The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 363 ‘Percy who betrayed everyone’

After listening to Bell's explanation, Penelo finally let go of his worries about Shanna.

But then, she began to worry about another thing.

"But Bell, wouldn't it be bad if this continues?"

After all, everyone present is Percy's family. If someone really got hurt because of her, Penello would still feel very sorry.

After thinking for a while and taking another look at the tepid battle in the field, Bell finally decided to leave the decision-making power to Senior Penello.

After all, the current situation would not have any training effect on Shanna.

"So, Senior, do you want to make Senior Percy suffer?"


Penello has long wanted to teach that guy Percy a lesson!

But she always felt a little guilty when facing Percy. This is why she tolerates Percy again and again.

However, simply being patient will obviously not solve the problem. Percy's extravagant behavior was almost reaching the point where Penello could no longer bear it.

"That's easy, let's continue watching the show."

Bell spread his hands.

Everyone has seen it, this is not because he doesn't want to stop his sister. This is all requested by Senior Penelo.

"But Percy's family..."

Bell reached out and interrupted Penello.

"You already said that they are family members. Since they are family members, they should bear joint and several liability as a matter of course. Just think of it as venting your anger."

Penello fell silent.

In fact, she is very confused now and doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a powerful wave of magic power came.

Even from such a distance, Penello still felt a palpitation in his heart.

She looked up in surprise and found that this terrifying wave of magic power came from Shanna's body! ?

(It was actually coming from the Crazy Bear at Shanna’s feet, but Penello couldn’t tell it clearly.)

"Bell!? This, this, Zannah..."

Penello stammered, unable to even form a complete sentence.

The strength that Shanna showed before had already subverted her outlook on life. And now, Penello can be sure that she is not awake!

"Don't worry, it's okay. Shanna is sensible... right?"

In fact, Bell had already noticed that his sister was really angry this time.

So why does Percy have to seek death?

However, at such a close distance, he was still confident that he could stop his sister in time.

So, go ahead and make a fuss.

He would later pay a premium for the Weasley family's losses. Just treat it as a sparring partner.

While the three people in the woods were leisurely watching the show, the situation in the field had reached a critical moment that was about to break out.

Shanna was a little impressed when she heard the other party mention the speeding skills. The little girl nodded her lips and looked through the memories from many years ago.

"I remember! Are you that Arthur Weasley?"

"That's right! I am Arthur Weasley. I am the only Arthur Weasley in the British wizarding world. There is no mistake!"

Arthur is so excited!

He has never been more grateful than he is now that he sold his flying car technology to Bell.

Even when he got 5,000 gold galleons from Bell, he had never been so excited.

"Oh! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Shanna said angrily.

Although even if the other party had told her earlier, she would still hit her if she should.

Who told the other party to stop her from teaching that bad boy Percy a lesson?


Arthur was speechless.

As soon as this little girl showed up, she didn't even give him a chance to say a word. She launched an attack immediately, so you blame him?

"Your name is Zannah, right? Zannah, look, can you let Percy go? Where did he offend you? Can I apologize to you on his behalf?"

Arthur rubbed his hands and said gently with an amiable smile on his face.

He could swear that he had never been so gentle even when talking to his youngest daughter, Ginny.


However, Arthur's gentleness did not have the expected effect. Shanna rejected the other party's proposal without hesitation.

If it was before, considering that the other party is very familiar with his brother (actually, he is not that familiar), the matter may be forgotten today.

but! That bad guy named Percy actually dared to provoke his brother in front of her! ?

Shanna couldn't bear it anymore.

You know, Shanna considers herself 'the best sister in the world'. She couldn't tolerate someone speaking ill of her brother in front of her.

"Uh...then at least you have to tell us why you have to cause trouble for Percy, right?"

To be honest, Arthur was actually very curious.

So how did his son offend this scary little girl and let her come to her door so relentlessly?

"He bullied Sister Penello! I'm here to vent my anger on Sister Penello's behalf!"

Shanna once heard a word from her brother, which is called "results from teachers".

It doesn't matter if it's true or false, as long as it sounds true, people will figure out the rest.

‘To vent my anger for Sister Penello’ was the name Shanna chose for her actions today.

"Who is Penello?"

Arthur turned to look at the twin duo responsible for commentary outside the court.

"Penello is Percy's girlfriend."

"The one I mentioned before, the one who works for Bell."

The twins looked at Percy teasingly.

They had known for a long time that with Percy's pissy temperament, the two of them would have to quarrel sooner or later. They also opened a disk for this purpose.

However, Penelo's ability to endure was beyond their expectations.

Until graduation, the two did not fight. This made the twins who had prepared butterbeer and pumpkin juice and were waiting to watch the show feel very disappointed for a while.

However, the world is so unpredictable, and the regrets of the past were suddenly made up for in such an unexpected way today.

"Did you bully your girlfriend?"

Arthur looked at his third son in disbelief.

"I, I didn't, didn't. Don't, don't listen to her nonsense..."

Percy's eyes wandered, not daring to look into his father's eyes. Even the voices of defense became smaller and smaller until they were inaudible.

Judging from the number of descendants of the Weasley family, it is not difficult to see how deep the relationship between the Arthurs and his wife is.

So since childhood, Percy has been told by his parents to love and protect his wife in the future.

Even though he didn't think there was anything wrong with the things Percy had done before, it was impossible for him to tell his parents.

Percy's extremely obvious display of guilty conscience could not be hidden from the people present.

After Arthur, his wife, and his two eldest sons looked at each other, they turned around silently and walked towards the auditorium.

Bill and Charlie glanced at their third brother, shook their heads, and followed their father.

As the only adult woman in the room, Molly kicked Percy hard on the butt, almost beating the shit out of him.

She is now very disappointed with her third son!

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