The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 369 Hermione in Love

Time moves forward a little.

In a cabin in the woods, Bell, who was sitting on the sofa practicing magic manipulation in boredom, suddenly heard a rush of footsteps, followed by Hermione's complaints.

"Bell! Really, it's already this time, why don't you wake us up!"

Because of what happened before, both Hermione and Penello consumed a lot of energy. So after returning to the bedroom, without saying a few words, the two women fell into a deep sleep one after another.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Hermione was horrified to find that the sky outside the window had darkened.

I looked at the time and saw that there was only half an hour left before the final game of the Quidditch World Cup was about to begin!

After hurriedly waking up Senior Penello, the two girls simply arranged their makeup and hurried down.

Then Hermione saw Bell lying lazily on the sofa. At the same time, several little people formed by magic were playing a fierce Quidditch match on top of Bell's head.

Hermione knew the game. That was a great game they had seen a week ago.

After that game, Bell had a sudden idea and tried to use magic to replay that game.

Not only the flow of the game, but also every expression and every action of the players during the game, Bell is trying to restore 100%.

"By the way! Where's Zannah?"

Hermione looked around the living room and said that from the first moment, she always felt that something was missing.

"Why are you in a hurry? It won't start until half an hour."

After waving his hand to disperse the magic on his head, Bell rubbed his brows and said lazily.

"As for Shanna, she took the first step and went to play with Phyllis and Reina."

Under Hermione's anxious urging, Bell led the two of them to apparate outside the arena.

Walking up the stairs, Bell did not go to the top box where he had been going before.

He knew that many wizards would use that box today, especially many senior officials from the Ministry of Magic.

Bell, who hates trouble, chose a second-class small box in advance as the place to watch today's final.

As soon as they walked outside the box, the clear sound of the little girl playing was heard by the three people.

Shanna and the other three, who had arrived a step ahead, were chatting happily in the box.

"Brother, you are so slow!"

As soon as she opened the door, Shanna's dissatisfied complaints reached Bell's ears.

"Why are you anxious? It's still early."

Walking to the seats, Bell took out his wand and tapped it. The rows of seats in the box immediately transformed into soft and comfortable sofas. In front of the sofa, there is also a long exquisite coffee table.

Anyway, the place is big enough, so of course it’s as comfortable as you want.

Sitting on the sofa again, Bell slowly began to take out various foods and drinks.

After training on magic control for several hours in the afternoon, he felt a little tired now.

Felice touched the soft sofa under her butt in novelty, and then she remembered that she hadn't said hello to Shanna's brother yet.

"Brother Bell, long time no see! Long time no see, two sisters!"

Phyllis showed a hearty smile that was completely different from that of Fudge, Lucius, and William upstairs. One glance at it will make you feel relaxed physically and mentally.

"B-Hello, brother Bei. Hello, sisters."

After Phyllis, Reina also said hello.

The little girl was still as shy as ever.

"Long time no see. What were you talking about just now, so happy?"

Belle asked with a smile.

Bell also liked these two good friends of his sister very much.

Because they are Shanna's friends.

"Liz was talking about a time she went to her grandma's house during the summer vacation."

Zannah replied.

At the same time, the little girl secretly glanced at Hermione, who had taken the first step to sit next to her brother.

Really, if Liz hadn't been blocking her, she would never have let the other party get the upper hand!

Hermione looked at Zannah proudly and put her hand around her boyfriend's head.

Putting Bell's head on her chest, Hermione gently massaged Bell's temples.

She has also noticed that her boyfriend is a little tired now.

"The relationship between Brother Bell and Sister Hermione is still so good."

Lena looked at Bell and Hermione who were showing off their affection with envy, and said with a flushed face.

"Then does little Reina have anyone you like?"

Hermione glanced vaguely at Bell in her arms, and then stared at Reyna.

If Lena shows any tendency to have a crush on Bell, then Bell will be dead!

(Bell: ‘Why!?’)

Fortunately, perhaps Bell's death was not deserved, but Lena did not do anything that would cause Hermione to misunderstand.

Reina's little face turned red with embarrassment, she lowered her head and whispered:

"No, no. Besides, my father said that boys are bad guys and asked me not to come into contact with them alone."

In fact, even without her father's advice, the shy and introverted Rena would not dare to interact with boys alone.

Even if she was barely familiar with Bell, Lena would not dare to contact him alone without Phyllis or Zannah accompanying her.

Secretly breathing a sigh of relief, Hermione pointed her 'gun' at another little girl - Phyllis.

"What about you? Phyllis. Do you have a boy you like?"

"Hahaha, how could I? It's enough that I have Shanna and Leilei with me!"

Phyllis has a rather heartless attitude.

Hermione was simply not satisfied with Phyllis's answer.

Another potential threat has been eliminated, which means that the biggest threat comes from Shanna and Penello!

In fact, originally, Hermione had also removed Senior Penello from the danger list.

After all, the seniors all have a boyfriend called Senior Percy, and usually, the seniors are very careful to keep a distance from Bell.

However, when she suddenly learned today that there was an emotional crisis between her senior sister and her senior, and the source of the crisis was her boyfriend, Hermione felt like strangling Bell to death!

(Bell: 'So what does this have to do with me!?')

Taking a peek at Senior Penello, who was sitting silently in the corner looking at the Quidditch field below, wondering what she was thinking, Hermione's sixth sense as a girl was frantically sending out early warning signals. .

Judging from the plots in the few romance novels she had read, Hermione felt that Senior Percy was going to be cool!

And after breaking away from the shackles of Senior Percy and regaining her freedom, Senior Penelo will even surpass Zannah in one fell swoop and become her number one enemy!

'So why is Percy so useless! ’

Hermione was thinking about whether she should give the few romance novels she had to Senior Percy so that he could also improve his level?

Maybe my life will be saved?

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