The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 384 The regretful Snape

Many parents feel dissatisfied after discovering their children's peculiar hobbies.

They trusted their children to Hogwarts and gave their professors full trust. Turns out, this is how professors repay their trust! ?

What nonsense did Hogwarts teach their children? ?

Some parents with hot tempers wanted to rush into Hogwarts with their sticks and go to Dumbledore for an explanation.

But considering that the gap in strength is too great, these parents finally said generously, let's see...

The one who was most devastated after hearing the news about the Triwizard Tournament was actually not the Slytherin snakes, but Snape, the dean of Slytherin House.

‘So why didn’t I agree to that brat Bell’s transfer request? ? ’

Snape just wanted to slap himself twice.

Although Snape had limited knowledge of Bell's strength. But he knows Shanna!

Coupled with the information obtained from Shanna's mouth, even considering the little girl's admiration for her brother, it may be somewhat exaggerated.

But even if it's a 50% discount, it's still much better than those uneducated losers in Slytherin House!

As the dean of Slytherin House, if there is anyone who knows the most about the magic level of the little snakes, it is undoubtedly Snape.

If Snape were asked to use one word to describe the level of students in Slytherin House in recent years, it would be: 'disgraceful'!

A group of pure-blood families have unique advantages over others, but look at the results, none of them can even get the first place in their grade! Why are you still alive? ?

To be honest, Snape really had no confidence at all whether his students could be elected as Hogwarts warriors.

In his calculation, the possibility is 80%... well, 80% is a bit too conservative.

There is a 9.5% chance that the brave will appear in other colleges.

When he thought of this, Snape wanted to slap himself twice.

If he had argued hard and agreed to Bell's transfer application, wouldn't it mean that the winner of the Triwizard Tournament was their Slytherin Academy's unofficial decision?

What? Are you saying that Bell's age does not meet the requirements?


Do you really think that his title of 'Potion Master' came from the strong wind?

Don't say he is 17 years old, even if he is 170 years old, it is nothing in front of the potion he brewed!

And once the Triwizard Tournament is won, the House Cup will undoubtedly belong to Slytherin House.

Just kidding, even a broken Quidditch champion can gain 150 points. For such a technical title as the Triwizard Tournament Champion, adding 1,500 points or something is not too much!

So, I don’t know if it’s too late to go through the transfer procedures for Bell now.

Theoretically speaking, it is possible.

However, the reality is that when Snape privately wrote a transfer application for Bell and placed it on the principal's desk, Dumbledore picked up the quill with a smile, without even looking at it, there was nothing on the application. Marked with a big X.

Looking at Dumbledore's old face with a kind smile, Snape really wanted to mix up a bottle of super corrosive potion and throw it on his face.

I heard from Zannah that a liquid called 'Aqua Regia' developed by Muggles is very corrosive? Be sure to study it carefully when you go back!

"Quiet! Children, please be quiet!"

After letting the little wizards vent their inner excitement for a while, Dumbledore continued:

"The reason why we won't hold the Quidditch House Cup is because we will hold a large-scale event in October this year.

This activity will last throughout the year and occupy a lot of professors' time and energy.

Therefore, we have sadly had to cancel the Quidditch House Cup.

But I believe that you will all have enough fun from this large-scale event.

Now, I am very pleased to announce that it will be held at Hogwarts this year..."

‘Bang~! ’

A deafening loud noise interrupted Dumbledore's announcement of the name of the event. The door of the auditorium was violently knocked open from the outside.

The little wizards immediately cast angry glances in the direction of the auditorium door.

Who is this! This is how you choose your time. Can't it be a few seconds later?

However, after seeing the figure walking in from the gate, most of the little wizards lowered their heads in fear.

It wasn't the prominent identity of this figure that frightened these lawless little wizards.

But the appearance of this figure is really a little too scary.

It was an older man. He took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a head of gray hair.

Through the bright firelight in the auditorium and the lightning that flashed across the dome from time to time, everyone could clearly see that this man's face was covered with criss-crossing scars. His mouth was crooked, like a gaping hole. The nose is flat, with only two scary holes.

However, these are not the most frightening aspects of the old man. What really suffocated the little wizards was the old man's obviously abnormal eyes.

One of the old man's eyes is very large, with a bright blue pupil.

This blue eye was spinning around in the old man's eyes, as if it was alive, scanning everything in the auditorium.

It would also roll over to the back of the old man's head from time to time, leaving only a big white eyeball visible.

Apparently, this is a magic eyeball.

The old man limped toward the teacher's seat, leaning on a long crutch. From the 'dong dong' knocking sound, the little wizard with sharp ears could tell that one of the old man's legs must also be fake.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of danger a person must go through to become like this?

And how can a person overcome so many dangers and survive in the end?

It was difficult for the young wizards to understand, but an emotion mixed with admiration and fear was involuntarily generated in their hearts, causing everyone to keep quiet subconsciously.

Just like that, with everyone watching in silence, the old man walked to Dumbledore's side.

He stretched out his hand and shook Dumbledore's hand.

Some young wizards who were closer could clearly see that the old man's hands, like his face, were covered with scars and no intact skin could be found.

After a brief exchange of words, after the old man took his seat, Dumbledore looked at the curious little wizards again.

"Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor—Professor Moody!"

Dumbledore said cheerfully. After saying that, he took the lead in applauding.

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