The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 385 Snape is crazy?

Facts have proved that the principal's face is not easy to use in many cases.

Except for the silly big guy Hagrid, who immediately followed Dumbledore when he saw him applauding, no one else clapped along... No, it seems there is a guy who can't read the atmosphere.

The eaglets in Ravenclaw all cast curious glances at Bell.

Yes, the guy who can't read the atmosphere is Bale.

Looking at Professor Moody sitting on the professor's chair, Bell applauded while recalling his time as a child.

I still remember that during the period when he was crazy about asking for tutors, Professor Moody was the one who impressed him the most.

Not only did he learn a lot of practical precautions from Professor Moody, he also learned the Auror training methods, and based on this, he improved the details of various basic trainings.

At the same time, under the influence of Professor Moody, during that time, Bell always felt that his father William wanted to harm him!

There is no way, the only people he has the most contact with are his family members. As for his sister and mother, it is certainly impossible for him to be unfavorable to him.

Then the remaining one can basically be put into practice.

Dumbledore glanced at Bell with the same surprise. He didn't expect that the brat Bell would be so generous today?

Is there any conspiracy?

However, in view of his great strength, Dumbledore is not afraid of any conspiracy.

Clearing his throat, Dumbledore continued the interrupted topic.

"As I said before, this year, we will be honored to host an event that has not been held for more than a century. I am very happy to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year. Held again!”

Before Dumbledore finished speaking, an even louder noise filled the entire auditorium once again.

Those who don’t know about the Triwizard Tournament are asking around for the details of the Triwizard Tournament.

Those who knew about the Triwizard Tournament were shouting excitedly.

After giving the young wizards some time to digest, Dumbledore briefly introduced some of the circumstances and history of the Triwizard Tournament. After he told the newly added rules this year, 'Only students over 17 years old are allowed to participate. ’ After that, a dissatisfied protest immediately sounded in the auditorium.

Just kidding, if you are required to be over 17 years old, doesn't that mean that only 6th and 7th grade students, as well as some 5th grade students with later birthdays, can participate?

How can the itchy junior wizards accept this?

However, no matter how much they protest, it is obvious that the young wizards cannot change the rules of the Triwizard Tournament.

Amid the sound of wailing all over the place, time finally came to the dinner part that Bell was most looking forward to.

Looking at Bell who was engrossed in eating, the eaglets in Ravenclaw around him were already very surprised.

There are even kind-hearted seniors who are trying to explain the taboo of Vinclaw College to the freshmen who have just entered this year - they cannot sit next to Bell to eat!

Of course, if you want to lose weight, that's free.

After a peaceful and comfortable night, Bell's fourth year at Hogwarts had officially begun.

What is different from previous years is that due to Dumbledore's announcement last night, almost all the young wizards have been discussing the topic of the Triwizard Tournament since early in the morning.

Among them, the most frequently mentioned topic is the age limit.

Of course, the little wizards mostly complained about the unreasonableness of this rule, but in their hearts, they had no choice but to agree with this rule.

Except for the little lions of Gryffindor...

From a long distance away, Bell could hear that a group of people at the Gryffindor table were having a heated discussion on how to get around the age limit.

Obviously, they are wishful thinking.

The professors are not stupid. The school also has clear statistics on everyone's birth date. How could they be allowed to get away with it?

Because the Gryffindor table was too noisy, Bell took Hermione to the Slytherin table to eat.

(The main reason is that Hermione has never eaten at the Slytherin table, so Bell specially brought her here to try something new. Although the food is the same.)

Slytherin House is worthy of being Gryffindor House's sworn enemy for many years. Not only in daily study life, the two colleges have to fight each other from time to time.

Now, even the atmosphere at the dinner table was completely opposite between the two colleges.

In fact, when he first learned about the Triwizard Tournament, it was not that there were no senior little snakes who thought about competing for the Triwizard Tournament championship. Maybe it will be done?

However, the little snakes who had this idea received three consecutive blows from their classmates, parents, and Professor Snape, and finally had to give up their naive ideas.

Unlike the little lions who are always confident, the little snakes are still very pragmatic.

After all, if you can't recognize the gap between yourself and your enemy, how can you successfully carry out machinations?

In this way, after enjoying breakfast in a peaceful and pessimistic silence, Bell separated from his sister and girlfriend and walked to the Potions classroom alone.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Bell expected to see Professor Snape standing on the podium at the front of the classroom.

He glanced at Snape strangely. It was still a long time before class started. He had never seen Snape come to the classroom so early before.

"Good morning, Professor."

Regardless of the doubts in his heart, Bell politely asked Snape hello.


However, unexpectedly, Snape glared at Bell angrily, as if Bell owed him money.


Now Bell was even more confused.

Did Snape take some medicine? Or took the wrong medicine? Could it be that he dreamed about Harry and his father last night?

Bell suddenly realized!

Bell glanced at Snape with pity. As a 'successful man' who had successfully become single, Bell decided generously not to argue with Snape.

Who hasn’t been a ‘licking dog’ yet?

Long live understanding.

Silently finding a seat in a corner to sit down, Bell took out a magic book and wanted to take advantage of the time before the potions class started to read the book.

"Bell, do you want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament?"

Snape's gloomy voice suddenly sounded in the classroom, startling Bell.

"In no mood!"

Although he was surprised that Snape would take the initiative to chat with him, Bell still gave a negative answer without any hesitation.

"very good!"

Snape said happily. He looked as excited as if he had won the lottery.


Could it be that after so many years of suffering, and with Harry hanging around under his nose every day in recent years, Snape finally couldn't bear the tremendous pain and went completely crazy?

Thinking of this, Bell's eyes when he looked at Snape became even more pitiful.

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