofa, looking as if he would not turn over even if the end of the world came. The doubts and panic in their eyes almost overflowed from their eyes.

"Huh? Why do you all look at me like that? I remember I should have made it very clear that this wooden house has an anti-Apparition barrier, so you cannot directly Apparate in the wooden house."

Bell scratched his nose lazily.

He never said that apparation could not be used in the wooden house. He didn't set up an anti-Apparition barrier. These are two different things, okay?

As for why Zannah didn't just disapparate and leave to find trouble with Percy?

That was of course because, at that time, the little girl didn't know where Percy was!

During the time when Penello was telling her emotional experience with Percy, Zannah was not idle.

The little girl first expanded her perception field to the maximum range and confirmed that there was no Percy among the nearby crowd.

Then, she used magic detection, which she had yet to master, to try to find Percy's location.

Because she was not proficient enough, Zannah had to waste a lot of magic power and detected Percy's magic power more than 10 times before finally discovering Percy's magic power fluctuations.

Anyway, the little bear did the job of biting off Percy's head, so spending more magic power didn't matter to Zannah.

Then...and then until now.


Hearing Bell's words, Hermione and Penelope looked at each other.

Only then did they realize that they had misunderstood?

The main reason is that in most cases, anti-Apparition enchantments and anti-Apparition enchantments are arranged in a matching manner. Like Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, and the Bell family castle.

When only one type of barrier is deployed, it is usually used to deceive people.

Therefore, Hermione and Penello are now being tricked by Bell...

‘Bell, you’re a big scumbag! ’

But now is not the time to hold Bell accountable. The top priority is to recover Shanna before she causes big trouble.

"Why don't you get up quickly!"

Hermione rushed over, grabbed Bell's arm and tried to run out.

Hermione became furious when she saw Bell's unreasonable look.

Can you still feel a little nervous?

Seeing that his girlfriend had a tendency to bite again, Bell reluctantly stood up.

He was not anxious at all, and he was not worried that Shanna would cause any big trouble.

Just kidding, no matter how poor the Weasley family is, it is still one of the 28 sacred families in the British wizarding world, and it is also the most populous family.

Even though he has been too poor to eat these years and many valuable things have been sold, his heritage in knowledge inheritance will not be reduced by half because of this.

If it weren't for the Black family's collection, even the Bell family would be far inferior to the Weasley family.

You know, the prototype of flying car technology was invented by Arthur.

Therefore, with Arthur, Molly, and Percy's two brothers here, as long as Zannah doesn't go crazy enough to lose her mind, nothing will happen in a short time.

By the way, the short time Bell calls is measured in hours.

"Bell, why can't I trace Zanna's movements?"

Compared to the anxious Hermione, although Penello was panicking inside, she had not lost her bearings yet.

How can I catch up with Shanna in the shortest time?

Of course, we should follow the traces left by Zannah after she apparated away!

Shanna has already set an example for them, is it possible that they still want to run out?

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