The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 377 The situation changes

"Quick! Dispel the smoke and dust!"

A black-robed wizard shouted.

Immediately afterwards, he was seen waving his magic wand, casting hurricanes one after another.

Obviously, there are many smart people among these black-robed wizards.

Based on the previous battles, some people also discovered that this group of wizards wearing strange masks who appeared out of nowhere were all extremely powerful. If they fight alone, they are no match at all.

And these smoke and dust were obviously created intentionally by the other party. The purpose is to disperse their power.

As the saying goes, when everyone adds firewood, the flames rise. With the efforts of hundreds of black-robed wizards, all the smoke and dust were blown away in a short time.

But then, they were horrified to find that they and others were surrounded!

There were originally less than 20 masked wizards, but their number increased several times to over a hundred.

Originally, the single combat power of our side was at a disadvantage, but now we no longer have the upper hand in terms of numbers. How can we still fight?

Immediately, some wizards retreated in their hearts.

After the first wizard who disapparated and ran away appeared, many more wizards quickly ran away.

"Wait! Those are all illusions!"

It was the wizard who took the lead in calling others to disperse the smoke. After a short observation, he had already seen through the illusions.

In fact, this is also a normal thing.

If it is just an illusion, then Bell is confident that it will be seamless. As long as it is not observed and touched at close range, it will never be seen through.

However, he created dozens of illusions at once and completed them in such a short period of time. He himself did not believe that he could confuse everyone on the other side.

"damn it!"

The black-robed wizard waved his wand forcefully in a venting manner, leaving a deep cut on the ground beside him.

His reminder was still too late, as more than 30 'cowards' had already run away.

After these more than 30 wizards left, minus the nearly 20 wizards who had been knocked down before, there were now less than 70 people left in the black-robed wizard's camp. Compared with the huge team at the beginning, the number of people has been reduced by about half.

With a wave of his hand, Bell dispersed the magical illusion in the field.

Now that they have been seen through by the other party, there is no point in continuing to maintain the existence of these illusions.

I don’t know how long the fight will take next. I’ll save my magic power if I can.

Having said that, the efficiency of these Aurors is too poor, right? It's been so long, why hasn't anyone come yet?

What Bell didn't know was that Aurors were already arriving one after another. However, because the number was too small, these Aurors did not dare to approach at all as they watched the fierce battle.

"Who are you? Why are you meddling in other people's business?"

Someone in the black-robed wizard camp asked loudly.

Obviously, this person is also a smart man, and he has realized that the current situation has changed from one-sided at the beginning to the current situation of 7 or 3?

Of course, it may also be 6 or 4.

Bell stood out from the crowd and walked to the front of the team regardless of Brandon's obstruction.

He glanced at the black-robed wizards in front of him, then put the wand to his throat.

Looking at the group of mice opposite who didn't even dare to show their faces (Black-robed wizard: 'Where did you get the nerve to talk about us!?'), the corners of Bell's mouth hidden under the mask slightly raised.

"We are... ho--!"

Powerful sound waves hit the ground, and cracks appeared again on the already dilapidated ground.

The black-robed wizards who were concentrating on hearing Bell reveal his identity covered their ears in pain.

Some of the weaker ones even fell to the ground, wailing and rolling around.

Looking at the black-robed wizard opposite who was wailing all over the place, and then at his young master beside him who was rubbing his throat, Brandon looked confused.

So it's not...

"Why are you still standing there? Come on!"

Bell glared at Brandon dissatisfied.

He now seriously doubts that the identity of the other team leader was obtained through the back door, right?

Faced with such a good sneak attack opportunity just now, the other party kept causing trouble for him and refused to let him come out.

Now that he succeeded in the sneak attack, the other party is still in a daze?

Don’t you know that on the battlefield, fighter planes disappear in a flash?

Sure enough, her sister was the best. The moment his sonic magic stopped, Shanna picked up the wand and threw a spell without saying a word.

"...Oh, come on! Come on, come on!"

Noticing the dissatisfaction in his young master's eyes, Brandon reacted and hurriedly called for others to cast spells and attack together.

At this moment, Brandon was simply ashamed.

They were in a daze before, and they didn't react until their own Miss Shanna rushed out.

Now, the group of them was stunned again, and they only started to attack after the lady cast the spell.

Moreover, based on the insidiousness and cunning shown by his young master just now, Brandon felt that he was basically cold...

The black-robed wizards were caught off guard again and again, and they even wanted to curse!

They have never seen such a shameless person!

Although until now, they still don't know the specific identities of the masked people on the other side, but judging from the unscrupulous behavior of the opponent's leader, they are definitely a group of dark wizards!

Much darker than them!

At this moment, this group of black-robed wizards secretly made up their minds. After today's incident is over, they will go to the gathering places for dark wizards in various countries to investigate the details of this group of masked wizards.

This account must be settled!

The war broke out again, but this time the pressure on Bell's side was much less than before.

It can even be said that thanks to Tobel's previous voice, the overall strength of the two parties has now become basically evenly matched.

After sensing the remaining magic power in his body, Bell didn't plan to get angry again.

After all, they are not Aurors, and catching criminals is not within the scope of their duties.

And strictly speaking, they seem to be criminals too?

Anyway, if Fudge was present and recognized Bell and others as members of the Menethil family, then Fudge would definitely order the Aurors to ignore the group of black-robed wizards opposite and annihilate Bell and others. Here.

With all these thoughts in his mind, Bell slowly waved his wand, blocking one spell after another for his sister and girlfriend.

As the saying goes, pick the soft persimmons and pinch them. Among all the people present, the ones who looked the weakest were undoubtedly the two small women, Zannah and Hermione.

Therefore, most of the curses from the opposite side were directed at the two women.

This was something the two women, especially Hermione, couldn't handle.

Standing at the back of the team, whenever he saw that Zannah or Hermione couldn't cope with it, Bell would shoot a simple 'magic bullet' to break the enemy's spell.

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