If Ron's fear of spiders comes from nature, then Harry and Neville's fear of spiders was simply tricked by Hagrid.

At this moment, the three people once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the giant spider...

In short, after a lot of jumping up and downs, after Harry and the three of them moved to the seats at the back of the classroom, the class finally got back on track.

Looking at Harry and the other three people far away from him, Bell's mouth corners slightly curled up without leaving any trace.

He wouldn't say that he actually did it on purpose. The reason is to keep these three brats away from his girlfriend.

"Okay, let's get started."

Professor Moody paused his cane again and urged.

A lot of time has been wasted just now, and what he hates most is wasting time. In the fight against the dark wizard, wasting time is equivalent to seeking death.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his emotions, Bell lit the wand on the 'little' spider again.

"The soul is out of body!"

Picking up a quill, Bell used the transformation technique to turn it into a microphone and handed it to the 'little' spider's 'hand'.

Then, suddenly, the music started playing, and a burst of exciting BGM reached the ears of the little wizards.

"So what if I'm reincarnated as a spider!

So annoying! So annoying! I have already won for sure..."

I saw the spider's hand holding the microphone, its ferocious mouthparts colliding rapidly, and it started to sing while twisting and dancing, looking like it was extremely high.

"Ahem! Bell, that's almost it!"

Professor Moody, who was almost broken by Bell's dirty tricks, wanted to put his cane on the other person's head and give this brat a shot to see what kind of mess he had in his head. s things!

have a look! Take a look! What a mess his serious and solemn classroom had been made into!

"Those over there, if you don't sit down, I'm going to deduct your college points!"

Under the gaze of Professor Moody's terrifying eyes, several young wizards who had also gotten excited immediately sat back on their chairs tremblingly.

"Professor, I just see that everyone is too nervous..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and hurry up to the next one!"

Professor Moody waved his hand impatiently, interrupting Bell's 'quibble'.

If the other party continues to act like this, his character will collapse.

"All right."

Bell shrugged ruefully.

Then, without seeing him doing anything, the exciting music reverberating in the classroom instantly dissipated.

After turning the microphone back into a quill and returning it to its original place, Bell looked regretfully at the 'Spider' who was lying motionless on the ground.

'Goodbye, Spider-Man. Although the time is short, but... your singing is really terrible! ’

Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, Bell became determined.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"


Rubbing his ears and looking at the staggering classmates in the classroom, Bell regretted making the spider so big.

Under the torture of the Cruciatus Curse, this poor 'little' spider curled up into a ball in pain, rolling on the ground while letting out a harsh whine.

Compared to this sound, which sounded like fingernails scratching a blackboard, Ron's scream before was as gentle as a lover's whisper.


Professor Moody is so angry! He already regretted asking this damn brat to come up and demonstrate.

If he had known that the other party was so out of tune, he shouldn't have been so lazy in the first place!

If you think about it carefully, casting the Unforgivable Curse on a small spider doesn't seem to consume much magic power?

As for the other little ulterior thoughts in his heart... they are all said to be ulterior.

"Shut it up now!"

Covering his ears, Professor Moody ordered with pain.

"…As you wish, Professor."

After giving Professor Moody a meaningful look, Bell raised his wand again.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The dazzling green light flashed away. The spider, which had been struggling in pain just now, finally got rid of the torture of the Cruciatus Curse and left this sinful world peacefully.

Dead silence.

The classroom that was bustling with activity one second fell into deathly silence in an instant.

The little wizards no longer cared about their ears being stung by the sharp sound. They either stared blankly at the motionless spider corpse on the ground, or looked at Bell in fear as he slowly put away his wand.

I believe that after this class ends, Bell's reputation as the 'Devil King' will definitely reach a higher level.

By the way, what should be on top of ‘Demon King’?


A thin-skinned person like Bell would be extremely shy if he was called a 'demon'.

"So, Professor, do you have any other instructions?"

Lowering his head and bowing to Professor Moody, Bell tried his best to avoid looking at him.

He didn't want the other person to see the look in his eyes now.

"No, it's okay. You did a good job. Ten points for Ravenclaw. Go back to your seat."

Looking at the slowly shrinking spider corpse in front of him, Professor Moody said in a complicated tone.

He really didn't expect that Bell could successfully cast the Avada Kedavra.

Could it be that Dumbledore wasn't teasing him? The students in Hogwarts are really excellent now?

Next, Professor Moody explained the knowledge about the three unforgivable curses to the little wizards in detail, and asked everyone to write down everything he said in their notebooks, verbatim, for the next class. There will be spot checks beforehand.

Finally, amidst the rustling sound of writing, the get out of class bell rang.

When Professor Moody announced that get out of class was over, the little wizards immediately packed up their things, and then... sat motionless in their seats and stared at Bell wildly.

There was no other way, so Bell and Hermione sat at the seats closest to the door. If Bell didn't leave, they really didn't have the courage to walk past each other.

What if the other party suddenly pulls out their wand and casts a life-killing curse, just like killing the spider before, killing them too?

Looking back behind him, Bell felt strange.

Normally, as soon as the professor announces that get out of class is over, some little wizards will rush out of the classroom impatiently.

Why is it that it's been a while since today and there's still no movement at all?

Until Bell discovered that wherever he glanced, the little wizards would immediately lower their heads, not daring to look at him. But after his eyes left, the little wizards would raise their heads again, without blinking. After staring at him, Bell realized.

This is all waiting for him to leave first!

Facing this kind of super-high-end treatment that Voldemort probably didn't even enjoy when he was in school, Bell didn't know what to think.

As for it, it's just three broken spells. He will be able to use them when he is 8 years old.

Even Shanna, although she learned it a little later than him, didn't wait until she was 9 years old.

Shaking his head, Bell stood up and walked out of the classroom.

And Hermione, who was unusually silent for some reason, quickly stood up and followed Bell's footsteps.

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