The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 381 Mother-in-law visits son-in-law

After the incident of the Dark Mark, nothing else happened that night.

Perhaps even the previous group of troublemakers were frightened by the sudden appearance of the Dark Mark in the sky?

‘Oh my God! Someone dared to destroy the Dark Mark! ? ’

In short, with many Ministry of Magic officials frustrated, this ordinary but impressive night finally came to an end.

Bathed in the warm morning sun, Bell breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he wanted to vomit away all the unhappiness and depression in his heart.

Bell was not interested in knowing the follow-up of many events. That is what my father is concerned about.

As a student at Hogwarts, Bell's first priority is studying! And play... ahem, this is called a balance between work and rest.

So, in these last days of summer vacation, Bell didn't go anywhere. Apart from picking up Hermione every day, she just stayed at home all day, reading books, studying magic and so on.

Then Bell was horrified to discover that his terminal illness (house) seemed to be relapsing again!

what to do! what to do! ?

Well, since it was said to be a terminal illness, after discovering that even magic power could not cure him, Bell decisively lay down.

Love as much as you like.

Cough cough cough! Back to business.

According to the principle of relativity, happy time is always short. Therefore, in Bell's senses, he just blinked a few times, and school was about to start again!

On the morning of September 1st.

Today, the Bell family deliberately left home early and used Floo powder to reach platform nine and three-quarters.

The reason why he came out early was because of something Bell heard from his girlfriend yesterday.

Walking across the platform alone, Bell's figure appeared in King's Cross Station.

After glancing at the approaching Ministry of Magic employee, Bell gently snapped his fingers, and a vague wave of magic energy emitted from Bell's fingertips, slightly interfering with the other person's perception.

Strictly speaking, what he did next was against the rules. Therefore, in order to save himself from trouble later, he decided to make some preparations first.

Watching the Ministry of Magic employee turn and leave, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

It has to be said that the power of Hua Guo's exercises is still very powerful. If he had been the person he was before he cultivated the technique, he would not have been able to interfere with the cognition of an adult wizard so easily without using a wand to cast spells.

By the way, Bell practiced the most common general skills and did not choose to practice sword cultivation skills such as the 'Ten Thousand Sword Art'.

The skills of sword cultivation will fundamentally change the nature of the magic power in the body, adding a 'sharp' characteristic to the magic power.

Although this can increase the destructive power of magic, it will also weaken the creativity of magic. For Bell, who doesn't plan to change his career to become a swordsman, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

Speaking of which, the path of swordsmanship is somewhat similar to that of Onmyoji, in that they both purely pursue destructive power.

However, considering that all dynasties in ancient China had to face invasions from surrounding barbarians. Is it normal for monks who need to frequently fight against barbarian shamans to develop such a method?

He took out his personal terminal and looked at the time. It would be a while before Hermione and her family arrived, so Bell took his time to observe King's Cross Station.

Speaking of which, the previous few times he came and left in a hurry, he had never looked at this place carefully.

King's Cross Station, built decades ago, has revealed a sense of decline under the baptism of time.

Of course, it can also be said to be the weight of history?

However, the peeling walls, slightly old equipment, and open-air platforms have not affected the status of King's Cross Station.

The bustling crowd and the honking of horns made Bell feel...somewhat uncomfortable...

Especially since today is the first day of school at Hogwarts, from time to time, little wizards will come here and enter platform nine and three-quarters.

This made Bell, who had been standing stupidly by the passage, receive a wave of curious eyes every once in a while.

There were even some timid little wizards who mistakenly thought Bell was a Muggle and stood there staring at Bell, not daring to go in.

In desperation, Bell had no choice but to reveal a part of his wand and show his identity as a wizard to the other party. Only then did the guys whose eyes almost turned red breathe a sigh of relief and move on.

In fact, it's not like Bell never thought of waiting somewhere else. But there were so many people coming and going here, and he was afraid that if he lost his focus, he would miss Hermione's family.

Although this possibility is very small, but everything is afraid of what if it is not?

Finally, after Bell had been waiting for seconds, Hermione's family appeared in Bell's eyes.

"Bell? Why are you here alone? Where are your uncle, aunt and Zannah?"

Hermione looked at the lonely Bell with confusion on her face.

"They are waiting on the platform. I came out specially to pick up you and your uncle and aunt."

After greeting Hermione's parents respectfully, Bell explained.

Hearing that Bell came out specifically to pick her up, Hermione's lips raised slightly, revealing a sweet smile.

But then, she noticed the blind spot in Bell's words.

"Wait! You said you are here to pick me up and my parents?"


Bell nodded, indicating that Hermione heard correctly.

"I heard you say yesterday that my uncle and aunt have always wanted to enter platform nine and three-quarters to see what the wizard's platform and the train look like. So I planned to pick up my uncle and aunt for a tour."

Although Bell didn't think there was anything interesting about the so-called wizard's platform and train.

However, since his future father-in-law and mother-in-law want to see it, then he, the prospective son-in-law, has to satisfy their curiosity, right?

In addition, for the sake of his own reputation, Bell felt that he needed to emphasize it.

As a British wizard who has inherited the fine tradition of respecting the elderly and caring for the young in China, what he did was really to honor his elders, and he had absolutely no intention of trying to please!

"Really? Bell, can we really go in and take a look?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Granger looked at Bell with surprise... No! He is his prospective son-in-law!

Originally, Mrs. Granger was quite satisfied with Bell. He is tall, handsome, well-mannered, and comes from a distinguished family. Most importantly, he is very good to his daughter!

Now, we have to add the aspect of respecting our elders.

When watching the Quidditch World Cup before, Mrs. Granger had inquired about it on the field. Full tickets to the Quidditch World Cup are very expensive. Moreover, it is so priceless that no matter how many people want to spend money, they cannot buy it.

As for such precious full tickets, Bell took the initiative to get 3 tickets for their family without saying anything. But not everyone can be so generous.

Didn't you see that even her husband, who had always disliked Bell, stopped saying bad things about Bell after getting the ticket?

Although I still say it occasionally.

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