The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 361 Shanna is really a little angry

"Dad, how about we just watch the fun?"

After walking to his father's side, the second son of the Weasley family - Charlie Weasley said lazily.

After learning from his twin brother that the little girl was the sister of their classmate, Charlie no longer worried.

As for the play among children, although the level of this play is a bit high, adults like them should not get involved in it.

And the most important thing is that Charlie doesn't want to face that scary teddy bear anymore.

You know, he has been studying fire dragons in Romania for so many years, and he has been exposed to two dragon breaths every now and then.

However, among all the dragon's breaths he had suffered, none could compare to the flames breathed out by the teddy bear just now.

"What stupid things are you talking about!"

Arthur glared at his second son.

Didn't you see that Percy's spell was completely unable to break through the shield on the teddy bear's body? If they continue to watch the fun, maybe he will lose a son today!

With a sudden wave of his wand, Arthur pulled Percy over not far away.

‘Click~! ’

The crazy bear bit hard, but failed to bite anything.

Shanna was very unhappy when she saw that the 'duck' that hit her mouth actually flew away.

The little girl put her hands on her hips and glared angrily at Arthur on the ground.

"You bad guy, why do you want to cause trouble for me? Just now, the crazy bear was almost able to bite off that bad Percy's head!"

If you want Crazy Crazy Bear to bite Percy's head off, you have to bite it off. Otherwise, Zannah would have shot the curse and killed Percy, the bad guy.

"Uh... you must be Bell's sister, right? I wonder why you attacked Percy?"

Is it just because Percy was almost bitten off his head just now that he took action? Arthur couldn't do what his other bastard sons did and watch Percy being killed.

But then again, where did Bell's sister come from? Their five adult wizards were actually suppressed by a little girl who was not yet a minor?

Who would believe this!

If he wasn't very sure that he was not dreaming now, Arthur himself would not believe it.

"Hmph! Yes, I am my brother's sister!"

Zannah puffed out her chest proudly.

At any time, she was proud to be her brother's sister.

"Besides, the reason why I attacked Percy is of course because he is a bad guy! My brother said that if you meet a bad guy, let the crazy bear bite his head off!"

After hearing Zanna's words, Hermione and Penelo in the woods turned to glare at Bell.

‘Sure enough, it’s you, this guy’s fault! ’

Bell scratched his nose in embarrassment.

He swore that he was really unjust this time. He never said anything like that. What he said at the time was clearly that if someone bullied Shanna, he would let the Crazy Bear bite off that person's head.

Although strictly speaking, there seems to be nothing wrong with Shanna's understanding?


Arthur glanced down at Percy.

He thinks his son is pretty good, but what's wrong with him?

Percy, who had narrowly escaped death, had not yet recovered from the previous shock. His forehead was covered with sweat, and he sat on the ground panting in embarrassment.

Noticing his father's gaze, Percy reluctantly stood up and shouted to Zannah who was standing above Crazy Bear:

"Is it your brother Bell who asked you to trouble me! Where is he now? If he has the guts, let him do it himself!"

Percy has long wanted to have a duel between men with Belle. He wants to prove to Penello that a mere Bell is nothing in front of him!

"My brother didn't ask me to come here. Also, you dare to speak ill of my brother. You are indeed an unforgivable bad guy!"

Shanna was really angry when she heard that the other party dared to provoke her brother.

And how destructive can an angry little girl be?

No one in the Weasley family wanted to know at all.

Feeling the magic power that suddenly burst out from the huge teddy bear, Arthur was really shocked to the extreme while he wanted to slap Percy to death.

In the past, the five of them could only maintain an undefeated situation by working together. Perhaps relying on the tacit cooperation between family members and fighting until the end, they can barely win?

But now he is told that the previous state was not the opponent's full strength?

Merlin's nose hair! What a joke!

Facing the powerful magic power coming towards him, Arthur really doubted whether he was dreaming.

You know, even when Dumbledore was furious when he was fighting the Death Eaters, it did not put him under such tremendous pressure.

So Arthur seriously doubted whether his family could take the opponent's claws?

In fact, Arthur overestimated the strength of Crazy Bear here.

Indeed, the total amount of magic power of Crazy Bear with an inferior version of the Philosopher's Stone in his body far exceeds that of Dumbledore. It's not even comparable to a wizard at all.

However, for wizards, although the total amount of magic power is also very important, it does not completely determine the strength of a wizard.

The total amount of magic power in magical animals generally exceeds that of wizards, but haven't they all been killed by wizards and become endangered protected animals?

Therefore, the total amount of magic power can only determine the lower limit of a wizard, while the upper limit of a wizard is determined by magical attainments.

The Weasley family is indeed no match for the serious Crazy Bear, but it will still take a lot of effort for the Crazy Bear to get rid of them.

"Wait! Little girl, your brother and I have a very good relationship! Have you ever heard him talk about me?"

It is impossible to survive the fight, so there is only one way left in front of Arthur, and that is to 'build relationships'!

Facts have proved that Arthur's trick is still very useful.

As Arthur's words fell, Crazy Bear's huge claws immediately stopped above the heads of the Weasley family.

Arthur wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Just the strong wind caused by the swing of the giant claw made Percy, who was still a little weak in the legs, sway. If this really happens, how many of their family members will be left really depends on how Merlin is feeling today.

"Do you really know my brother?"

Zannah looked suspiciously at the Mediterranean above Arthur.

The other party is so old, how did he meet his brother?


Arthur nodded hurriedly and said.

Although he always felt that this little girl's eyes were focused a bit too high? But now is not the time to worry about those little things.

And maybe it was his illusion. Is it normal for a little girl to look down from above and her eyes to be a little skewed?

"By the way! I sold your flying car technology to your brother in the beginning. Has your brother ever told you about it?"

Seeing the suspicious look on Shanna's face, Arthur thought for a while and quickly told one of the only intersections between him and Bell.

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