The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 379 The Road to the Future


Bell grabbed Hermione's slender waist and hugged her tightly.

Now Hermione's parents had gone upstairs to sleep, and Zannah took her two good friends back to the bedroom to continue telling the story of the thrilling battle.

In other words, Bell and Hermione were the only two people left in the living room on the first floor.

"Your performance before was great! I can't believe it. Is this really your first time participating in actual combat?"

Bell said with a slight exaggeration.

Although strictly speaking, Hermione did not help much, but just because she could persist from the beginning to the end is already a very remarkable thing.

You know, today's battle is not as harmonious as when Shanna fought against the evil spirit last year.

The blood spraying all over the sky and the wizard wailing after being seriously injured will all bring great challenges to human nerves.

And when Hermione faced all this for the first time, her face was just slightly pale and she didn't even vomit. This was a huge step ahead of other peers.

"You just know how to comfort me."

Hermione patted Bell twice.

But even though she said that, it could still be seen from the slightly raised corners of Hermione's mouth that her praise of her boyfriend was very useful.

"Bell, tell me, when will I become as powerful as Zannah?"

Sighing, Hermione looked at her boyfriend expectantly and asked.

To be honest, when she saw Zannah standing next to Bell and fighting side by side, Hermione felt that Zannah was very handsome like that, which made her yearn for it extremely.

"...Probably, about 10 years."

After hesitating for a while, Bell decided to tell the truth.

He hates deception, and he won't tell lies that are destined to be discovered.

Therefore, even though he knew that this would make Hermione uncomfortable, he still told the truth about his estimated time.

"Does it take that long?"

As expected, after hearing Bell's answer, Hermione's heart felt as if it was squeezed tightly, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Not long ago. You have to know that Shanna started learning magic when she was more than 3 years old, nearly 8 years earlier than you.

If you only need 2 or 3 years to equal it, wouldn't it be unfair to Shanna? "

Holding Hermione's hand tightly, Bell placed his cheek on Hermione's head and rubbed it gently, hoping to soothe her lost mood.

In fact, what Bell didn't say was that normally, Hermione would never be able to catch up with Zannah.

Although Hermione was born into a Muggle family, her talents were outstanding, even surpassing those of most of her peers. However, compared to most pure-blooded young wizards, Hermione still has a certain gap in talent.

Of course, under the modern curse system, this gap in talent is not difficult to erase through diligent study and training.

However, this only applies to pure-blooded little wizards who don't work hard. For example, idiots like Crabbe and Goyle.

And for a little pure-blood wizard like Zannah, who is not only far more talented than Hermione, but also has strict demands on herself, it is already very difficult for Hermione to not be left further and further behind. .

So why did Bell give the answer '10 years' again?

Of course this wasn't Bell cheating on Hermione.

In fact, after coming into contact with the Philosopher's Stone, Bell had an idea: 'Can wizards directly use the magic power in the Philosopher's Stone to cast spells? ’.

As soon as this idea came up, it was firmly rooted in Bell's mind.

You know, for a wizard, it is not an exaggeration to say that the huge magic power that the magic stone can convert is unlimited.

And once a wizard can truly control the magic power in the magic stone, to what extent will the wizard's strength soar?

Bell didn't know.

Maybe you can break through directly to the realm of the ultimate wizard?

But regardless, it's something worth trying.

After trying from time to time over the past few years, Bell discovered that if he wanted to use the magic power in the Philosopher's Stone, he must overcome three major difficulties.

First, super strong magic control.

For wizards, the magic power in the magic stone is unfamiliar magic power and will be instinctively rejected by the body's own magic power.

If this kind of repulsion cannot be counteracted through precise control, let alone casting spells, the moment the magic power in the magic stone enters the body, the wizard will be seriously injured. In severe cases, he may even explode and die. .

Second, a strong body.

As foreign magic power, there is no compatibility between the magic power in the magic stone and the wizard's body.

Therefore, if there is no strong tolerance and adaptability to magic power, then after the magic power in the magic stone enters the body, it will inevitably cause damage to the wizard's body.

After all, no matter how precise the control of magic power is, it is impossible to completely prevent the magic power from coming into contact with the body.

Third, a firm mind.

Unlike the wizard's own magic power, which will actively receive the wizard's thoughts, as an external magic power, the magic power in the magic stone will not care about what the wizard wants to do.

Does that have anything to do with it?

Therefore, in order to make these magic powers work for him, the wizard must twist his thoughts into one, pierce the solid 'shell' of these magic powers like a needle, and force them to transform according to his own wishes.

I don’t know whether I should say lucky? Or are we reaching the same destination through different paths?

In short, the above three difficulties are exactly what Bell has been working towards.

As his sisters and girlfriends, Zannah and Hermione are also walking on the same path as him under Bell's strong request.

Therefore, by the 10-year period, Bell was not referring to the time it would take for Hermione to catch up with Zannah in terms of magical attainments. Rather, in his prediction, it was the time when Hermione would be able to initially use the magic power in the Sorcerer's Stone.

By then, with the help of the power of the Philosopher's Stone, although Hermione still cannot match Zannah, she can become extremely powerful and qualify to fight alongside Bell and Zannah.

Of course, even if the above three requirements are met, it does not mean that the wizard can hold the magic stone and exert the power to destroy the world.

Give a wizard a piece of unicorn tail hair, and the wizard may not be able to cast even the simplest fluorescent spell.

But give this wizard a wand with unicorn tail hair as the core, and he can cast a variety of powerful spells.

In the same way, if you want to successfully use the power in the magic stone, you also need to further process the magic stone.

Bell already had a rough plan in mind as to how it should be done.

But now the time has not come yet, all he needs to do is wait patiently and continue to enrich himself. The wands he has made now can only reach 80% of the power of Ollivander's wand.

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