The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 390 Teenagers and girls who worry about gains and losses

Joy and laughter filled the Hogwarts castle.

Children can always find joy in trivial things that adults cannot understand.

Some people call this innocence, while others see it as childishness.

Maybe it was his own misunderstanding, but Bell always felt that Harry always seemed to like to hang out with his girlfriend recently?

Under Bell's insinuation...well, it was actually Hermione who came to him on her own initiative.

It turns out that Harry fell in love with a fifth-year Ravenclaw senior named Qiu Zhang.

Since Hermione often went to Ravenclaw to find Bell, Harry finally plucked up the courage after much thought and came to ask Hermione if she had any information about Cho Chang.

Of course Hermione... doesn't understand.

Apart from Bell, Hermione only knew Penelo and little Luna in Ravenclaw House.

Oh, by the way, Penelo-senpai has graduated, which means she only has Luna as her acquaintance now.

As for the others?

Not everyone has the courage to get close to the ‘Devil King’s’ girlfriend.

Therefore, at Harry's request, Hermione asked Bell for information about the senior named Qiu Zhang when she came to find him.

By the way, let’s test Bell’s attitude!

Ahem, Hermione won't tell others, the latter is her main purpose.

No way, the girl who could enchant the legendary 'savior' Harry must be very beautiful and outstanding.

In addition, the other party is in the same college as her boyfriend, which occupies the right time and place.

Hermione couldn't help but be vigilant!

"Qiu Zhang?"

There was a question mark on Bell's forehead. Is there such a person in their college?

How come he doesn't know.

Well, Bell can basically recognize the faces of the classmates in his college. After all, as long as they met once, Bell could use Legilimency to search for the other person in his mind.

But this name... It's embarrassing to say that he still hasn't remembered all the names of his roommates.

Giving her boyfriend a rollicking look, Hermione seriously suspected that Bell was pretending to be dumbfounded.

So, she looked at Luna across the dining table.

"Luna, do you know Senior Sister Qiu Zhang? She should be a fifth-year student in Ravenclaw House."

"I know, right over there."

"Which one?"

Bell looked curiously.

Although he is a male, this does not prevent him from having a soul that loves gossip.

It's just that he has no interest in knowing about ordinary people's gossip.

But Harry is no ordinary person. You know, he still has an agreement with Sirius to protect Harry's safety in Hogwarts.

So as an outstanding young man with a strong commitment, Bell must of course look after Harry.

What if that Cho Chang was actually sent by a Death Eater to seduce Harry?


"It's the one with black hair...hahaha, black hair, haha..."

Seeing Luna, who was getting nervous every day and suddenly started laughing, Bell couldn't even feel the desire to complain.

I don’t know if it was influenced by her own talent, but Luna’s laughter is always very strange, and she especially has a soft spot for cold jokes.

"Oh, it turns out it's her."

Bell curled his lips, his desire for gossip was satisfied, and he felt a sense of boredom.

Speaking of which, although he didn't remember the other party's name, Bell was really impressed by Qiu Zhang.

Of course, it wasn't that he coveted the other person's beauty or anything like Hermione thought. It's because the other party is a rare Chinese-American.

As the only "fellow fellow" in Hogwarts, the British magic school, when he met him for the first time, Bell looked at him curiously.

The deepest impression the other party left on Bell was that... she was a pretty ordinary girl.

Appearance, body, talent, grades, all aspects are quite ordinary.

"Hey!? Um, isn't that Ravenclaw's Seeker?"

Hermione covered her mouth in surprise.

Harry was too nervous and shy before, so he didn't explain even these basic information to Hermione clearly.

He glanced furtively at Belle. Based on Hermione's understanding of Bell, maybe he would like this kind of athletic girl?

After all, Bell does very high-intensity exercise every day, and Bell quite likes Quidditch.

Bell, who didn't know that his girlfriend was worrying about gains and losses, had no interest in caring about these things at this time.

He slumped in a chair and was leisurely enjoying the dessert after the meal.

It's just a Seeker, what's all the fuss about?

If it weren't for Ravenclaw's traditional yin and yang decline, and if the eaglets prefer to study quietly compared to sports like Quidditch, if it were replaced by the other three houses, Qiu· Zhang is not a seeker at his level.

"Bell, what do you think of Senior Qiu Zhang?"

She looked at her boyfriend's lazy look with suspicion. Although it was no different from usual, in Hermione's eyes at this moment, she looked suspicious.

She seriously suspected that Bell was deliberately hiding something.

"How to watch? How else can you watch? Stand and watch, sit and watch, and lie down to watch."

"Lie, lie down and watch!?"

After giving his girlfriend a strange look, Bell touched her forehead with his hand.

No fever either.

So what happened to Hermione today? Why do you always give people a weird feeling?

Slapping Bell's hand away, Hermione glared at Bell fiercely and asked:

"Come on! How did you, how did you lie down and watch!?"


Bell was speechless.

He just said it casually. He had never seen it while lying down.

Seeing Hermione's unreasonable behavior, Bell felt... so cute!

Holding Hermione in his arms, Bell placed his cheek on Hermione's head and rubbed it hard.

"Let, let go quickly!"

After forcefully breaking away from Bell's arms, Hermione adjusted her hair and clothes with a flushed face.

Really! This guy Bell doesn't know how to act just because he sees the situation!

Bathed in the cannibalistic gazes of everyone around her, Hermione was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

After Hermione fell into shyness and had no time to trouble him again, Bell finally had some free time and looked at the Gryffindor table.

There, Harry was staring hard.

‘Speaking of which, the so-called love for Qiu Zhang is not just a smoke bomb thrown by that boy Harry, right? The real purpose is to get closer to Hermione? ’

Rubbing his chin, Bell felt that he couldn't figure out the truth.

It seemed that besides Ron and Neville, he would also have to be wary of Harry in the future.

By the way, what is going on with these three brats! No matter how strong a relationship is, there must be a limit, okay?

'I wonder how the search for information about Hermione went? Why is she still having sex with Belle? Could she have forgotten the real thing? ’

Staring at Hermione's back, Harry thought anxiously.

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