The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 376 When the battle is going on

Looking down at Hermione's firm eyes in his arms, although Bell couldn't understand Hermione's thoughts, he could really feel Hermione's determination.

He took out a stick of Ningshen Incense from his arms, and flames ignited from Bell's palm, instantly burning the entire stick of Ningshen Incense to ashes.

With a wave of the wand, an invisible barrier formed, wrapping Hermione in it.

Then, Bell injected all the gas produced by burning the Ningshen Incense into the barrier.

This barrier does not have any defensive effect. Its isolation effect is specifically targeted at the ingredients of the Ningshen Incense.

Although the main function of Ningshen Incense is to assist thinking and learning. But its calming effect is also very helpful in adjusting the mentality before the battle.

No, under the influence of Ningshenxiang, the trembling of Hermione's delicate body immediately weakened a lot.

Although it was impossible to completely eliminate the fear and nervousness in Hermione's heart, she could at least hold her wand steady and join the battle now.

And many times, the most difficult thing is the first step. As long as people take this first step, they will find that things are not as difficult as they imagined.

"Hermione, remember this: kindness to your enemies is cruelty to yourself!"

Bell, who was well aware of his girlfriend's kind nature, gave Hermione his final instructions before the war.

After getting a nod from Hermione in response, Belle smiled and patted her on the back.

"Go ahead. Trust me, you'll rise from the ashes."

Watching Hermione's retreating figure, Bell smiled happily.

Although even if Hermione refused to fight tonight, he wouldn't be disappointed or anything. But Hermione's strength and bravery made him admire her very much.

Bell once again confirmed that Hermione was the one who could be with him for the rest of his life.

Compared to being behind him, Bell hoped that his lover could stand by his side.

Because if the other party is standing behind him, then he will not be able to watch the other party all the time. That would make him feel bad.

He shook his head and shook off the thoughts that came to his mind.

Now is not the time to think about those things. In just a short time, Shanna had been hit several times. If the little girl hadn't been dressed in a 'magic outfit', I'm afraid she would have been injured.

Magic power was injected into the flying shoes, and with a harsh sonic boom, Bell appeared above the battlefield.

‘The flames are blazing! ’

Hot flames were generated, swirling and coiling in the air, forming a flaming dragon.

‘Hoo~! ’

With a thundering roar, the 'Shenlong' leaned down and charged down.

The four wizards who gathered together to suppress Zanna's crazy attack with magic spells were immediately hit by the 'dragon' falling from the sky.


Four explosions sounded one after another, and as Bell watched in surprise, the wizards disappeared one after another.

By the way, is your escape belt selling so well? Why didn't he know?

It turned out that under Bell's sudden attack, these four wizards who were caught off guard were defeated one after another. Then, when they were about to be burned to death by the flames, the escape belts around their waists were activated one after another, and the four people escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire.

After sighing for a moment about how good his business was, Bell put the matter behind him and didn't take it to heart at all.

Originally, with an absolute numerical disadvantage, it was not easy to cause effective damage to the enemy. Just now, he was able to take advantage of the sneak attack to kill four people in one fell swoop, which already made Bell very satisfied.

"Brother, why did you come here?"

Shanna stared at her brother above her with dissatisfaction and said aggrievedly.

She had just been suppressed and beaten for a long time by those bad guys who had no martial ethics. She was so angry that she wanted to release the crazy bear and bite those bad guys to death.

If it weren't for the surrounding action team members who were trying their best to help, she might really have to release the Crazy Bear.

"Sorry, my brother was wrong."

Bell decisively apologized and admitted his mistake.

Then, he waved his wand and controlled the 'Dragon' to fly half a circle around Shanna, repelling a dozen or so wizards who lurked over and wanted to surround Shanna secretly.

I have to say that those who dare to make trouble are basically those with two skills.

In just a short time, more than half of the earth walls and ground thorns that Bell had made using the transformation technique were demolished by these black-robed wizards.

If the members of the action team hadn't tried their best to delay, this group of wizards might not have regrouped.

Holding the wand high, under the guidance of Bell, a large amount of gravel on the ground floated up and quickly gathered together to form more than a dozen huge stone balls with a diameter of more than 10 meters.

The 'Dragon', which had shrunk a lot compared to the original, flew over and decomposed into a dozen or so flames, which attached to the rocks.

Swinging down hard, the rocks were like meteorites, hitting the group of wizards gathered below.

The black-robed wizards who had been trying to stop Bell's spellcasting, but were blocked by the stones in the air, immediately dispersed upon seeing this.

Although if they work together, it's not like they can't stop a few meteorites. But the problem is, who knows if other people will help!

After all, they don't even know each other's identity, let alone trust.

Therefore, after the first person ran away, the others who followed him also jumped out of the way decisively.


Since the speed of the meteorite was not very fast, most of the black-robed wizards avoided it. Only a few unlucky ones were hit by the bursting gravel and suffered some minor injuries.

The tremors of the earth brought the fierce battlefield to a brief stagnation.

Most wizards are more accustomed to standing on the ground to cast spells. Therefore, the violent shaking of the ground forced these people to temporarily stop casting spells and busy themselves to stabilize their bodies.

On the contrary, Bell's side had a pair of flying shoes. Except for Hermione, who had little combat experience, everyone else flew off the ground the moment before the meteorite hit, so they were not greatly affected.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the members of the action team launched a fierce attack and knocked down several wizards in one go.

After the shaking on the ground finally subsided, the black-robed wizards who planned to launch a counterattack unexpectedly discovered that there was too much smoke and dust in the air. It’s even reached the point where I can’t even see my fingers!

It turned out that Bell took advantage of the opportunity when people were attracted by those meteorites to quickly approach the ground. Using the cover of the smoke and dust stirred up by the meteorites, Bell raised a large amount of sand and dust into the air.

Although the black-robed wizards had the upper hand in terms of overall combat power, in terms of individual combat power, there was no doubt that Bell's side had the absolute upper hand.

Therefore, the most important thing in this battle is not how to quickly knock down the opponent, but absolutely not allowing the opponent to gather together to form a joint force.

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