The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 383 The collapsed snakes

Moreover, it's not Bell's fault. If he plays, no one else will have anything to do.

What’s the point of playing a game you’re destined to win?

"Hey~!? Brother Bell, you must have something to do, right? Or you can ask Uncle William for help."

Phyllis really hopes that Bell can participate in the Triwizard Tournament.

It's not that the little girl has any thoughts about Bell. The main thing is that she doesn't know how many times she has to hear Shanna praise her brother every day, so she is really curious about how powerful Brother Bell is, who even the powerful Shanna admires very much.

And this Triwizard Tournament happens to be a very good opportunity to show off your strength.

"I don't even know the screening mechanism now, so how do I know if there is anything I can do?"

After spreading his hands, Bell cast a veiled look at his sister.

He didn't want to have to deal with this issue with Phyllis.

Shanna, who had a close connection with Bell, immediately understood what her brother meant. She pulled Felice and started talking about things, and soon succeeded in diverting the other party's attention.

The afternoon passed quickly while chatting.

To be honest, Bell really can't understand it.

Where do these girls have so much to talk about?

Looking at the pouring rain outside the window, Hermione said worriedly:

"With such heavy rain, will the freshmen be in danger when they cross the lake?"

Shrugging, this kind of thing is not something Bell can decide.

And for children, it’s not necessarily a bad thing to suffer a little.

Anyway, with the protection of magic power, the most I can do is choke a few mouthfuls of lake water, get a little frightened or something, and my life will definitely be worry-free.

Holding Hermione's slender shoulders, the two followed Zanna's three little ones and walked slowly out of the train.

The Bells and the others, who used their magic power to block out the rain and walked leisurely in the heavy rain, formed a sharp contrast with the little wizards around them who were rushing past despite the rain.

Ignoring the envious and jealous looks of others, Bell looked into the distance, admiring the distant mountains, the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake under the rain.

The hazy world in front of him reminded Bell of the morning when he first arrived at Hogwarts, when he stood in the Ravenclaw common room and looked at the distant scenery.

He was still the same person, and the scenery was still the same, but his state of mind at this time had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seeing his sister jumping ahead and hugging Hermione's arm tightly, Bell felt extremely peaceful at this moment.

"What's wrong?"

Hermione turned to look at Bell.

Being sensitive, she noticed that her boyfriend seemed a little different at the moment?

"It's nothing. I just suddenly felt that it was great to meet you."

Lowering his head slightly, Bell leaned into Hermione's ear and whispered.

The sudden words of love made Hermione blush with embarrassment. She rolled her eyes at Bell coquettishly, and then silently squeezed into Bell's arms.

Since Bell and others were moving slowly, the nearby carriages were already occupied by other little wizards.

After a little effort, a few people finally found an empty carriage.

As soon as Bell and others, who were almost the last to arrive, entered the auditorium, the sorting ceremony began.

This year's sorting ceremony was no different. Young freshmen nervously waited for the final 'trial', and then happily entered their own colleges amid the welcoming applause of their seniors.

The sorting ceremony was quickly completed successfully. Dumbledore stood up and talked about some of the forbidden things in Hogwarts. Including but not limited to: not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest, not allowed to use wands in the corridors during class, not allowed to use prank items in the castle, etc.

When talking about prank items, Dumbledore also glanced at a pair of notorious twins from Gryffindor House.

It's a pity that even though Lao Deng has great magic power, he can't change the hopeless twins at a glance. Therefore, all he got back to him were the twins' innocent eyes.

"In addition, I would like to regret to inform you that the Quidditch Academy Cup will not be held this year."


Before Dumbledore finished speaking, noisy discussions filled the entire auditorium, as if they were trying to disperse the heavy dark clouds simulated by magic on the ceiling.

Among them, the one who reacted particularly fiercely was Gryffindor House.

You know, since Harry became the Seeker of Gryffindor House, their Gryffindor House has won the House Cup for three consecutive years.

And this year, the little lions also firmly believe that under the leadership of Harry, they will definitely win another championship and achieve an impressive record of 4 consecutive championships!

Then there are 5 consecutive championships, 6 consecutive championships... 100 consecutive championships!

As a result, what did Principal Dumbledore say now? No Quidditch House Cup this year?

Doesn't that mean that their astonishing feat of winning 100 consecutive championships will be achieved several years later! ?

How could this be?

On the contrary, the little lions of Slytherin House, who were eager to "make a big fuss in heaven", showed a lifeless atmosphere, completely unable to see the fighting spirit they had at the end of the previous school year. Full, it is inevitable to win the Academy Cup.

According to his sister's report, Bell learned that during the summer vacation, the little snakes really planned to pool their money to buy Firebolts as discussed at the last meeting of the last school year.

But the Firebolt, as the official broomstick for each national Quidditch team, is ridiculously expensive.

As for how outrageous?

After learning about the transaction price of the Firebolt, William beat his chest and regretted setting the price of the flying car too low.

He couldn't wait to return all the piles of flying car orders on hand, and then sell them to those customers after the price was raised.

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

If you want to buy 7 such expensive Firebolts, even if there are a lot of Slytherin students, it is still a big burden to divide it equally among every student.

Especially for lower-grade students with relatively little pocket money, in order to complete the quota assigned by the college and avoid being excluded, these little guys have to turn to their parents for help.

As we all know, the students in Slytherin House are basically purebloods.

Therefore, among these parents, there are also well-informed people.

When one little snake learned from his parents that Hogwarts would no longer host the Quidditch House Cup in the next school year, the other little snakes naturally knew it too.

Bell didn't know how the little snakes felt after learning the news.

But he learned from his father that during that time, many little wizards inexplicably fell in love with the extreme sport of bungee jumping.

From time to time, you can hear someone's child jumping off the roof again.

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