The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 367 The Adult World

In the top box of the Quidditch field.

At this time, many wizards had already entered the box that few people had visited in the past month.

They either greeted each other enthusiastically, or nodded politely to each other. Occasionally, there would be wizards with a history of grudges who would exchange complimentary remarks in different ways.

For example, Arthur Weasley and Lucius Malfoy.

As soon as this pair of happy enemies met, they couldn't bear it for a second and immediately started fighting each other. The atmosphere in the entire box became more enthusiastic.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. ‘Happiness’ refers to the people around, and ‘enemies’ refers to Arthur and Lucius.

With less than 10 minutes left before the start of the game, the door to the box was pushed open again, and two wizards, a man and a woman, walked in.

"William! You're finally here! I thought you would miss today's wonderful Quidditch World Cup Finals."

As soon as he caught a glimpse of William from the corner of his eye, Fudge immediately stood up, with a smile like a chrysanthemum blooming on his round, fat face. He took three steps and two steps at a time, and quickly rushed in front of William.

Facing Fudge's heavy sprint, William tensed up his nerves and was ready to take out his wand to cast a spell at any time. At the same time, he put on a bright smile on his face and strode towards Fudge. .

"Haha, how could I miss this game? I also want to see our British Quidditch team win the championship with my own eyes."

William said loudly after hugging Fudge warmly.

As they said that, the two of them patted each other hard on the back.

In the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between these two people is simply ridiculously good.

If it were placed in China, no one would be surprised if the two of them chopped off chicken heads on the spot, drank rice wine, and became brothers.

Sadly, this is England. Therefore, when the people around them looked at the two of them, it was inevitable that they would have a subtle meaning.

Fudge and William soon realized the 'putrid smell' floating in the air, and let go of each other awkwardly.

So, how did Fudge and William's relationship become so close?

The answer is: ‘It’s a hammer! ’.

Let's change the angle and review the previous content.

After catching a glimpse of William entering the box from the corner of his eye, Fudge gritted his teeth hard.

‘How come I meet this damn guy William everywhere I go! ’

It was discovered that the game was about to start and William had not yet appeared here. Fudge was very happy to think that the opponent was delayed by something and could not catch up with today's finals.

Although I don’t want to watch this game, it’s not a big deal. But as long as William is unhappy, Fudge will be so happy that he explodes!

However, even though he was extremely unhappy, Fudge still managed to squeeze out a smile and enthusiastically walked towards William, the leader of the number one 'reactionary force' in the British wizarding world.

There was no way around it. In the past few years, under the advice of his prodigal son who did not use money as money, William had been generous and generous and helped many wizards who encountered difficulties for free.

Although because of this, William was secretly dubbed the "Silly Old Rich Man" by some people, people of this era, especially wizards who often lag behind the trend of the times, still know how to repay kindness.

There are indeed wizards like Fudge who value Garen above all else, but most wizards are still not dominated by material desires.

Therefore, most wizards who received help from William would later find ways to repay the Menethil family.

As for the remaining wizards who regard William as a fool and try every possible way to steal money from William, they don't need William to do anything. Other wizards will not be able to stand it and work together to deal with these people. .

As a result, now not only among the house elves, but also among the ordinary wizards, the Menethil family has a very good reputation.

This also led to the fact that in order not to give William any chance to attack, Fudge, who was deeply aware of the slippery ways of politicians, would always act impeccable every time he met the other party.

Seeing Fudge standing up and walking towards him quickly, William immediately put his hands behind his back and made a 'beware' gesture to his wife.

As the leader of the largest 'revolutionary force' in the British wizarding world, William secretly controls nearly half of the Ministry of Magic. In his opinion, Fudge at this time is just a grasshopper after autumn, and he can't jump around for much longer.

So now he must always be wary of Fudge jumping over the wall. If Fudge had given him a one-for-one limit when the revolution was about to succeed, then he would have really lost out to his grandma's family.

When he saw Fudge opening his hands and hugging him, William was temporarily relieved.

Fudge couldn't quickly take out his wand with his hands open.

However, after hugging Fudge, William realized that he had relaxed too early.

He should have held it in a little longer.

‘Damn it, why is this guy Fudge so powerful! ’

Although Fudge is not tall, he is heavy!

There are really not many people who can bear the force of their arms being pulled inward.

Fortunately, when William occasionally had some free time, he also tried several times the method of strengthening the body with magic power developed by his son, otherwise he might really make a fool of himself now.

After Fudge reluctantly sent William away, William finally had a chance to look around the scene in the box.

Soon, he saw an old acquaintance again.

"Lucius, long time no see!"

William forced out a warm smile again. But compared to when he faced Fudge, his current appearance was obviously much more perfunctory.

Although Fudge is already a grasshopper after the fall, no matter how you say it, the other party is still the Minister of Magic, occupying the position of justice. So William must also be treated with caution.

But Lucius was different. The other party is just a 'commoner' like him, and William doesn't have that much time to pretend. Just go ahead and save your face.

"Hmph! Yes."

Compared to William, Lucius was much more perfunctory.

Originally, as the patriarch of the Malfoy family, Lucius still wanted to be on good terms with the Menethil family, which had risen rapidly in recent years.

After all, multiple friends mean multiple paths, and multiple enemies mean multiple walls.

As the patriarch of an ancient family that has been passed down for thousands of years, Lucius knows how to survive.

This is also the reason why he originally told his son Draco to have a good relationship with the heir of the Menethil family at Hogwarts.

You know, although it can't be said that he has everything to do every day, Lucius is very busy every day. Not everything is worthy of being taken to heart by him.

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