The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 366 Little Shanna has learned a new skill


Zannah nodded honestly. She never hides anything from her brother.

"What are you doing..."

"What!? Zanna, you really want to kill Senior Percy!? Why!? How could you do that!?"

A sharp and harsh exclamation interrupted Bell's speech.

The brother and sister looked around and saw Hermione looking here with eyes wide open and disbelief on her face.

"Ahem, Hermione, take your senior sister upstairs to rest for a while. We have to watch the game in the evening.

By the way, senior. Are you watching today's finals with Senior Percy, or with us? "

Bell turned to look at Penello.

After coming back, Penello has been sitting in the corner, lowering his head and saying nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Then let's go with you."

Originally, Penelo was scheduled to watch the final with Percy.

But after what happened before, she neither wanted to see Percy nor knew how to face him.


Hermione glared at Bell with dissatisfaction and pulled Penelope up the stairs.

‘This guy Bell knows how to protect Shanna! ’

Hermione thought jealously.

After the two of them disappeared at the top of the stairs, Bell looked at his sister next to him again.

"Zannah, why do you want to kill Percy?"

"Because he is so annoying! He is always trying to show off to his brother!"

Shanna said angrily.

"But for such a trivial matter, it shouldn't lead to death, right?"

"How could it be? This is a heinous crime!"

For Shanna, this kind of thing doesn't seem small at all. It should be said that there are few sins greater than this!

Looking at Shanna's serious little face, Bell didn't know whether to be happy or helpless.

But the only thing that was certain was that he couldn't let Shanna go on like this.

"Sanna, you should learn to temporarily block your personal emotions and look at the problem objectively."

"But, looking at it objectively, how do you look at it?"

Shanna tilted her little head in confusion.

She would look at it from above, from below, from the left, from the right, and from the front and backwards... In short, she had never seen it objectively.

"Uh...this to say it?"

Bell was asked.

How should I say this?


After patting his head, Bell thought of a good idea.

As the saying goes, if you don't decide on internal affairs, you can ask questions... Ahem! It’s about asking for magic power when you’re in trouble!

Since I don’t know how to explain it using words, I might as well use magic power and let Shanna experience it for herself.

"Zannah, try using Occlumency to temporarily close all your emotions, and then think about Percy."

Shanna glanced at her brother in confusion, wondering why his brother would make such a weird request?

However, although she was confused, Shanna started operating Occlumency without any hesitation.

The little girl closed her eyes, her eyelids trembling slightly.

After a while, Shanna slowly opened her eyes.

At this time, Shanna had a frosty face and empty eyes, like a delicate ceramic doll. Her whole body was lifeless, giving people a sense of terror for no reason.

Seeing this, Bell raised his right hand, clasped his middle finger in his thumb, and flicked it hard.

With a 'pop' sound, Shanna's little head was thrown back, and at the same time, the Occlumency technique running at full speed in her mind was immediately interrupted.



With two small hands covering her forehead, Shanna looked at her brother pitifully.

In order to ensure that Shanna could be beaten out of that ruthless state, Bell used a lot of force. A red mark appeared on the little girl's forehead.

"Be good, don't cry. Brother, I'll rub it for you."

Bell put his finger on Shanna's forehead distressedly, and a ray of emerald green light appeared on his fingertips. The redness and swelling on Shanna's forehead quickly disappeared.

In fact, for this small bump that wasn't even a scratch, Shanna only needed to focus her magic power on her forehead, and she could recover in a few seconds.

But she wouldn't waste such a rare opportunity like that.

After using his fingers to gently rub his sister for a while, Bell felt that she was almost done. Then he put down his hand and asked Shanna:

"How is it? Do you still think that Percy is unforgivable?"


Zannah wanted very much to nod. However, in her previous powerful state called 'objectivity', she did think that the things Percy had done before were no big deal.

Bell obviously saw his sister's struggle. He smiled and put his hand on Shanna's little head and rubbed it twice hard.

“Remember the feeling I had before, and think more from an objective perspective when encountering things in the future.

However, if it is not necessary, try not to enter that kind of heartless and desireless state again. Especially avoid getting into that state when you are alone. "

Regularly closing off one's emotions is likely to completely change a person's temperament.

This is one of the reasons why spiritual spells are feared by many wizards.

"Also, Zannah, remember this. If someone tries to hurt you, don't hesitate to kill him!"

No matter who it is, and no matter what the reason is, if someone intends to harm his sister, Bell will not allow that person to continue to live in this world!


Time passed quickly amid laughter and frolicking, and soon the sunlight outside the window dimmed.

The wizards walked out of their tents, talking excitedly, and walked towards the Quidditch World Cup venue.

From time to time, a commotion would break out in the crowd, and a few dazzling rays of light would fleetingly disappear, and then it would be discovered that there were a few more people on the ground who were either stiff and unable to move, or were sleeping soundly and unable to wake up from the thunder. wizard.

No need to ask, this is a supporter of the Scottish national team having a friendly exchange with fans of the Bulgarian team.

Fortunately, in order for today's game to proceed smoothly, the British Ministry of Magic has mobilized all the Aurors it can, and even seconded some personnel from the Ministry of Magic of several other European countries.

Therefore, before the commotion expands, several capable Aurors will appear.

A smarter troublemaker would run away immediately after knocking over the opposing fans. Some who were more aggressive and wanted to show off their talents were basically handcuffed by the Aurors.

But don't get me wrong, the Aurors will not do anything to these wizards. The most they can do is fine them a small amount of money to generate income for the Ministry of Magic and make some extra money for themselves.

After all, the Aurors have been exhausted these past few days, so it is normal to earn some extra allowance or something.

As for why not severely punish these troublemaking wizards?

This is really impossible!

Not to mention that these wizards come from various countries, just negotiating with the Ministry of Magic of other countries is enough to exhaust a large number of people.

Let's just say that if the Aurors dare to imprison these wizards and prevent them from seeing the finals, then these Aurors will not want to sleep peacefully in the future, but will do their best in their future lives. Always be prepared to be hunted down.

God knows what outrageous things these ardent Quidditch fans would do when their grief and anger reach the extreme?

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