The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 378 Call it a day


Bell yawned.

To be honest, this scene of a group of people casting spells on each other is really boring.

And the only thing that keeps Bell from going back to sleep is...

"Brother! Brother! Look! I knocked down another one!"

Shanna shouted excitedly and showed her brother the results of her victory. In just a short while, she had already defeated three bad guys.


If she hadn't remembered that this was a battlefield, the little girl would have jumped up with joy.

This is so much fun!

"Sanna is so awesome! Come on!"

Ahem, yes, this is the motivation for Bell to persevere.

Although the overall strength of the two parties is evenly matched. However, the tacit cooperation among the members of the action team who have undergone rigorous training is completely incomparable to the scattered group of black-robed wizards opposite.

Not to mention, as a die-hard core member of the Menethil family, every member of the special operations team can be said to be the heart and soul of the Menethil family.

Therefore, in order to ensure their personal safety, the Menethil family spent a lot of money to equip each team member with a set of luxurious equipment.

Therefore, in terms of equipment, the members of the action team can be said to completely crush their opponents.

Not to mention, there are three Bells.

All the magic items possessed by the black-robed wizards combined could not equal what Shanna could hold by herself.

To sum up, a battle that was supposed to be evenly matched ended up being as one-sided as it is now.

In just such a short period of time, Bell had already knocked down nearly 10 people on the opposite side without any casualties.

So, when are the Aurors coming?

If he doesn't come again, maybe the black-robed wizard will lie down.

Could it be that the Aurors in the wizarding world are like the police in the movies, who have to wait until the incident is over before they appear to sweep the floor?

As the saying goes, Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, as soon as the above rude thoughts came into Bell's mind, there was a shock in his pocket.

He took out his personal terminal and took a look. A reminder of new information was displayed on the standby interface.

Opening it casually, Bell discovered that it was a message sent to him by Snelly, an old acquaintance he had met during the previous Dementor incident.

There are only 4 words in the message: ‘Already in place’.

Considering the identity of Snelly's Auror Squadron Captain, it is not difficult to know what exactly is in place.

"Withdraw! Withdraw! It's time to finish the work!"

It was finally time to go back to sleep, Bell eagerly greeted loudly.

After gathering some strength, Bell raised the wand upwards.


A thick stone wall quickly rose, blocking Bell and the others.

This time, the members of the action team finally showed their qualities. Without any hesitation, everyone immediately apparated away from the battlefield.

In a flash, Bell appeared next to Hermione. He grabbed Hermione's arm tightly and disappeared from the battlefield amid a burst of space distortion.

Seeing the masked wizards on the opposite side suddenly running away, the black-robed wizards all breathed a sigh of relief and had no idea of ​​stopping them.

Just kidding, they can't match each other in lane, if they continue to fight, they will collapse!

Now that the other side has taken the initiative to leave, it's too late for them to be happy, so how could they possibly stop him.

"Okay, now is not the time to relax, let's leave quickly."

A black-robed wizard said. After that, he also disapparated and left.

Although I don't know why the group of masked wizards on the opposite side suddenly left, it is impossible that something good will happen here. So it's better to just run away.

Hearing what the black-robed wizard said, everyone else nodded one after another, and then began to disapparate.

After about half of the surviving black-robed wizards left, the remaining ones either reacted a little slower or lacked control over the Apparition. The slower-casting black-robed wizards suddenly cried out sadly and indignantly. Found that they were surrounded!

A dense explosion sounded, and in just an instant, a large number of Aurors appeared around them. If they made the slightest move, they would shoot a magic spell at them without hesitation.

After comparing the number of themselves and the Aurors, these slow-running black-robed wizards slowly raised their wands... and knelt down!

"We surrender! We surrender!"

The black-robed wizards raised their wands above their heads with both hands, knelt on the ground with their heads lowered, and skillfully made a gesture of giving up resistance.

Just by looking at their flowing movements, it can be seen that these are a group of habitual criminals.

Ignoring the stories about the Aurors and black-robed wizards that followed, after dispersing the members of the action team, Bell took his sister and girlfriend back to the cabin.

As soon as they entered the wooden house, they saw Hermione's parents and Zanna's two good friends waiting anxiously in the living room.

Although they didn't know the details of the matter, through the vibrations on the ground and the dazzling magic light in the sky, they could realize that a battle beyond their imagination broke out in the distance.

Therefore, they are very worried, will the three Bell people who go out be in danger?

"Baby! Are you okay?"

As soon as they saw their daughter coming back, the Grangers immediately came to greet her.

They looked at Hermione carefully from top to bottom, fearing that their daughter was missing an arm or a leg or something.

At this moment, the Grangers regretted letting their daughter enter the magical world to learn magic. They never thought that the magic world could be so dangerous!

On the other side, Phyllis and Reina were also asking Shanna questions. While the two girls were worried about Shanna, they were also very curious about what was going on outside.

Listening to Shanna dancing and talking about the fierce battle before, the two little girls would exclaim from time to time. There was fear in their eyes, but also a trace of yearning, a yearning for power.

After a while, Hermione finally managed to calm her panicked parents.

After watching her parents return to the bedroom on the second floor, Hermione sat next to Bell.


Lowering her head, Hermione's voice revealed endless disappointment.

"!? What's wrong? Why are you apologizing?"

Bell looked at his girlfriend in confusion.

"In the previous battle, not only did I fail to help, but I have been doing a disservice."

In Hermione's view, if Bell had not been forced to stand behind her in order to protect her safety in the later stage, then with the powerful strength Bell had shown before, he would have been able to defeat the black group. The robe wizard took them all.

'It would be better if I wasn't so willful. ’

Hermione, who had no idea that her boyfriend was paddling on purpose, thought in despair.

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