The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 389 Hermione wants to learn to apparate

The moment the bell rang, Hermione immediately took her boyfriend's hand and ran towards the castle.

I have no choice but to run away!

What if Professor Hagrid discovers that Bell is abusing small animals and punches Bell in anger?

No matter who gets into trouble in the end, nothing good will happen.

"Okay, Hermione, you've run far away."

Dragging Hermione, who was blushing and panting, Bell said casually without blushing or panting.

Not to mention that the Blast-Ended Skrewt couldn't speak human language at all, so there was no way he could complain to Hagrid.

Even if the Blast-Ended Skrewt really came to complain to Hagrid, Bell still wouldn't give in.

Cruelty to animals?


This is called training! understand?

Those cats, dogs, etc., have gone through generations of training in this way, and finally succeeded in becoming human beings' good friends.

"Bell, you, you really didn't kill that Blast-Ended Skrewt, did you?"

Hermione asked breathlessly.

When get out of class was about to end, the snail's belly was almost bursting with lettuce leaves. It took several hard pokes before he could barely move (or twitch?). All in all, it just didn’t have the full energy it had at the beginning.

"Don't worry, how could I possibly kill it?

I promise, next time we go to class, you will definitely see that squid jumping around. "

Of course, this requires Hermione to be able to tell which one among a group of slimy and disgusting snails is the one that Bell has 'trained' today.

"That's good, that's good."

Patting her chest, Hermione finally felt a little more relieved.

Then, she looked at Bell angrily and complained:

"Don't do that again next time, you hear me!"

The main reason was that at the beginning, Hermione was very angry when she saw that the snail actually attacked Bell.

Although many other students were injured by bomb-tailed snails, how could those people compare with their own Bell?

Therefore, at the beginning, the angry Hermione did not stop Bell from teaching the Blast-Ended Skrewt a lesson.

As a result, by the time she wanted to stop it, it was already too late. The bomb-tailed snail was already lying dead, foaming at the mouth.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Bell smiled and tidied Hermione's hair that was blown by the wind, put his arm around Hermione's shoulders, and walked towards the castle not far away.

"By the way, Bell, as I told you before, you want to learn how to apparate. Is that okay?"

Smelling the fragrance of grass on the tip of her nose, Hermione suddenly said.

She wanted to talk to Bell about this during breakfast. As a result, after discovering that most of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were taking this semester's courses, they unhappily forgot about them.

When she went to Mars during the summer vacation, because she couldn't use apparation, she couldn't withstand the violent space squeeze, and ended up vomiting all over Bell.

Hermione felt very embarrassed about this.

Especially when compared with Zanna, who was only slightly pale at the time, Hermione felt even more ashamed and angry.

Therefore, as soon as she returned from Mars, she made a request to Bell to learn how to apparate.

But he was rejected by Bell...

Because she was learning Legilimency at the time. Therefore, at Bell's request, she had to temporarily put aside her obsession with apparation and devote all her energy to learning Legilimency.

Finally, after a whole summer of study, she thought she was able to use Legilimency proficiently. So today, she once again made a request to learn how to apparate.

"Try using Legilimency on me."

Loosening his arm around Hermione, Bell decided to give Hermione a simple 'final exam' right here.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione pointed her wand at Belle's head.


The white light flashed away, and then a large number of pictures appeared in Hermione's mind.

There are scenes when she and Bell first meet, there are scenes when she and Bell face the troll, there are scenes when she and Bell are dating, there are scenes when Bell fights the basilisk, there are...

"Wait! Bell, can the Basilisk transform into a little lolita?"

Looking at the scene in my mind, when Bell was fighting the basilisk, the ferocious basilisk suddenly transformed into a cute little loli?

Hermione felt her outlook crumbling again.

'This is not magical at all...'

Okay, this does look pretty magical.

"Pfft~! Haha~ahhahaha~!"

Seeing Hermione's stunned and cute expression, Bell couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"You, you lied to me! I'll beat you to death!"

Realizing that Bell had tricked her, Hermione's face instantly turned red with embarrassment. She clenched her show fist and hit Bell's chest hard.

Although to Bell, Hermione felt more like she was giving him a massage.

"You're still laughing! Don't laugh! Don't laugh anymore!"

Seeing that the more she beat him, the happier Bell laughed, Hermione just wanted to throw a curse at Bell so that he would never laugh again.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I stopped laughing."

Bell, who was ready to give up, stopped laughing before Hermione could get angry.

After rubbing his stomach that hurt from laughing, Bell stood up straight again.

“The reason why I do this is actually to let you know that the memories obtained through Legilimency are not necessarily true.

Especially at a low level, if you encounter a target who is proficient in Occlumency, you will easily be misled by the other party.

So, you have to be alert at all times. "

Bell said earnestly.

So he wasn't really messing with least not the main purpose.

After staring at Bell suspiciously for a while, until the serious expression on Bell's face was almost unbearable, Hermione reluctantly let him go.

While keeping Bell's words in mind, Hermione looked at Bell expectantly and asked:

"Then can I start learning Apparition?"


After breathing a sigh of relief, Bell replied in the affirmative.

In fact, after going through an ultra-long-distance Apparition to and from Mars, and following Bell on many apparition trips during the summer vacation, for Hermione now, she is only one step away from mastering this spell. .

As long as Hermione starts to formally learn this spell, I believe that within a week, she will be able to move through space alone.

"Great! Let's start studying in the evening!"

Hermione almost jumped with joy.

Once she learned how to apparate and apparate, the next time she went to Bell's house, there would be no need for Bell to pick her up.

That way, she can conduct surprise inspections!

"Not tonight. I've been tired all day, and night is not the right time to learn that kind of dangerous magic. Let's wait until the weekend."

Although in theory, it should be a matter of course for Hermione to master Apparition.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand in everything, just be afraid of the unexpected.

If Hermione accidentally experiences a splitting phenomenon when she first learns to apparate due to fatigue, it might cause a psychological shadow on Hermione.

In that case, it might take a lot of time for Hermione to overcome her fear and become proficient in Apparition.

As the saying goes, haste makes waste, so let’s wait until the weekend to talk about it, not less than two days.


Although she was somewhat reluctant, Hermione had always followed Bell's instructions when it came to learning magic.

Therefore, she could only work hard to suppress the impatience in her heart and look forward to the weekend coming soon.

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