The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 370 The finals begin

Soon, as the host's impassioned voice sounded, the Quidditch World Cup Finals was about to begin.

Before the game started, the first to enter the field were the mascots of the Bulgarian and Irish teams.

Compared to the seductive Veelas of Bulgaria, the leprechauns of Ireland are really unattractive. Those magic gold coins made by the leprechauns can only fool some foreign wizards who have no understanding of the leprechauns.

Before the game officially started, in Bell's view, the Irish team had already lost half the game.

After the mascot's performance, the players from the two teams began to enter the stadium one after another.

The first players to play were still the players from the away team of Bulgaria.

Whenever the host reads a player's name, a burst of cheers erupts from the audience.

Especially when the seekers of the two teams appeared on the scene, the deafening cheers were even more threatening to pierce the sky.

"Ah——! It's Troy! And Mallet! Ah——! It's Linzi! Linzi!"

Rubbing his ears, Bell discovered for the first time that Felice's voice was so penetrating.

"Sanna? Why aren't you excited at all? That's Lin Qi!"

Felice looked at Reina on her left who was also excited and her face was red, and then at Sanna on her right who was bored. She couldn't understand Shanna's reaction.

"Huh? Brother, who is Lin Qi?"

Shanna looked at her brother.

When encountering a question that she doesn’t understand, the little girl will habitually ask her brother for the first time.

By the way, she was busy eating just now and did not look at the arena below.

It was already evening now, it was already dinner time, and Shanna felt a little hungry in her belly.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Bell was leaning comfortably in his girlfriend's arms, enjoying Hermione's feeding. How could he have time to care about Lin Qimuqi?


Shanna didn't care either.

Since his brother doesn't know about it, it means that he is just a so-and-so and not an important role.

Looking at Shanna who was eating wildly with her head down again as if nothing had happened, and Bell who looked lazy, Felice and Reina were both speechless.

‘So are you really here to watch the Quidditch match? ? ’

After looking at each other, Felice and Reina adjusted their makeup and became quiet.

there's no way! There were a total of 6 people in the box, but 4 of them looked calm and calm. If the two of them continued to yell and scream, wouldn't it look like they had no character?

Fortunately, after the players from both teams were introduced, the game officially started soon. Bell and the others finally cheered up a little and started watching the game seriously. This made Phyllis and Reina secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

I wonder if you feel envious and jealous that the Bulgarian team can have so many Veela as mascots?

In short, at the beginning of the game, the players of the Irish team seemed to be on fire, and they were rubbing against the Bulgarian team. The World Cup final, which was supposed to be exciting, was abruptly made to feel like the Hogwarts House Cup finals.

Less than an hour into the game, the Irish team had already scored more than 10 goals in a row. On the other hand, the Bulgarian team only scored a pitiful goal.

Although under the fake action of the Bulgarian team's seeker, Krum, the Irish team's seeker, Linzi, was unfortunately injured. But that was still not enough to reverse the situation where the Bulgarian team was at an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing that the score between the two sides had reached 130:10, this overwhelming score gap made the Bulgarian team unable to sit still.

The first one to take action was the Bulgarian team's mascot, the Veela.

The Veelas stood up and danced gracefully again on the edge of the arena.

Unfortunately, maybe the Quidditch players have received rigorous training, or maybe they are just a bunch of idiots with the lofty idea of ​​"how can women find Quidditch fun?"

All in all, the Veela's actions had little effect.

On the contrary, the referee of the game, Hassan Mustafa, the president of the International Quidditch Federation who came from Egypt, was attracted to the Veelas and danced to show off his thin figure.

By the way, when he first heard the name 'Hassan', Bell was very nervous. I was afraid that the other party would pull out a two-handed giant sword from nowhere in the next second and perform a textbook "unparalleled stealth method" for the many wizards present.

Fortunately, judging from the opponent's current performance, this person should be of unknown generation.

Seeing that their mascot was already helpless, the Bulgarian players once again realized that it is better to seek help from others than to ask for themselves, so they decided to roll up their arms and go into battle in person.

I saw the two batsmen of the Bulgarian team, as if they were possessed by berserkers, with red eyes and waving bats in their hands, regardless of whether it was a person or a ball in front of them, as long as they were not their teammates anyway, He would hit them with a stick regardless.

Under this 'Slytherin' style of play, the Bulgarian team was penalized several times.

As a result, not only did the score not get closer, it actually widened further.

The Irish leprechauns belatedly realized that in order not to have their wages deducted by their bosses when they returned home, after the Bulgarian team committed another foul, they flew into the air, formed a giant hand, and made a very strange move to the Veela. Rude gesture.

This move completely angered the Veelas.

Just kidding, with their innate abilities, wherever Veela go, they are not treated like stars by the wizards.

But now, a group of lowly, ugly dwarfs dare to provoke them?

This is asking for death!

The Veela transformed into the form of birds, flew into the air, and threw balls of flaming magic at the group of hateful dwarves.

Facing the Veela attack, the leprechauns certainly would not sit still. Although their individual combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Veela, there are so many of them!

The leprechauns were seen in small groups. With their tacit cooperation, they fought back and forth with the Veelas without falling behind in the slightest.

Of course, the staff of the Ministry of Magic who are responsible for maintaining order cannot turn a blind eye to the mascots' fighting behavior.

They rushed into the arena shouting, waving their wands, trying to separate the tangled leprechauns and veelas.

If we let these mascots continue to fight, maybe no one will watch the game above!

This kind of overshadowing behavior seems to be quite interesting...

At least in the eyes of a pair of unscrupulous brothers and sisters who are afraid of chaos in the world, this is really interesting!

"Brother! Brother! Can I go down and play?"

Zannah looked excitedly at the Veela, leprechauns and wizards fighting together in the field. This was the first time for the little girl to see such a grand melee.

Now she only feels itchy hands and an even more itchy heart!

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