The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 365 Shanna’s mistake

"What's the spiritual fee?"

Arthur said that this was the first time he heard such lofty words.

"Mental damages."

Bell repeated.

"What damages?"

"...It's nothing, you don't need to care, as long as you know that this is my compensation for my sister."


"Mr. Arthur, Senior Percy is still waiting for the magic potion to cure him."

Only then did Arthur notice that Percy was being supported by his two brothers with a pale face, unable to even stand still.

Not caring about bargaining with Bell anymore, Arthur hurriedly ran to Percy's side, and forced the healing potion in his hand into Percy's mouth regardless of Percy's resistance.

Percy was unwilling to drink the bottle of healing potion that Bell took out. Not to mention that he didn't want to accept anything from Bell. Just say that with the evil nature of the other party, who knows if he will take out a bottle of poison that will seal his throat when it sees blood and disguise it as a healing potion to harm him!

After pouring every drop of the potion into Percy's mouth, Arthur was relieved when he saw Percy's face turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He turned around and looked at the Bell brothers. He had something very important that he wanted to confirm with Bell. But, until then.

"Uh, um... Bell, can you let your sister collect her magical powers first?"

Seeing the huge, ferocious teddy bear, which looked like a giant spirit, standing behind the Bell brothers and sisters, Arthur was afraid to speak for a while.

Only then did Bell notice that Crazy Bear was standing behind him.

He just said, why hasn't Hermione come over after so long? It turned out to be blocked by Crazy Bear.

After signaling to Shanna, the little girl raised her hand and struck at the crazy bear.

The 10-meter-tall giant teddy bear quickly shrank, flew into Shanna's hand, and was then hung back by the little girl's waist.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the crazy bear on Shanna's waist.

Although the teddy bear can still jump out at any time and tear their family into pieces. But after becoming smaller, at least visually, there is no longer the sense of oppression before. He can also communicate with Bell easily.

"Bell, I have something to ask you."

Arthur came to the other side of Bell, tried his best to stay away from the little girl named Zannah, and lowered his voice.

"Excuse me."

"That's right, I heard from George and Fred before that that... is Percy's girlfriend, she seems to be called Penello? She and you..."

Arthur hesitated to speak and looked at Bell.

Logically speaking, as a parent, he shouldn't have to interfere too much in the affairs of these young people.

But, after all, this matter is related to his son's reputation, and may even be related to the purity of their Weasley family's future bloodline?

Therefore, he, the current head of the Weasley family, had to be brave and shameless and come to inquire about the situation with Bell.

Bell glanced at the Weasley twins not far away who were "continuing to watch the fun for a hundred years without wavering." He was thinking about whether to find an opportunity to teach this couple a lesson.

He now seriously suspected that the reason why he was criticized and killed in Hogwarts before was because of these two little boys!

(Actually, it’s not the case. It’s all Bell’s fault.)

But now is not the time to think about those things. He still needs to deal with Arthur's suspicion in front of him first.

"Ahem, Mr. Arthur, let me introduce to you. This is my girlfriend Hermione Granger. I think you should still have an impression."

Bell put his arms around Hermione, who had just walked to him, and introduced him to Arthur.

"In addition, Zannah and Hermione are both good friends of Senior Penello. If you have any questions about Senior Penello, it would be best to ask them two."

By the way, Penelo had already returned to the cabin first.

Something like this just happened, and Penelo really didn't know how to face Percy's family.

"Hello, Mr. Weasley."

Hermione glared at Belle angrily, and then said politely to Arthur.

Shy-skinned Hermione would still feel shy about getting close to Belle in front of strangers.


Looking at Hermione who was nestling in Bell's arms, her face slightly flushed and her face looking happy, Arthur felt sad for his little daughter and at the same time wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

I'm so embarrassed!

Don't ask him why he feels ashamed. He doesn't know. In short, he is very ashamed! There is a feeling that the late festival is not guaranteed!

Arthur decided to give Percy a good deal when he gets back!

"That...that's what, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to do, so I'll excuse you now."

"Please help yourself. Also, please allow me to apologize again for what happened today."

Bell bowed to Arthur again.

"Then I won't bother you. Goodbye."

After saying that, Bell hugged Hermione and disappeared.

Seeing that her brother was gone, it was natural that Shanna could not stay any longer.

After making a face at Percy who was not far away, the little girl gave a lady's salute to Arthur in front of her, and then disappeared in a burst of space distortion.


After staring blankly at the location where the three Bells disappeared for a while, Arthur gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

After watching today's Quidditch World Cup, he must prepare some gifts as soon as possible after returning home and visit William, the patriarch of the Menethil family.

I just got 500 galleons from Bell. After buying a new tent, I should be able to buy a lot of good things with the remaining money.

What? You ask him what he wants from William?

Needless to say. Of course it’s time to exchange feelings with William!

By the way, really just by the way, let me ask you how William educates his children?

Why are the Bell brothers and sisters so good! ?

When he returns from menstruation, maybe in a few days, his Ginny will be able to disapparate as she pleases.

You know, Ginny is still one year older than Shanna.

After returning to the wooden house, Bell made a strategic move and fell into the soft sofa again.

‘Comfortable~! ’

Suddenly, a shadow blocked the sunlight coming from the window.

Bell opened his eyes and saw Shanna standing in front of him with her head lowered and her little hands constantly holding the corners of her clothes.

"Brother, I'm sorry~"

The little girl said pitifully.

Because of her own reasons, her brother not only paid a lot of money to the other party, but most importantly, he also apologized to the other party many times. Xiao Shanna felt very uncomfortable.

"come over."

Bell waved to Shanna, and after the little girl sat next to him, he said:

"There is nothing wrong with you wanting to vent your anger on behalf of Senior Penello. The only wrong thing you did today was that at the end, you really planned to kill Percy, right?"

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