The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 380 Bell is so angry!

"Bell, is there really no shortcut?"

In view of her past experience, Hermione suppressed the shame in her heart and asked expectantly.


"what's it……"

"But it's too dangerous and I won't let you do that."

Bell interrupted.

When he was practicing the Eternal Flame, he was seriously injured due to the rampage of magic power.

After that, his body's level of strengthening also skyrocketed in a short period of time.

If you use this method, I believe you will be able to achieve rapid strengthening in a short period of time.


Bell would never allow his family to use this method!

Even he himself, except for that accident, had never tried to use it again.

Because it is really too dangerous!

If you are not careful, you may leave irreparable injuries. Even more serious, direct death is very possible.

And, as the saying goes, haste makes waste. That kind of unscrupulous eagerness to achieve success, which is almost "evil", is likely to completely change a wizard's mind and personality, becoming like those crazy dark wizards.

After imagining Hermione turning into Bellatrix and being imprisoned in the deepest part of Azkaban, Bell was so frightened that he quickly shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind.

"Hermione, not all shortcuts are easy to take. Some shortcuts just look good, but actually require a higher price.

So promise me, adjust your mentality and don't be anxious.

Believe me, your wish will definitely come true. "

Holding Hermione's little face in his hands, Bell said seriously.


Nodding, Hermione agreed.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione adjusted her emotions with ease.

What? You ask, how can you adjust your mood so easily and so quickly?

Just kidding, it has become Hermione's daily routine to have an unbalanced mentality when spending time with these two 'monsters', the Bell brothers and sisters. Even the three views are subverted several times from time to time.

Therefore, regulating emotions and other skills are almost becoming Hermione's passive skills. There is no need to actively cast them at all, and there is no consumption.

"...By the way, Bell, what are you doing?"

I don’t know if it’s because of age, or because of enhanced magic power?

"They're still up there."

Hermione looked very confused.

"You said it was up there. Now there are only two of us down there, what are you afraid of?"

"But, what if wu~ uh..."

Bell blocked Hermione's 'but' with her mouth.

There was no way, he really couldn't spare any time.

Although his relationship with Hermione could not be said to be known to everyone, there was no doubt that it was clear to a few people upstairs.

So, what if?

Just in case.

Just as the two people's breathing became more and more rapid, and their movements became more and more bold, a dazzling green light beam suddenly shone in from the window, shining directly on the two people.

Then, a louder scream came again.

Obviously, something happened again outside.

"Bell, go and see what's going on."

Using all her remaining sense, Hermione reluctantly pushed Bell away.

With such a big commotion outside, the parents who just went upstairs would definitely notice it and come downstairs to inquire about the situation.

Hermione didn't want her parents to see her and Belle being intimate. Otherwise, she would be extremely shy and drag Bell with her to die in love!

Stand up, Bell is so angry!

He has the heart to kill!

Although he had no intention of 'eating' Hermione here, after all, his future father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sister Shanna were all on the second floor.

But it's always okay for him to play around with it!

As a result, now, he had just started and was forced to stop.

How can this discomfort be described!

So, everyone is a wizard. If there is any problem, can’t it be solved with a magic wand? Scream like crazy!

And what colors are these?

Don't let Bell know who created this green light, otherwise he will definitely throw the Cruciatus Curse at it and let the other party feel his anger!


‘Dong dong dong~’

A series of rapid footsteps sounded.

"Brother! Brother! Did something interesting happen outside again?"

Shanna, who was a little too energetic, rushed down at the lead.

"Brother? What are you two doing?"

Zannah asked confusedly, seeing Hermione's red cheeks and disheveled appearance.

"Ahem! No, it's nothing. Let's go out and take a look."

Bell hurriedly took two steps forward, stood between Zannah and Hermione, and pulled Zanna towards the door.


After giving her brother a confused look, Shanna put her previous doubts behind her.

She is more interested in the commotion outside now!

Just as he reached the door, a series of slight popping sounds came from outside.

Opening the door, Bell saw as expected that Brandon and others, who had just left not long ago, appeared outside the cabin again.

"Why are you back again?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

"Master, it's the Dark Mark!"

After walking a few steps, Brandon came to Bell, lowered his voice and spoke nervously.

Glancing up at the skull wrapped in poisonous snakes in the sky, Bell further confirmed that there was indeed something wrong with the aesthetics of the two-hole socket man.

This thing is so ugly, isn’t it?

"So? Voldemort is resurrected?"

"Uh, this...probably not."

Faced with Bell's inquiry, Brandon was stunned.

Although as a highly trained special operations team leader, even if the mysterious man does appear in front of him, Brandon is confident and courageous enough to take out his wand and do it if he doesn't accept it.

However, he really didn't have the courage to say the mysterious man's name himself.

So Brandon doesn't know whether to say that his young master is brave and talented? Or is it better for newborn calves not to be afraid of tigers?

"So the Death Eaters collectively escaped from prison?"

"Uh, well... I haven't received any such notification, so I probably haven't either."

"Then you are so panicked!"

Bell, who was full of resentment, glanced at Braden unhappily.

So this guy must have gone through the back door!

"But, Master, that's the Dark Mark! The Dark Mark is..."

"Okay, okay, stop it."

Taking out his wand, Bell pointed harder at the ugly mark in the sky.


With a piercing sonic boom, a huge hole appeared in the middle of the Dark Mark. The entire skeleton was broken by Lan Yao, and the remaining parts dissipated into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, it's gone now. Is there anything else? For example, someone is causing trouble again or something like that."

Bell's eyes were fixed on Braden, hoping to hear the word 'yes' from his mouth.

He is now full of evil fire, and he just wants to find a few "enthusiastic people" to help him vent it!

However, reality is often unsatisfactory.

"No, no."

Staring in disbelief at the darkened night sky, Brandon's eyes twitched uncontrollably.

‘My young master is too aggressive! Is this really the son of Patriarch William? ’

Glancing at Miss Shanna next to her, who immediately became very disappointed when she heard that no one was making trouble, Brandon quickly looked at her nose and heart.

He knows nothing!


Bell smacked his mouth in displeasure.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back and have a rest. It's been a tiring day."

After suppressing the evil fire in his heart, he also stepped on his feet twice. After pressing harder, Bell waved his hand helplessly, signaling Brayden and others to leave quickly.

"Master, do you want me to leave two people behind to protect you and the young lady?"

There were too many ink-related matters tonight. Even though he had already known about the extraordinary strength of his young master and young lady, Brendan was still very uneasy.

"No need, just go and do what you have to do!"

Just kidding, Bell would feel uncomfortable even if he slept with two doorkeepers around him.

"Oh, by the way! When you leave, remember to take Mr. Roberts and his family with you and send them to the Ministry of Magic."

Ever since he came back, Bell always felt as if he had forgotten something.

Now standing outside the wooden house, seeing Mr. Roberts' family of four lying under a big tree not far away, Bell finally remembered what he had forgotten.

I hope poor Mr. Roberts and his family won't catch a cold because of his little mistake. Otherwise he will feel guilty.


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