The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 362 Boundary Talisman

There was smoke and dust and roaring.

Every roar was like a hammer hitting Penello's heart.

To be honest, Penelo has never seen such a scene in his entire life.

After all, there are no dueling classes at Hogwarts, and even the practice of magic spells is usually done in the classroom.

Not to mention, the scene before him was obviously beyond the scope of an ordinary duel.

In contrast, Hermione on the side was much calmer.

After all, she had to see this kind of 'small scene' every day and was already used to it.

"Bell! Why are you stopping me? Why don't you hurry up and stop Zannah!"

Putting his hand on the translucent barrier in front of him, Penello looked at Bell in confusion.

She had just taken a step forward when this barrier suddenly appeared in front of her. Judging from the fluctuations of magic power emitted from the barrier, the culprit was obviously the bastard brother behind her who had led her sister to evil.

Bell, who had no idea that he had become a 'bastard brother' in Penello's heart, smiled slightly and said lazily:

"What's the rush? Let Shanna go play for a while first."

Bell never misses an opportunity to train Shanna's practical skills.

To be honest, he is actually a little dissatisfied now.

There are so many people in the Weasley family, even if we exclude the youngest Ginny and the strongest Ron, there are still 7 people left.

As a result, the incompatible twins were eating melon and watching the fun, while Arthur and one of his sons stood together muttering not knowing what they were talking about. The long-haired Weasley also has a bit of a grind. Only Mrs. Molly and Percy have been seriously fighting against each other.

Mrs. Molly's strength is still very good, and her spell effectively slows down the Crazy Bear. Percy, who had just graduated, was far behind. That's the level of tickling a crazy bear.

This level of playfulness would hardly have any training effect on the current Shanna.

Yes, the fierce battle in front of Penelo was comparable to the battle of the century, but in Bell's eyes, it was nothing more than a joke.

Otherwise, with his instructions, Shanna would not let go of the crazy bear easily.

When fighting, in order to avoid forming dependence, Crazy Bear is the last trump card.

When playing, Crazy Bear is just a special stuffed toy that can be thrown out when you want to play with it.

Rubbing his chin, Bell began to hesitate, should he take action and make it more difficult for Shanna?

But Shanna was too familiar with him. Once he makes a move in secret, it will be difficult for Shanna to detect it. He couldn't figure out how to hide it from his sister's keen sense.

"Bell! Let Zanna continue to make trouble like this. Let's not say whether she will be injured. If someone from the Ministry of Magic is invited, then Zanna will definitely be arrested."

Penello looked anxiously at Bell who didn't know what he was thinking.

How long has it been since this happened, and Bell actually still has the heart to think about things leisurely? Can you still feel a little bit of a sense of crisis?

"Don't worry, you won't attract any Aurors from the Ministry of Magic."

Bell waved his hand and said casually.


Hermione looked at her boyfriend curiously.

Unlike Penelo, she was more familiar with and trusted Bell. After a while, seeing how calm and calm Bell always looked, Hermione gradually calmed down.

After all, no one knows better than her, Bell's girlfriend, how precious her boyfriend is to her sister.

So now Hermione is just curious, why is Bell so sure?

"Have you not noticed that after such a long time, no outsiders came to watch the fun?"


Hearing this, Hermione and Penello were shocked.

Shanna's battle had attracted all their attention, and they were unable to take a moment to observe their surroundings.

Looking around at this time, it turned out that except for a few people present, no outsiders appeared.

You know, there are about 100,000 wizards in this forest today.

Even though this woodland was specially selected by the Ministry of Magic, it still seemed a bit crowded.

Although it is not as good as throwing a wand with your eyes closed and killing several wizards, it is absolutely impossible to make such a big noise and still not attract a wizard.

Seeing that Hermione and the two girls finally noticed the abnormality around them, Bell smiled slightly and gently tapped the big tree next to him with his hand.

"Also, didn't you notice that there was a small gap between the time the battle started and the time Shanna left?"

You know, after Zannah left, Bell and Hermione chatted for a while, which wasted some time.

Even if it's only a short period of 2 or 3 minutes, the battle shouldn't just start after they arrive.

After all, under Bell's education, Zannah did not develop the 'good' habit of chatting for 10 minutes before fighting.

It only takes a few seconds to say a few simple words to open the battle.

"The answers are all right here."

The blue magic light flashed away, and under the control of Bell's transformation technique, a gap appeared on the trunk of the big tree, like an opened window, spreading to both sides.

As the tree trunk parted, a piece of parchment the size of a palm with some mysterious runes painted on it with red paint appeared in the eyes of Hermione and the two girls.

"What's this?"

Looking at the talisman placed in the center of the tree trunk, flashing with red light, both Hermione and Hermione opened their mouths in surprise.

They didn't notice at all that something that didn't look good was placed so close to them!

etc! By the way, Shanna placed this here, right? It won't explode! ?

After spending a long time together, Hermione and Hermione clearly understood that Zannah was extremely passionate about explosions.

"This is a barrier talisman, a type of Chinese talisman. It can be used to quickly set up large-scale barriers.

The advantage is that the layout is simple, fast and concealed.

The disadvantage is that the production is complicated and the talisman lacks protection until the barrier is completely arranged. Once discovered, it can be easily destroyed. "

Looking at the enchantment in front of him, Bell was very satisfied.

Zannah was able to remember to set up the enchantment before playing, and the node selection also took into account both concealment and effectiveness, which made Bell very gratified.

‘My sister has really grown up and can take charge of herself. ’

Of course, that's what I thought, but Bell couldn't let his sister face danger alone.

After hearing Bell's explanation, Hermione and Penello looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Hermione turned around and kicked Bell hard on the calf.

After the first kick, there was a second kick.

The second kick was for Senior Penello.

"So why didn't you tell me earlier!"

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